Reddit's gaslighting against the Fediverse is getting desperate to Futurama – 97 points –

Oh, it's about to get far worse for reddit in short order.

I suspect that we will be seeing some very beloved third party apps that just got bullied out of reddit, available for lemmy very soon.

What the fuck is spez going to do, when he now has to compete against the look and feel of apps that make his app look like dogs shit? He can't boot them from reddit again.

The Sync app author has confirmed they're working on a Threadiverse app, and I suspect we'll get at least one more from the reddit 3PA authors.

There are also some nice ones shaping up from other developers already too.

My opinion is that without proper moderation tools, the best mods will leave or just quit moderating. Slowly the site eats itself when that happens.

Hopefully a rif replacement is coming

Yep, rif dev was rumored to be working on it. It's a race to the finish now to see which app dev gets it first.

Would they change the acronym to rwf for reddit was fun or lif for the obvious?

Kif for kbin and the meme of this post has gone full circle

I've been extremely lax about my moderation these days. But the only posts getting reported are my sticky posts on where else you can find us.

These 3P app developers have millions in their audience. Millions of people who'd love nothing more than to open that app as usual on July 1st and just keep doing the same thing they did the day before.

There's already 3 in development that I know of. 2 for Android and 1 for IOS.

God. This is the first I'm heading of Reddit staff actively organizing against Lemmy- what's being said?

Well, I'm stretching the truth just a little here. It has been reported that they're censoring any links or mentions of the Fediverse (just like Twitter did with Mastodon), but they are engaging in gaslighting about the protests.

Most recently the subs that voted to become NSFW in protest marked themselves as such (thus self-filtering for anyone not wanting to see NSFW content), however the admins removed that designation from those subs... without removing the NSFW content first! They then sent the mods of those subs threatening messages about how the mods showed NSFW content to everyone without the proper filters in place!

I popped on earlier today following a google link, I've made one comment in the last week or so, earlier today, when someone asked where everyone's migrating to... I said So we'll see if they've got some kind of search filter setup I guess if that gets altered or left alone

A couple hundred of my edited and then deleted comments on my reddit account have shown back up since I ran Power Delete Suite. I re-ran that today, and I think it's getting severely rate limited now because a good third of my resurfaced comments did not get updated. So I manually edited those. I left all of them up after editing.

All of my existing comments tell people to join the fediverse. Let's see how many more of my old comments reappear now.

What if you change all your comments to Fuck u/Spez? Will the FuckSpezBot delete the comments for you?

I might have to try that tomorrow.

Not sure about censoring links but they definetly rolled back manual edits i made to about 6 months of posts and comments pointing to and

Wtf seriously? That’s actually the worst offense I’ve heard from them so far - that tops the killing of 3rd party apps for me. Does it suck they killed 3rd party apps? Fuck yea. I left because of it. But I also recognize it’s their site and if they want to remove 3rd party apps they are within their right. But actively changing posts/removing edits is fucking WILD to me. Absolutely it’s censorship, fuck Reddit.

use power delete suite and do the edits again until you lose API access or they give up

I ran that thing several times with different payloads. Good Luck Reddit!

They've got astroturfers in every thread on the big subs that are basically FUDing the shit out of everything that isn't Reddit. Oh Lemmy too hard, oh Lemmy too complicated, Oh Lemmy require email on signup. They have so many shills now that they had to actually start handing out six month old accounts. It's hilarious to see.

Some stuff I'm seeing is "But but, what if your instance admin goes crazy????" or "I just want ONE community, not a bunch of fragmented ones" I heard they removed posts, banned users etc.

Bro get people from reddit to use Lemmy. Create guides for boomers so that they know how to register and navigate lemmy

Boomers and certainly gen X/older milenials are probably more into tinkering and getting it guides for zoomers with their point and click tablet/ipad interface or SaaS that need guides.

As a youth of the late 80s I know bbs, forums, etc

This exactly. I navigated setting up BBSs and using them before commercial Internet. Then when Internet came to my city, you had to dial into your slip account first. Reddit's ancestors were usenet groups. You login to your news service (usually your ISP) and then browse the groups that interested you. Each group is like a subreddit, it would be discussion on a specific topic. If you wanted to see a video, you had to download it in parts (often only getting SOME of the parts, then having to post requests for files by their part number and then wait a few days) and then use another program to recombine them into one file. Then you needed to download an app that would play that particular file type (avi, mpg, etc). You would also need to download and install the correct video codecs.

My experiences with the Fediverse so far remind me of those late 80s early 90s years, when the Internet didn't have a corporate polish. I am a GenXer, and I welcome growth of the Fediverse. I don't need Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, etc to die or fail. I am just thrilled to feel like I can come here and SEE what is here to be seen. I don't want my social experiences tailored by an algorithm designed to keep me engaged and eyes on ads.

This, to me, is how the Internet flourishes. Not controlled by corps.

It feels free and exciting again.

I would not include boomers but I get what your saying. Gen z isn't a monolith though and neither is Gen x. Some people are techies and won't have a problem figuring out the fediverse. Non techie "normies" will probably get confused and write it off unless it becomes more accessible. Good thing apps are coming!

Create guides for boomers

lol. Babyboomers and Gen X invented and built the internet. We programmed VCR's and could navigate dial-up settings for v90modems. Maybe write a guide for gen Z, as anything more complex than a swipe is too much technology for them XD

I feel there's more nuance to this and this is an inaccurate and disingenuous generalisation.

A very small portion of baby boomers and gen x were involved in this compared to the masses who simply exist as sheep.

The "enlightened" ones are a minority in every generation from what I can see.

I also feel this whole my generation > your generation is just another mechanism of segregation. Instead let us bring forth our collective knowledge of setting VCR times and laugh about getting to the last floppy/stiffy disk in a set and finding corruption because... magnets.

Lol you assume all boomers invented and built the internet ? Wait till you meet my uncle.

Heck, genXers are the only generation who can set the clock on a VCR. A skill now lost to time and technology.

Some of us VCR clock-setters are on Lemmy already due to the combination of us loving playing with tech and the attitude of "fuck you I won't do what you tell me". I've seen the fall of the original BBSs, Prodigy, Compuserve, AOL, Geocities, MySpace, Yahoo, Digg, Facebook, and here I sit watching Reddit's behavior with a bag of popcorn. If they don't backpedal, they'll get their IPO, Spez will get his money, and the shell of what Reddit was will continue to exist like MySpace and Facebook. It will strive to stay relevant while slowly becoming more and more irrelevant over time as the newcomer gains steam. Will Lemmy be that newcomer taking over? I'm not sure but it sure is fun to watch the world burn sometimes.

Hell, I know a couple of guys, a boomer alcoholic and a zoomer that ages backwards, that work at a VCR repair shop, one of the three remaining in the United States. Although I don't know how good are they at actually fixing VCRs, all I see is them scamming some elderly person off of his life savings while all he wants is to watch a Night Court video cassette.

It really is just Gen Z. Millenials were programming shit and bashing everything together with hardware and software adaptors as kids. Gen Z grew up in the world of the slick interface that just works.

No, we grew up on Vista and 8.

Ouch! That's a good one. But as bad as you think Vista was, it was still a GUI. I will admit though that anyone who suffered through Vista probably learned at least a bit.

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