1 Post – 248 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Ah this explains it. I always figured the coil was faulty which is why I was so confused how it could just suddenly work after not working out of the box. But the wick being dry makes more sense. I'm glad I hung on to them

Dog groomers get almost zero legal repercussions for mistreating dogs. It has to be undeniable that the groomer injured the dog on purpose before anything really happens. That's why it's SO important to trust the person grooming your dog if they're the type of breed that needs it.

I didn't know what it was called, but I think it's common knowledge at this point that banks don't actually have all our money. Pretty sure we (Americans at least) found that out during the great depression when everyone was trying to withdraw their money at the same time.

Unnecessary bravery is identical to stupidity

Probably shit over the edge if you can't hold it

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Considering it's one the oldest/longest lasting, that checks out

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The major ones are about loving people in said religion. People who don't follow "the rules" can get fucked.

The shelters that do kill dogs don't just kill aggressive dogs though, they kill dogs they think nobody will want too. My boss has the most beautiful dog I've ever seen but he's deaf so you have to communicate with him through hand movements. Before she got him the shelter was going to kill him in a few weeks. This wasn't a Pit or any other dog some people think are inherently aggressive The thought that they would have killed this dog if my boss's boyfriend hadn't noticed how special he was, haunts me every time I think about it.

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I hadn't thought about it until now but what do redditors who didn't migrate say about us? I'm really curious now but I don't want to look. I've only been on the site a couple times since the blackout and they were for specific reasons * I don't want to ruin my streak * . Does anyone here use both regularly?


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Unless you're referring to fake meat like impossible burger, what is wrong with lab grown meat? Does the nutritional value change when cells are cloned or something?

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I loved Eagle Eye when it came out, I was 10(?). I never ever see it get mentioned though, maybe it doesn't hold up idrk but the concept is great and shows exactly how that could happen

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The people who are buying it off the street can't afford it full price. So what is your point exactly?

I love Turkish delight. Rose flavor is my favorite

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What would be normal if this isn't? It's cold and sunny, then when it warmed up a bit, it rained. That sounds normal to me

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Good point, but learning requires excessive free time. I'm working or sleeping and on the days that I don't work I just want to play my games, eat ice cream and not have to re-learn how to use a computer

Okay, that's slightly disappointing but nothing surprising. I appreciate the well thought out response, thank you.

Kind of seems like the scale will always be tipped on reddits side but hopefully that doesn't discourage the people who actually do come here. As long as Lemmy is active, I don't plan on using anything else. My reddit account was over a decade old and I'm hoping my Lemmy account will last even longer. Should I move instances?

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Why stop at EU? We should have these everywhere and have them change locations randomly every day

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Why wouldn't it seal?

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But that's what that sentence means.

"... ousted from Congress after fabricating...." The key word here is "after"

Edit: if it said he was ousted from Congress BEFORE fabricating his life story than your correction would be accurate.

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"unpopular" 😂😂

To your last comment, they always go back to the one time trump was asked about the war and his response was "I just want people to stop dying" it doesn't make any sense to me, if you're going to hang on to a few words someone says than you should also hang on to EVERYTHING else they say too. But this will help me point to a few things instead of just saying he's a better option than trump because of shit he's done/said

Edit: thank you

You've changed my opinion enough for me to believe that in rare circumstances hormone blockers could be okay. But I don't think it should be the child or the parents decision. It should be a psychological professional that decides. If the kid goes to therapy every month/week from the time they decide they are in the wrong body until they would need the drugs and the medical professionals decides it's more than consistent and not just a kid saying stupid shit then fine. But I'm just imagining me as a kid saying something like that then the adults in my life changing me forever even though I didn't really understand what I was saying. I said/believed a lot of stupid shit as a kid so the idea of my body changing forever because I said something, really scares me.

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Thank you for educating me instead of getting mad. I appreciate it. You have successfully changed my opinion on the matter.

Thank you

I'm surprised nobody here thinks porn adverts and fucking in public isn't bad. Anyone with kids should not want to live somewhere like this cartoon. Other than that and the statue of Clinton getting head it's fine. The right is wrong to use children as an excuse to get away with bad legislation or to stop the good. To not consider children at all and how the world will effect them is almost worse.

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This looks amazing. Ig I have no reason to think so but I really hope it releases on PC at the same time as consoles

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Thank you for this, my jaw literally dropped when I read the title

Maybe it's easier to boost iron in corn than rice? But that's pure speculation, not even educated

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I just reread what you said and I've never heard that take. Your saying the drugs they're giving them doesn't actually alter them forever? I don't see how missing puberty while your body is growing wouldn't effect you forever. When boys go through puberty they get physically larger and stronger, when girls go through it, they're body changes in physical ways as well. If they didn't get puberty until they're body stops growing wouldn't that just keep them stuck with a child's body for the rest of their life?

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It's just new religion

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Lab grown meat is a thing now

Thank Wheel Jesus for his sacrifice patched all our flats

What? How does her being weirded out about the words "sacrifice child" mean she ignored anything? It doesn't matter what triggered the error, she is questioning why the code has dark word combinations

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Maybe here specifically. But there are a lot of real people (mostly young women and teenagers but not exclusively) that would never consider coming to Lemmy or even reddit when that was a thing, who refuse to get close to anyone that doesn't have the "blue" text

Velcro for my remotes, I have various places to stick them around my room, game changer

Plus the Turkish delight in the book was conjured by magic so it was probably the best Turkish delight possible

Wow, that last sentence makes you a saint.

Is this a troll?

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No, it was never cancelled. It had a beautiful ending that didn't answer every question but it answered enough to be satisfying.

With these options, it's more like a $23 breakfast