
9 Post – 324 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good Lord - $2600 for a whole house system? I think that's what my local (mid-Atlantic US) HVAC shop is getting for a single-room mini-split.

Wait until people find out about ground-source heat pumps and water heater heat pumps. What you get out of those is more consistent year round, too. It's almost like leveraging technology has benefits over just burning carbon and hydrogen to make heat.

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In traffic, the largest reduction of efficiency comes from accelerating and the braking. You use energy to start moving (proportional to m V^2) and then you dump that energy into heat in your brakes to stop. The second comes from idling where you use energy to keep the engine rotating. As others have mentioned, EVs use regenerative braking so a substantial portion of the energy used to slow and stop the car is used to recharge the battery. EVs have no need to keep an engine running so unless you’re running the a/c there are minimal demands on a stopped/idling EV.

On the highway, you have the internal friction in the drivetrain to overcome, the constant deformation of the tires, and - most importantly - wind resistance, which is proportional to cd x rho x V2.

Cd (drag) and rho (air density) are low, but that V (speed) squared means driving at 75mph incurs 25x the energy use as driving at 15 mph. An EV gets no sage harbor here - plowing through a fluid (air) is essentially the same work.

To give you a sense of numbers, my vehicle (F150) gets less than 10mpg the 5 miles to my local pool/gym. The speed limit is 25 mph but there are stop signs every block or two. Lots of braking loss. On back roads with gentle curves and a 45 mph limit I get close to 30 mpg. That’s the sweet spot between overcoming transmission friction and air resistance. On the highway at 60 mph I get 22-23 mpg. At 78-79 mph I get 19 mpg. These are all generally on flat stretches using the 6 min average on my dashboard.

(Sorry for the long post…I’m an engineer and mechanical efficiency and aerodynamics are my happy place)

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Clarance Thomas: “Am I a joke to you?”

True punishment would be active, content rich posters zeroing out their posts and comment history. By doing so, the Google searches - which currently refer a ton of traffic to the site - will start to fade. The body of knowledge- users knowledge, not Reddit’s- is what drives new traffic to the site. I plan to remove my contributions later this month, presuming nothing changes.

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Prime used to mean something. Guaranteed 2 day shipping with no minimum for no extra charge. $5 for next day shipping. Then next day disappeared. Then the 2 day guarantee disappeared. Then delivery times were in the 3-5 day range for most things. Then, in my university town, around the time of students returning to school for terms it would be 1-2 weeks. I’m not paying an ever increasing annual fee for that.

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The Administration knows there is no solution to this conflict. It also knows there is no state-side position which is politically expedient.

I’m going to say this as loud as I can. There will be no winners in this conflict. Ever. For anyone, involved or on the sidelines.

This memo is confirmation that the US administration knows there is no solution and doesn’t want anyone to say anything because no matter what they say it will make things worse. This is a tacit admission that there is nothing anyone outside can do. It’s like trying to extinguish a lithium battery fire - the stored energy will continue to be exothermic until it’s expended and any attempt to tamp it down is likely to make things worse.

It’s a shitty position were in, but this isn’t some Hollywood script where you can just write a happy ending. There is no happy ending.

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Except for you Adobe. That's a cost issue.

AutoDesk had entered the chat

The description of an unexpected/(impossible) orientation for an on road obstacle works as an excuse, right up to the point where you realize that the software should, explicitly, not run into anything at all. That’s got to be, like, the first law of (robotic) vehicle piloting.

It was just lucky that it happened twice as, otherwise, Alphabet likely would have shrugged it off as some unimportant, random event.

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What OP didn't tell you is that, due to its age, it's running on an unpatched WinXP SP2 install and patching, upgrading to SP3, or to any newer Windows OS will break the software calls that version of Pascal relies upon.

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Which is why the Moderna vaccine will be priced at just 95% of the cost of the repeat treatments and hospitalization plus the value of the time saved and pain and suffering avoidance by the patient. Say, an extra half a million. I mean, what price would you put on avoiding seeing your parent or child subjected to round after round of chemotherapy?

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Oh no, a new discussion board is neither as robust nor as polished as one with over a decade of use and revision.

Most of the complaints are just whining that Lemmy isn't a perfect drop-in replacement for his love of endless, constant time wasting on Reddit. OTOH, the issue of multiple, nominally identical communities on Lemmy is a true weakness of the platform (imho, of course).

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“I own the only patent - I will license it for just $10/square inch.”

