1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Analogies are inherently false equivalences.

It's illustrating the problem with the argument, not equating DRM technology with puppy kicking.

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There are no "the Lemmy servers", since there is no central "Lemmy" organization to host and run such servers.

So yeah, you can run it on whatever you can find that has available disk space, CPU cycles, and an Internet connection. Hosted VPS, colocated hardware server, raspberry pi, your gaming rig, AWS containers, whatever.

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So.... you're afraid of the command that does the thing you're trying to do?

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I think the thing in this case is that it is the job of police to pull over a box truck full of human cargo. The implication here is so you think they'd have let a truck they knew was full of immigrants just drive away?

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Nah, this is global capitalism blindly moving goods across the planet as quickly and cheaply as possible so all the diseases are spreading thing.

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Self hosting principals aside, is this data actually important? If so, then don't fuck around with self hosting it. Are you looking for lowest cost? Then don't waste a bunch of money spinning your own disks.

Amazon glacier to guarantee availability and your own encryption to guarantee privacy.

It's currently running me about $4/month for around 10tb that I don't want to lose but just don't want to deal with. An equivalent HDD solution would be around $500, that's 10 years to break even assuming zero disk failures and zero personal maintenance time.

Plus it's guaranteed. Inherent multiple copies, has SLA, and there's no worry about the service just disappearing. It's they decide to shut down or raise prices or whatever, you can reevaluate and move.

Edit: Glacier and similar services are meant for archival which is the term OP used. You never expect to need it again, but can't get rid of it. Retrieval cost is mostly irrelevant, but yes much more expensive. (I'd wager still less expensive than a home RAID array.)

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I could be wrong, but isn't the entire debian stable tree maintained for years via open source contributions? Sure the redhat downstreams might be on their own, but there's plenty of non-commercial distros that keep up to date.

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Or how about, rather than your narrow, specific 3 definitions, a fourth thing, such as how it's phrased in the wiki:

Misogyny is hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It is a form of sexism that can keep women at a lower social status than men.

The emphasis there is why you're being called names on the internet. If you're advocating systems or societal norms of gender oppression, you're being misogynist. This remains true even if you're not doing it intentionally.

The world we live in is deeply patriarchal, so it can be hard to see these problems, because the views and opinions you've got are just "normal". Something being the norm doesn't mean it isn't oppressive, and having an opinion doesn't mean you shouldn't consider the impacts of that opinion.

Generally, if someone calls you a misogynist, and you go "bUt I rEsPeCt wOmEn", you might want to take a little time to figure out where it's coming from. It can certainly be real without fitting in your 3 tidy little self-serving definitions.

I'll also point out that you can replace nearly every instance of misogyny in this thread with racism, and replace women with black, and it would be the same discussion. Or you could swap misogyny/women with misandry/men. Oppression is oppression, no matter who holds the power.

Don't "declutter" manually. Use your package manager.

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Yeah, just make sure you don't make that known during jury selection or you won't get to help.

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I actually want to learn enough code to contribute, but there's this gap between "how to code" and "how to participate in a modern software project".

Like, I've created plenty of little things. Discord bots, automation scripts, plenty of sysadmin stuff for work, etc. But like, I clone a git repo cause there's a home assistant bug I'd like to fix for example, and I'm immediately lost on where to start.

If you are in a position to ask this question, it means you have no actual uptime requirements, and the question is largely irrelevant. However, in the "real" world where seconds of downtime matter:

Things not changing means less maintenance, and nothing will break compatibility all of the sudden.

This is a bit of a misconception. You have just as many maintenance cycles (e.g. "Patch Tuesdays") because packages constantly need security updates. What it actually means is fewer, better documented changes with maintenance cycles. This makes it easier and faster to determine what's likely to break before you even enter your testing cycle.

Less chance to break.*

Sort of. Security changes frequently break running software, especially 3rd party software that just happened to need a certain security flaw or out-of-date library to function. The world has got much better about this, but it's still a huge headache.

Services are up to date anyway, since they are usually containerized (e.g. Docker).

Assuming that the containerized software doesn't need maintenance is a great way to run broken, insecure containers. Containerization helps to limit attack surfaces and outage impacts, but it isn't inherently more secure. The biggest benefit of containerization is the abstraction of software maintenance from OS maintenance. It's a lot of what makes Dev(Sec)Ops really valuable.

Edit since it's on my mind: Containers are great, but amateurs always seem to forget they're all sharing the host kernel. One container causing a kernel panic, or hosing misconfigured SHM settings can take down the entire host. Virtual machines are much, much safer in this regard, but have their own downsides.

