Fox News Segment Backfires When Psychic Predicts ‘Sense of Loss’ for Trump in 2024 to Not The – 788 points –
Fox News Psychic Predicts 'Sense of Loss' for Trump in 2024

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Mysticism such as using psychics is also something oddly embedded with Nazis. Like, even back during their rise they were oddly into mysticism

The Nazis had teams of archaeologists running around the world looking for all sorts of religious artifacts. Hitler was a nut on the subject. He was crazy. He was obsessed with the occult.

Did you hear what happened when they found the Ark of the Covenant?

I heard about this one archaeologist who was tangentially involved with the whole thing, but his involvement didn't change anything at all with how the events played out.

I mean new age shit is just trendy, you don't have to go to one side of the isle to find con artists.

It's "aisle", just so you know for next time