And that’s a short story about how eInk never got commercialized.

I thought they already announced they would be targeting their infotainment as a subscription based service.

A quick duck duck go: https://www.pymnts.com/subscriptions/2022/gm-rolling-out-dozens-of-new-subscription-offerings/

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Symmetric, right? Right?!

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Emergency? You mean kind of emergency where I have to call my naval architect to lengthen my new summer yacht by another half a football field because I need to spend this profit windfall. -Power Co execs in TX

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Judge: Do you recognize the defendant, sitting at the table right there?

Jr: I’ve never met this man in my life.

Tell me that you don’t know how the legal system works without telling me…

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The cut was multi-staged and started middle of last year. The most recent cut was relatively small (10-15% iirc). As others have pointed out, that reduction doors not take into account the recent self-inflicted wounds.

You want a finger? I can get you a finger. It’s not his, Dude.

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This may be the (realistic) “fix” to duplicate communities in multiple instances. No fix on the server end, just* a reader app that can amalgamate the feeds so it is transparent to the end user.

* and by “just a reader” I’m naturally referring to a Herculean effort to make a simple, beautiful app that’s cross-platform capable and which a noob can navigate without having to actually understand the fediverse.

kick em a few bucks, be their customer.

Better yet, be their partner.

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Just as long as we (the US) can write them off as a lost cause / FAFO fodder when things go south. I don't want my tax dollars trying to rescue any people stupid enough to decide Belarus was a viable tourism or lifestyle destination following the stationing of Russian nukes and harboring of Wagner/Prigoshen within their borders.

If your airplane suffers sudden decompression and you get sucked out a window, would it technically be a defenestration?

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If I were European, I’d be very angry right now. Actually, I’m angry anyway…but there’s less that I can do as an American.

Though I do have an avenue as a Virginian, its not one where I control the enforcement. I would have to get my corporate bootlicking Attorney General to do something about it, and that will never happen.

Like most scientific and technical advances, it could be an amazing tool for personal use. It won’t, of course. It will be used to make someone rich even richer, and to control or oppress people. Gotta love humanity.

A man commanding the largest military on the planet who is in substantial personal debt and has no moral compass of any type is, unfortunately, everyone’s problem.

Por que no los tres?

Oh no! Anyway…

Doubtful. 20 years in Afghanistan bought us nothing. Half a century of meddling in the rest of central America has produced refugee waves. While we could, theoretically, try to assist the Mexican government with funds we’d probably fuck that up too.

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Indeed. There are too many humans by at least one order of magnitude. The only reason we need population growth is to perpetuate the capitalistic ponzi scheme government and corporations are running.

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The best part is that it makes enough for friends to share.

I, too, will celebrate when we have universal healthcare, until then it’s a way for my sister to have good, routine follow-up care for her unexpected cancer diagnosis and for me to be able to purchase comprehensive healthcare on the open market, as I'm an independent contractor and don't work for a corporation with leverage to get private insurance.

On the flip side, global banking processes something like 5+ orders of magnitude more transactions than ETH, so even at the low end it’s 1000x more efficient than the most well known POS coin.

Well, switching to NSFW not only limits their revenue to to their self-declared restriction on advertising in those subs, but - and I think this is more important - those subs go dark for the purpose of reddit's front page. They made the change a couple years ago to exclude all nsfw subs from r/all. There was no need to; r/best was already r/all without the NSFW subs. Any sub that is excluded from r/all is invisible to the eyeballs which pay the bills because that's the default home page.

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The man was literally arrested and appeared in court already.

Multiple times. And yet he walks free, passport in hand, foreign governments lavishing money on his closer family members (who are also his business partners), supporters lavishing money on him to aid his lifestyle defense fund campaign.

Steel ( including stainless) is up to twice as stiff as titanium - meaning it flexes half as much under load for the same thickness/shape. It’s also almost twice as heavy. To get a rigid material that is also lightweight, you need to look at exotic alloys like beryllium-aluminum, but the trade off I’d often poor toughness (fracture resistance) and difficult manufacture.

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Security by obscurity is the best policy I always say 😉

Drop me in her seat for 7 figures with a nice kick-out clause (no stock, please) and I’ll pretend Xitter is a wholesome, thoughtful, productive corporate citizen, too.

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I've spent the last year trying to figure out if it's actually the prices or if I've become one of those "When I was a kid, gasoline was 25 cents a gallon" old men.