And, for Debian especially, there’s one of the biggest availability of services and documentation, since it’s THE server OS.

No it isn't. THE server OS is the one that fits your specific use-case best. For us self-hosted types, sure, we use Debian a lot. Maybe. For critical software applications, organizations want a vendor so support them, if for no other reason than to offload liability when something goes wrong.

It is running only rarely. Most of the time, the device is powered off. I only power it on a few times per month when I want to print something.

This isn't a server. It's a printing appliance. You're going to have a similar experience of needing updates with every power-on, but with CoreOS, you're going to have many more updates. When something breaks, you're going to have a much longer list of things to track down as the culprit.

And, last but not least, I’ve lost my password.

JFC uptime and stability isn't your problem. You also very probably don't need to wipe the OS to recover a password.

My Raspberry Pi on the other hand is only used as print server, running Octoprint for my 3D-printer. I have installed Octoprint there in the form of Octopi, which is a Raspian fork distro where Octoprint is pre-installed, which is the recommended way.

That is the answer to your question. You're running this RPi as a "server" for your 3d printing. If you want your printing to work reliably, then do what Octoprint recommends.

What it sounds like is you're curious about CoreOS and how to run other distributions. Since breakage is basically a minor inconvenience for you, have at it. Unstable distros are great learning experiences and will keep you up to date on modern software better than "safer" things like Debian Stable. Once you get it doing what you want, it'll usually keep doing that. Until it doesn't, and then learning how to fix it is another great way to get smarter about running computers.

E: Reformatting

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Instead of paying for multiple services, I am now renting a decently sized VPS on Scaleway, and hosting all my projects on them.

That's not self hosting. That's moving your managed services down the stack from PaaS to IsaS.

It's an unserious take on the impacts as well. No discussion of availability? Backups? Server hardening and general security? Access and authentication models? Sysadmin on aVPS is more than "running a bunch of commands now and then", and the author ignores that entire workload.

made it a subdomain

That is the correct answer.

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Like seriously and I’m not even intending to be racist

(Though some smarmy asshole will for sure post this unironically thinking that they're not being racist.)

The actual answer to OP's question is to look up cognitive biases, and to eventually realize that "black" isn't the relevant descriptor here.

You're going to want to look up things like symlinks, hard links, fuse filesystems, and bind mounts among other concepts. Your "whole directory" and other duplicates are artifacts of how the filesystem and process management works, and simply running fsearch or find over them is going to be confusing if you don't know what you're looking at.

One Unix concept that carries over to Linux is that everything is a file. Your shared memory space, process data, device driver interfaces, etc, all of it is accessible somewhere in the same virtual filesystem tree as the actual files.

Because of this, there's very little reason to have the whole filesystem indexed from root. If you're worried about space usage, you want to work with packages through the package manager. If you're worried about system integrity, you'll want package validators.

Flatpak is itself a file manager.

That duplicate of your folder in /run is due to filesystem links (or more likely a fuse mount, I've never actually looked into how flatpak works). But either way, they aren't copies of the data.

It means if you search for anything, your first 3 pages of hits are the same useless websites that exist to push ads vaguely related to your search rather than real info. Trying to research a broken TV used to return things like AVForums or reddit threads or samsung support sites. Now it's "TEN BEST TV's IN 2024" that are nothing but sponsored content and affiliate links to tvs on amazon.

Google can't figure out how to tell the difference between the former and the latter, and isn't motivated to because they get paid for the ad clicks, and not for the forum clicks.

Man, I use my switch all the time. But I love little metroidvania and smaller indie and single player games. Any time I see something interesting on steam, I'll buy it on the switch if available.

I've also been using it to replay older stuff. The first red dead, the Arkham trilogy, currently going through Nier: Automata again.

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The above is accurate, and can be considered accurate for any directory below or at well.

Per /run, it's also mounted in memory, so trying to "declutter" it won't get you anywhere and things will return on reboot.

I'm surprised no one's mentioned the security implications. Mounting with nosuid and nodev options can undermine rootkit or privileged escalation exploits.

The Pi4 is a pretty impressive little machine. It'll probably host a few users, but from what I understand, it's the federation that really starts scaling the requirements.

Bigger problem with the Pi though is that it runs off an SDcard (by default), which have limited writes, and you'll burn that up fast.

