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Joined 1 years ago

Running multiple virtual machines might be one use for all that RAM. I completely agree about going with a NUC (or similar x86-64) unless power consumption is a concern. I stopped buying SBCs once Intel platforms started competing on the low end.

Mattel Electronics IntelliVision (1979)

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Weird Al is a national treasure

So perfect fit then.

You're the hero we need but don't deserve.

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I always tell people I'd be Darth Vader if given power. I'd fix the problems as I see them, but not in a way most people could get behind.

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I always recommend Pop_OS! for beginners. It's IMHO a lot closer to what Ubuntu used to be, uses apt and/or flatpaks (and no snaps), has sane defaults, a good installer, a decent company behind it, nvidia drivers included and their upcoming Cosmic desktop environment looks sick.

Also, I feel like this is a better Fedora-based distro for beginners since it's harder to break:

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Excellent! Should we invite them to setup shop here?

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True to the OnlyFans stereotype, most of the chats were overtly sexual. I had to wade into several prosaic fantasies about babysitters and office blowjobs, some of which included laughably florid professions of love for me. I couldn’t help but ponder how disappointed these men would be if they could somehow see me sitting in my home office, sipping hibiscus tea as I typed out commands for them to manipulate their genitalia or deposit their semen on certain parts of my body. The most surreal moment came as I noticed the faint sounds of my daughter and her puppy watching Bluey together down the hall, right as a subscriber was waxing poetic about how much he wanted to eat a macaron from between my ass cheeks; the juxtaposition made me question the entire course of my life.

If only Valve had some sort of store where you could buy the Steam Deck and some new games to go with it!

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You do not have to do this to get warranty service by law. They just want your contact info so they can spam you.

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This alone would have sold me on it over other handhelds, but I'm also a longtime Linux enthusiast and wanted to support Valve's investment in the ecosystem. I'm still just so satisfied with it even a year after I got it because of how much it can do without Windows!

In the meantime you can emulate the remastered Switch version pretty easily.

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Nobody wants to work anymore!

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It's worth discussing at least. I used to be a big fan of flashing custom software, kernels, recoveries, etc.

At some point though, it started becoming more and more of a hassle to get a phone with an unlockable bootloader to work with my mobile network operator. Limited choices of I even had one.

Then all the banking and p2p apps stopped being easy to use while rooted, so we had to hide root from those apps. Then that got harder and harder.

Meanwhile the custom features that I used to want became mostly standard within Android.

At this point, I don't really bother with rooting anymore because there's little that I need it for but lots of hassle involved in having it. Now Google is blocking RCS messages from being delivered to rooted phones.

So if Android is now basically iOS with how much it's locked down from modification, why not just get an iPhone with better features I care about (their cameras and photo software) and better long-term updates? What is it that Google is even aiming for with Android now? If they're going to be hostile to users owning their own hardware, then maybe the OS should see more than a single line item change for a major version (android 14). I don't feel like Google has made any meaningful additions to the OS in a decade+ now.

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No sooner than Greene triggered the vote on her motion to vacate the speaker from his office, the Republican Majority Leader Steve Scalise countered by calling first for a vote to table it.

An overwhelming majority, 359-43, kept Johnson in his job, for now.

The House voted nearly immediately to resolve something. How often does that happen? That is a resounding rejection.

There are mechanisms for Congress to expell members, but that's unlikely to come up Santos for her.

Because they see themselves in him and they are themselves weak and pathetic.

That's the title of the article though.

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he goes on stage and makes a fool of himself.

That's a bit redundant

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Home theater PC

The Democrats need to get a whole hell of a lot tougher on messaging. Biden needs to stand in front of crowds and cameras and call Trump exactly what he is: a traitor, a criminal and a dangerous Russian asset. Fuck statesmanship at this point. Trump should have never, ever been able to get this close to the presidency again, yet here we are.

It's not enough to just be quietly polite when your opponent wants to destroy the rule of law and order. I'm so entirely sick of watching as the Democrats blow opportunity after opportunity to win big.

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They let you do that when you're a judge

They'll never reach acceptance. Maybe court-ordered compliance, but never true acceptance.

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Dreaming of the reality where we got at least four years of Larry David playing Bernie on SNL...

My understanding is that if you only add modules on top, those can stay closed source. It's possible the AOSP portion of the stack is still stock and untouched.

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  • It's possible to make no errors and still lose.

  • Some people are dealt a worse hand in life than others and some people are better at playing their hand than others, so don't assume you know why people are the way they are.

  • Patient compassion will never make you look like a jerk, but snap judgements will.

Kids don't generally get transitioned. They instead get put on puberty blockers until they are older and ready to transition mentally and emotionally.

I think it's definitely child abuse to refuse to do this when a medical professional recommends it. You're probably doing lifelong emotional damage to your child if you refuse them care they need to live their happiest life.

Taking a child from their biological parent/s is a big deal though. Those kids can go through even worse scenarios in foster care, so that's a tough call. Each case is different, so I wouldn't say that I would support this across the board.

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I imagined they never left, only got quieter for a while

As the enshittification of everything gains momentum, I could also see this as an intentional "oops!"

But we are talking about HP. They are now and always have been completely incompetent PC makers. I had friends back in the early 2000s with broken HP desktop computers that I refused to work on because they were the hardest to get working again.

It makes me sad to think what will happen in the distant future when those people are no longer in charge. But for now, we get to enjoy their reign.

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You should! They're meant to be crushed and snorted.

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I really miss Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. I also miss the Daily Show even without him, but I support the strikes. They need modern contracts for a streaming based world.

Consider this: it costs more to keep an inmate on death row and execute them than it does to imprison them for life.

If what you like about the death penalty is the punishment aspect, it's a greater punishment to hold someone in jail for life.

AND if we discover - as does happen a lot - that person is actually innocent, they can be released and still have some sort of life outside of prison. That's not a great fate, but I would argue it's much better than depriving them of their life only to find out later they were innocent.

The death penalty just doesn't make much sense.

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It also appears to only affect non-OpenSSH secure shell implementations.

Star Citizen is only available on a single platform too. At least Cyberpunk was multiplatform.

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Whatever you decide, make sure you've got a backup of any important data before you start making any partition changes. Things go wrong occasionally even when they shouldn't.

I lament the loss of a real press

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Finally something to commit to

And what if they never return and nothing is ever found except a single propeller with a wicked looking tooth embedded in it? Huh? What then?

Your cute drones awakened an unnamed horror that was content to stay asleep. You just had to send AI. Well, congratulations, you've doomed us all.

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Ent moot

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