3 Post – 185 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Get off my lawn!

What is the similarity between Musk and Edison?

They both fucked over Tesla

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"We sincerely thank you for your continued support."

As in stfu and keep giving us money?

First of all, I am glad you do not have breast cancer.

In the Netherlands...Every year or two a buss comes to our village where one can get tested for breast cancer.for free.

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"I will put a foot up your ass!"



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No it won't.

My sister was angered when I quit whatsapp (and facebook), asking me reasons why and if it was because I didn't like her. Told her I like my privacy. Haven't heard of her and a lot of other family since who only like to communicate through social media. Good.

I like SMS and Signal, only people that care for me are using that because I asked them to.

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Dutch person here, fuck Shell.

In the UK there is the "Too good to go" app.

I save a lot of money on groceries this way and provide others as well. You pay a third of the original price.

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Ampere estimates that globally, just on console, Alan Wake 2 sold 850,000 copies as of the end of November.


Epic Games does not provide digital sales data to Circana, so there's just no way for Circana to tell us how well it sold.

So no one knows apart from Epic and Remedy


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It's just depressingly vulgar.

Well fuck that

Projection you say?

That's why we invented the Enigma

Ah, modern slavery. Zero hours contracts should be banned. Anyone thinking about offering you one, should be poofed out of existence

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Fried rice balls.I'll eat it...

Would Elon have fried an elephant with a Tesla car battery nowadays just to make a point how bad the competition is?

Well I bet he would.*

  • Edison had technically nothing to do with the killing of Topsy, it was a decade after the 'war of the currents'. It was distributed through Edison films though.

Is it really a crime to be human based on geo location and net worth? To me it doesn't make any sense.

What are you paying for SMS? I pay 6 euro a month for unlimited sms and calls and 2 GB data. 50+ mobiel is my provider. Now they offer my plan with the first year for 2,5 euro. Dirt cheap.

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Basically. Bunch of peppers, put them in a clean jar, fill with water with 6 procent of salt, so 1 liter water + 60 grams of salt. You can vary from 3 to 10 procent. Make sure the peppers are under the brine, so they don't come in contact with air. Turn lid every day to let CO2 escape and close again, don't take the lid off the jar. After a week you already have a nice fermented hot sauce if the jar is in a warm place, but you can ferment way longer. I like 2 to 3 weeks. Blender or a stick blender the peppers with some of the brine. You can use the left over brine to marinate meat, make other sauces or gravies, salad dressing and so on.

I like to add onions, lots of garlic and herbs like thai basil too in the fermenting process.

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Rijksmuseum van oudheden in Leiden in the Netherlands.

As a kid in the early 80s I used to go there often. It was free then and had and still has a lot of artifacts from Egyptian, Roman and Greek history. Also Leiden is a nice place to visit anyway.

Yes and they are always broken. I can never contact anyone.

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Firefox will disable extensions in private mode if you want to

Elect them?

i am from a timeline we shaved their heads.

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Welcome to Costco, I love you.

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None, I like it that way. I also don"t pick up the phone when they call.

I have a few friends though, we Signal.

Woman at the fishmarket buying a fish. "Do you have a plastic bag with that please?", "Sure madame, there's one inside the fish".

Access to internet is a basic human right. Sony doesn't honor basic human rights when it wants people kicked off internet because money.

I am glad I had a free amd cpu with this game.

Frito been watching 'Ow my balls!' again?

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Well this is exactly why we need to cut black history lessons in schools so we won't have this outrage, problem solved. /s

Anyway, this guy deserves all the backlash and then some. When you use your kids to promote your right wing political views, to me you are already a giant piece of shit, and then there is the racism, good ol' easy listening country music racism and many don't even notice.

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Mom love whatever the paint

Nice. I really enjoyed this game and the DLC's too. I hope Outer Worlds 2 will be as good.

I make my own fermented hot sauces. It is so easy to make. Use them in anything from curry's, bami or nasi, omelettes, or just on the side.

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I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I wouldn't rush it and go through every region on the planets with care so you pick up all missions, meet all the NPC's as the game has several outcomes from the choices you make.

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Tarmac can be really really hot.

Dutch Stamppot.

Patato mashed together with fried onions and bacon and any vegetable you like. Raw spinach, raw endive, raw cornsalad, kale is cooked with the patato, sauerkraut (maybe kimchi?), or carrot+onions.Mash it all up with a bit of cream or milk, serve with brown or butter gravy and smoked sausage (rookworst), or pork belly, or pork chop. We Dutch mostly eat it in wintertime. It's quickly made and filling.

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I liked all three games and I hope they continue. I think I liked the first game best, Legion the least but I still enjoyed it.

It's nice to see a movie based in Chicago as a guy from the Netherlands and say, hey I have been there in Watch Dogs

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'Sneeuw' in the Netherlands.

AKAI S-1100 sampler. It is still in mint conditition, released in 1990. It was a studio standard in those days. I don't use it that much these days, but the time stretch on that machine is amazing. For Jungle and Drum & Bass it's an essential piece of hardware imo. The Prodigy for instance had two of them 1100's in the studio and on tour if irc.