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Your edit is a bad take. It doesn't matter if he's also selling shirts with MLK and Ghandi quotes. Nazi shit is Nazi shit. Doing Nazi shit, no matter what his own stupid rationalization, makes literally everything else he does irrelevant.

Function/class/variables are bricks, you stack those bricks together and you are a programmer.

I just hired a team to work on a bunch of Power platform stuff, and this "low/no-code" SaaS platform paradigm has made the mentality almost literal.

Hospitals haven't been non profit since they were delayed in the early 1980s, and are absolutely structured for profit, with shareholders and conglomerate ownership and everything.

The medical write offs are exactly that. Tax avoidance.

This is an AB problem in which you're going to eventually solve the actual problem that isn't actually systemd after looking real hard at ways to replace systemd.

Or else you're going to find yourself in an increasingly painful maintenance process trying to retrofit rc scripts into constantly evolving distributions.

There's a lot I prefer about the old SysV, and I'm still not thrilled that everything is being more dependent on these large monolithic daemons. But I've yet to find a systemd problem that wasn't just me not knowing how to use systemd.

Google the concept of an escrow service.

I keep trying this, usually when I come across someone in my contacts who I haven't seen in a decade or something. Particularly after deleting Facebook a few years ago, I want to keep up with people.

It's always the same pattern though. We hang out, have a great time, sometimes do it one or two more times, and then it just never happens again. The problem is that it's always me doing the lifting. I have to remember to call, set up some plan, make the thing happen. If I don't do the work, it doesn't work.

I generally end up deciding that it's not worth my time to fight so hard to see someone who obviously isn't interested in prioritizing time with me.

One or two have maintained touch, but there's probably a dozen more who fell back off the map. Forever the optimist though, I've got another one on the calendar in a couple weeks.

The focus on sales and deals and shit has been an attempt to compete with first Walmart and target, and then Amazon.

Used to be that department stores were where you went when you needed stuff. At one point, it was just where you went shopping for your general life. They tended to lower prices than boutiques through volume and you'd go to more specific, more expensive stores for more specific things.

Today, yeah. Why bother? You actually can find better clothes at Macy's and Penny's than Walmart, but you have to dig, and realize that the real Levi 501s are going to be $30 more than the modern Levi stretch fit trash. (And $30 less than buying them at the Levi store.)

I had no real idea how to phrase it, but all these posts have helped. What I was actually focused on when I posted was mainly hardware that can do what the Arlo cameras do:

  • Wifi + battery/solar my house is old and hardwires are a pain in the ass.
  • High def, preferably 4k, but 1080 is ok.
  • Night vision, color or not doesn't matter
  • Motion-activated, and preferably some way to filter out and not trigger on things like passing traffic cars.
  • As small a form-factor as possible.

The Reolink hardware mentioned below seems to fit the bill hardware-wise.

I hadn't even really considered the software, as I don't need a lot of features. All I need is to use motion-activated capture to stream to some local storage, and an ability to view a live-stream when I want one. But it looks like there's a lot of options I need to consider.

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Reolink looks like a solid answer, thanks.

I use an app called paperkarma. You send them a pic of the junk, they manually unsubscribe you.

They've gone to a subscription model because of course they have, I'd be eager to hear about alternatives if any exist.

The data remains yours if you encrypt it. Someone else's computer saves you all the time and effort of maintaining and monitoring hardware.

You want to use the actual services meant for this. S3 or glacier or something, not just consumer cloud storage like Google drive or Dropbox.

Yup. Treating VMs similar to containers. The alternative, older-school method is cold snapshots of the VM, apply patches/updates (after pre-prod testing & validation), usually in an A/B or red/green phased rollout, and roll back snaps when things go tits up.

You don't.

Conversely, as a system engineer that is involved in the hiring process for software development in addition to various types of platform and cloud engineering jobs.

I look for, in order of importance:

  • demonstrated experience
  • additional skills

That's it. College degree isn't even considered, but if you got relevant experience in college that can count.

Most of my interview time is spent digging into technical details to see if you can back up your resume claims. The rest is getting an idea of how you approach challenges and think about things.

As far as certifications, they're often required to get in the door due to qualification regulations. Especially security certs. If you list them, I'll ask a few questions just to make sure you actually know what's up.

Last months bill for my entire Amazon account was $4.72. most of that was the glacier storage.

Depends on your specific VPN, but look for a feature or setting called "split tunnel." It should create a separate non-vpn route for the local network.

Usually client-side setting, but not always if the tunnel is built on connection.

Us-East. Look specifically at glacier, which is long term, near free to store, expensive to remove.

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