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So what they are saying is they are willing to take liability and thus be open to being sued over this as they know of the scams but say they do not break community guidelines

Got it

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A one party democracy


A dictatorship

My friends and I were discussing earlier how being a Power Ranger seems to be a curse, between gay bashing behind the scenes, oddly high rates of death by cancer, former rangers going crazy and stabbing people to death...

Now Hitler quotes

The fuck is up with Power Rangers? Is it a cursed role or something?

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Wait, I could have gotten $5 mil by proving him wrong?

Fuck, why did I have to learn about this AFTER the fact?

Welcome to the world of indie games, where the passion leads to experiences that stick in minds more than plenty of AAA games these days

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Not if he goes the Hitler route and consolidates power. Which honestly, I think he and the GoP are planning to do

Will it work is another discussion, but I'm sure this is what he plans to do

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Mysticism such as using psychics is also something oddly embedded with Nazis. Like, even back during their rise they were oddly into mysticism

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So an unstable hunk of nuclear material floating up in space that could fail and crash into a random spot of the planet?

This is somehow scarier than Russia being competent and putting a nuke up there. At least then you could predict what it may hit...

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Ah, but cutting it completely means they could potentially go back to child labour, and they've already been trying to set the ground work for it

5 years protection should be the limit. If you can't make back costs and get a tidy sum in 5 years, you fucked up. Especially as most sales are within the first few months

Bottom surgery is having the genitals operated on to match gender, which is used to treat the gender dysphoria caused by being transgender

Nintendo has a few games made in Unity

Noteably, one of the Pokemon games is made in Unity

I don't think that CEO will last long once Nintendo realizes their biggest cash cow gets hit by this

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Honestly, it should be more freedom from addiction. Porn isn't harmful until it becomes addicting. Drugs can boost creativity until you become dependent (although admittedly these can have a greater chance of harm, caffiene included). TV binging, scrolling the internet, all these can result in inspiration until it becomes a required habit

Maybe rework the message so Freedom From Porn is symbolic of Freedom From Addiction, and the ability to generate ideas without needing to nut first, or take drugs, or scroll endlessly through videos and stories, or playing non stop games, etc.

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Need to leave sites as close to as they were as possible, else clues about the past could be accidentally destroyed, especially clues that we do not have the technology to analyze yet

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I hope they are able to come down in price over time with more budget models and make Nintendo sweat. Handheld gaming is the ONE area Nintendo has ruled the roost in

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These guys are getting more and more brazen

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They REALLY think the left isn't armed and willing to fight if it comes down to it, don't they?

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Whelp, I may be screwed. Don't have the money to replace everything

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In fact, the bible doesn't recognize a baby as life until birth, and supports abortion under various circumstances

You did read how these trolls have alts built up over years, right? These aren't normal trolls OP is dealing with

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About 4 to 6 million years ago. Choosing biological history of humans, see what I can mess up when humans first started

I don't care that it's being babysat, I'm still betting on it being stolen is a when, not an if

Dammit, and Firefox is the only browser not jumping on the embedding drm bandwagon...

A lot of Nintendo and Pokemon games are on Unity, including Pokemon Go. Sony also has plenty of games on Unity

I predict we're going to see a slaughter - That's two of the big three console manufacturers. They ain't going to let Unity screw them over

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Really hope America proves you wrong, as a second Trump term is very likely to spell the end of open and fair elections

I recall the red shirt is one of the key things that identifies it as Disney's version, so gotta keep Pooh naked

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We need monopoly, collusion, and oligopoly busting badly in north america

Canadian here

Try to evacuate my American GF up here. We're both disabled but I will do anything in my power to get her up here

Spirited Away. I'd love to see that movie again for the first time. So beautiful and magical

The lesson was simple, he said.

“Don’t steal other people’s stuff — it might be filled with bees.”

Bees, you say?

True, but that still revolves around leaving it aa close as possible to how they were - preservation sometimes requiring active work to keep clues around

For the pyramids, the rate of exterior decay is probably deemed far less destructive than the need to use cement to restore the granite

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I finally cracked and made an account

It's not worth it, you basically get alerts on the account for everything to the point of uselessness

Same here, going to do it a few days before the API change just in case they pull some crap to prevent mass scrubbing losses

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In this case, people accepting being force to choose between two genuine evils is because one of the two evils plans to make it so there is no chance at change and would likely turn to slaughtering people who don't fall in line with the regime

Oh dear fuck how do you screw up this bad

It's what I hope for. Him bankrupting the GoP and losing the election hard due to no funding being available

It's probably why they are trying a shutdown right now. Get negativity off of their most recent shitstorms and onto Biden via a momentary distraction

One thing I haven't seen mentioned is how the Jewish were treated by all countries in WWII. Going against Israel gives the opposing party ammunition that only works due to most people not understanding the politics at play

Generally, when I consider uploading my conciousness, I imagine being able to store it in an offline device connected to my body and used more to bypass slow organic breakdown

Any cybernetic upgrades that you can't, at a minimum, shut the connection to the internet off is not an upgrade because, well, they can send a killswitch or any other number of things

All of it to the next generation of Pokemon games

I just want to see how GameFreak manages to fuck it up even with all the development time they could possibly ever need

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