
3 Post – 150 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


That yellow background is so unreadable 🍌

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Tech companies were only favorable to their users during the corporate Web 2.0 genesis when these companies had to lure educated users in with extremely convenient free services, but they always did and continue to do so under terms of service that are intentionally made as hard to read walls of legalese bullshit, so they always click accept and hand them power by moving there.

These companies usually are either publicly traded or aspire to be publicly traded, and are backed by venture capital loaned to them by banks and investors.

Then during the late 2000s and early 2010s these corporations gobbled up web traffic by having all the valuable information and communities behind their walls. This drove their operating costs up a lot but it was no problem, since the zero interest rate policy was in effect so these now-megacorps had basically interest-free loans to get infinite money to finance the platform. However they realized around the mid 2010s that they controlled the vast majority of the web so they realized they could be as greedy as they wanted since no one is going to ever step up to them (YouTube is a shining example of this) and ever since the mid-late 2010s they started nerfing and crippling the user experience in order to please their investors and ad networks. This process was extremely slow initially to minimize the backlash. They applied the boiling frog strategy and it worked.

By the early 2020s this was in full effect: websites do not respect your privacy and try to shove trackers and ads whenever and wherever they legally can, search engines are manipulated to put sponsored and SEO spam links first rather than useful answers, sites are implementing login walls to make sure the valuable content they hold hostage can only be accessed once they have the data of users, discourse is being controlled and micromanaged by corporations with automated censorship, mystery echo chamber algorithms, shadowbans and wordlists, news sites have article limits and paywalls now. It got so bad that it's already harming society as a whole because it's causing polarization and these platforms now have enough power to theoretically manipulate elections in some really bad cases.

This is a process known as enshittification: start great then become shit and die. Now that the zero interest rate policy is over, and interest rates started climbing up it means silicon valley free money is over so they can no longer afford to be boiling frogs, they are turning up the heat to 11 and just roasting the frog alive. In other words, the enshittification cycle is becoming exponentially faster and it's only going to get worse for the corporate web and its users. The only solution is returning to decentralized technologies like Web 1.0 used to be, but it's extremely hard since free as in you pay with your data services are addictive like crack cocaine.

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Thank you so much! Let's make sure the XMPP situation never repeats ever again.

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wait why did they defederate us?

I enjoyed helping this place grow and doing my part to discuss here but I disagree with this decision and I'm going to evaluate looking for a different home instance.

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Soulseek is very much alive, try there. But please try to share your stuff too.

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lemmy.world has been defederated at least by beehaw.org. If you want to participate there you will indeed have to make an account in another instance. IDK about other instances though. Also sometimes posts don't propagate to other instances since population here just exploded. Lemmy's software stack is being developed to handle the higher demand better.

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Enshittification is fueled by normies NEVER LEARNING.

I really hope they are kept in check. No karma, no corporations, no problem. I hope Meta's EEE attempt crashes and burns. They are not welcome to the Fediverse.

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Back when I was a teenager I had the blind optimism the future would be bright and we would keep all the positive trends we had in the early 2010s.

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Wasn't it hosted in Finland? Or have things changed?

The redesign made things worse and only worse:

  • Login walls for random communities
  • Actively user hostile mobile website that doesn't respect "use desktop site" and tries to funnel people into the app
  • Redesign and mobile app are bloated wastes of resources that do less than old.reddit but using several megabytes of Javascript, unusable with anything less than a stable 4G connection
  • Full of whitespace and rounded buttons that waste screen space, they expect everyone to have 1440p monitors to have a decent UI density
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The last thing I personally want is reintroducing Silicon Valley cancer back into the Fediverse. Let's keep them away. No ads, no algos, no bullshit.

There is a bug in the Lemmy backend causing hot and active ordering to give you stale posts in the frontpage. Switch to New and enjoy the A C T I V I T Y

Warning: the frontpage will update very fast

Sadly people will still jump there. It will eventually overtake Mastodon in numbers because people are dependent on the convenience of walled gardens.

Keep in mind Beehaw defederated us so no communications between them and lemmyworld

Boo hoo, I am so stressed! I can only fly in a gold plated private jet instead of a rhodium plated one. The west has fallen, trillions must fly

I know. It's a corporate hellscape and the culmination of Web 2.0 ever since 2014 ended. I just hope it crashes and burns and all the bootlickers go back to Tiktok or somewhere they will not disturb others' quality of life. They are the ones who perpetuate the redditor neckbeard stereotype and are a burden right now.

give it content and legitimacy and server capacity

by concentrating said content and legitimacy within their walled garden servers. Then they perform the rug pull and shut the gates closed, they have all the content and we have nothing.

also you don't have a karma system homogenizing behavior by making redditors constantly addicted to upcummies

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Fuck traders, if you're on Soulseek do the right thing and blacklist them.

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I also second this, I quite like Kbin's tightness myself. Could be an optional theme for the web app but I understand the Lemmy devs are busy fixing the issues that were unearthed by the population explosion. However this could be arguably classified as a more general Lemmy issue rather than a lemmy.world issue which this community is for

Snarkiness, snobbery, walking on eggshells, opinion downvotes and in general the unbearable attitude of most redditors.

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Somewhere in countries that don't respect American copyright like Iran

VC money drying up means enshittification machine slamming the gas

Sadly I don't think so. This incident was absolutely preventable. Someone warned them about this and they got fired. A makeshift vessel that wasn't inspected/certified, immersed to almost 3 times the rated depth, controlled by a wireless Logitech gamepad from 2010 with no redundancy and only 96 hours of oxygen. I really really hope for a last minute miracle though...

Maybe indeed it's a bit too early c:

Let's hope for a future where the Internet is the vibrant and diverse place it used to be before the big tech walled gardens.

most of stack overflow, IT subreddits and SEO content farms that regurgitate stack overflow data summed up in two sentences.

That's the thing, I don't want one instance with too much control over others. That is a gateway to reintroducing corporate corruption into the Fediverse

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they are the same kind of people who don't mind kernel level anticheats.

I'm all pro-tech and pro-advancements myself but I agree we're reaching a stage where we need to start degrowing

Small phones are in a crisis right now. I'm still holding on to my Galaxy S7. If you want something newer there's the Pixel 4a or the Asus Zenfone 9 if you have money to spend. Zenfone 10 is coming soon and so far it's THE only small phone planned for release this year

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It shouldn't. Karma encourages the vices we've seen on Reddit like karma farmers, hive minds and threads full of unfunny jokes.

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Kinda miss the old Google logo, it reminds me of the pre-enshittification internet but that was never meant to last anyways...

He's not learning anything LMAO
Corporations NEVER learn

Let's just hope it doesn't go the way of email, it started the same way: federated service controlled by no one. Nowadays big corporations influence banlists to enforce a protection racket and non-compliant instances are both banned and filled with spambots.

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True, especially with the fuckfuckadblock list which really mitigates most aDvLoKC d3TeKteD bullshit.

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he's gonna need an ass transplant...and maybe antibiotics for the rest of his life imagine the infections and gangrene

This. LineageOS with Magisk modules like Viper4Android or AOSP Mods is just irreplaceable. Nothing ever compares for me.

Depends on the sub. At least for me, r/IncelExit and its modteam helped me crawl out of a dark hole some time ago. That sub is an invaluable resource against radicalization.

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