2 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No, it got significantly worse for two reasons:

Trump showed that operating outside morals or regulations had no consequences, political or financial.

A kleptrocrat is now in the highest office, instead of just pulling strings.

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youtube's loaded with EV disinformation...

In other news, sky's still blue.

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Uber was never a tech proposition, it was a predatory disruptor.

The streaming fiasco is sad but inevitable as greed does what greed does.

Cloud was never primarily about price, the big cost save initially was to get rid of purchased or rented iron and locations but the main reason of the Big Switch was the scaleability and opportunities for quick deployment of new technologies and methodologies.

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We always knew/suspected this. But the ones that do the fearmongering around vaccines will not be interested in facts...

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To please King Louis XIII.

During the 30 year war, Croatian mercenaries fought alongside the King in battle. To keep their jackets tied they used a piece of cloth which King Louis XIII took a strong liking to. He made this smart scarf a mandatory accessory for royal gatherings. Paying homage to the Croats who introduced this scarf to him, he named it ‘La Cravate’, which is still the French name for the necktie today.

Over the ages, the cravat has evolved into the modern necktie we wear today. Since their origins in military regiments, they have been a symbol of power and respect. Throughout the 19th century, they swept through the Western world. They were found in most universities, schools, sports clubs and gentlemen clubs.

Apart from the whole dictator thing, they had the presedential power for 4 years and managed to lock up exactly nobody.... Not saying they're not dangerous but why would their base believe them this time, action should really speak louder than words with those simpletons and Trump has been all words.

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Quietly? They have been doing so for at least 40 years. Everybody knew and knows.

Are you for real? The creators have been dead for decades. Apart from the discussion of who was actually creatively responsible for Disney's as significant characters. Copyright was invented to protect them, not to be a gravy train for their useless descendants or the faceless companies owning the right for some (often murky) reason.

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If only there was a way to show the whole world in one simple example how Enshitification works.

Google execs: Hold my beer!

Nonsense. Cultural history transferrence is a thing, I did not have to have watched Gilligan's Island or the Honeymooners to get the references in every 80s tv show, it became clear from the context and its own meta joke.

So no, just like a GenX-er did not need to have been a Baby Boomer to undestand the "One of these days Alice, Bang! Zoom! Straight to the moon!" reference, a Gen Z-er can quite easily get references about Gen X series from the frequency and context they encounter them.

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Seeing as teething babies cry a lot, I wonder how painful this process will be.

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My Fantasy and SF book lovers goup on Facebook has more posts per day than I can read and gets new members every day. My music groups on Facebook have even more posts and content. Linkedin has more and more social posts (not a good thing, but hardly on the decline)

Article is clearly written by someone with no initiatve or personality or insight.

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How can a toxic wastedump exclusevely filled with trolls, edgelords and questionable porn go downhill? That place's been as low as possible just about from the start. Can't believe anyone would voluntarily admit to posting there back here in the civilized world.

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At least the Taliban have the excuse their holy book is read in its original language. These jokers base themselves on a translation of a translation. Dogma and theocracy are wrong in any version, but if you are spouting ignorant bigotry at least make sure it's what the bronze-age sheepherders really intended...

I am not proud to say I was an original backer, but luckily only for like 25 bucks.

It became clear after a year or two it was vaporware. even if a product ever comes out it'll not be what I backed originally, which was Privateer TNG. So I stopped following the game, never played any of the tech demo's and just shake my head warily when I see news articles like this. Bernie Madoff is in jail for basically the same thing. How can people still support this travesty.

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Kiss. Pretending to be a real band and becoming more of a joke every year after year since the 70s. Still, an impressive new low for them.

went insane

Come on, read his statements and actions of the past, say, 5 years. The sanity ship sailed ages ago.

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Neither does his platform...

Of course they do. It's a common and effective propaganda instrument to lessen the effectiveness of the word so people take it less seriously when it's used in the correct context. By underestimating their intelligence and cunning you are actually playing right into their hands.

Left of center? You mean left from totally bonkers actual Fascists....

And if you support Trump, you at the very least are ok with fascists. You can judge a person by the company they keep...

as a user never asked for constant review of threads for rule violations

You might not, but us very satisfied users of the shining beacon of magnificience in reddit's cesspool, /r/AskHistorians, did and that was (is?) a model of the contribution to civilisation and human knowledge can be made in a well regulated space on the internet. But those very erudite and busy professionals and scientists moderating there will in all likelyhood throw in the towel and I am afraid anything that comes in its place in another medium would stuggle to reach the same level.


There you have it, qualified medical professionals refuse (and are not allowed to anyway because of the oath) to participate in executions. So the people administring whatever concoction is made are not medically trained nor usually even particularily knowledgable on the subject. And yes, this has caused a series of botched executions, to the extent that the most bloodthirsty states are looking at smimpler ways to execute. Hence this aricle.

Apart from the license question compliance is an additional minefield. The European Pivacy Protection Supervisor last communicated on the Fediverse last year and they were cautiously optimistic but not overly detailed on the real life consequences.

TechDispatch #1/2022 - Federated Social Media Platforms

AI consumption of news content makes the news more accessible.

If journalists and their platforms do not get paid their articles won't get written. So no, the free absorbtion of professional articles into a LLM that uses the article to answer a Pokemon question online in 6 months is not making "news" more "accesible".

I think this is more of a case like Louie C.K

You tell me you say that the guy who literally waited for women in their dressingroom naked and started to masterbute as they walked in was just "lacking the ability to really clue in on social cues".

I don't know anymore with these apologists like you. Are you trolling or really this misguided?

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The case — which dates back over five years to the time when Scholz was still mayor of the Hamburg city-state — is linked to the broader so-called “Cum Ex” affair, under which the German state was defrauded by over €30 billion as some banks, companies, or individuals claimed tax reimbursements from authorities for alleged costs that never occurred. The scandal already hung over the Social Democratic politician's election campaign in 2021 but had little impact in the end as Scholz's potential involvement remained unclear. Now it is heating up again after new details emerged that put his previous defense in question.


‘Cum-Ex’ is Latin - and it means ‘with without’. In essence, it’s a massive stock trading scam by bankers, brokers, hedge funds, international tax firms, investment companies, lawyers and insurance companies. By acting as promoters to help their clients get a refund for a tax they never actually paid for, they have defrauded EU member states by billions of euros. This rapid trading of shares with (cum) and without (ex) dividend rights thus gave rise to the scandal of the same name.

It does not. We are not animals.

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The Strokes. Their debut *Is This It *is one of the best if not the best Rock debuts. Eveything else after is just meh to me.

The Pixel is the far superior product as far as I am concerned: Faster, more stable, no bloatware and the best camera around.

But, and this might be a big but for some, if you need repairs or service outside of insurance you are SOL. There's not a lot of companies doing Pixel repairs and if they do the parts are insanely expensive. I needed a screen replace and it cost almost as much as the phone itself in parts and labour. And the end result is a screen that gets dirtier and a non-functioning fingerprint sensor. Not optimal.

Awesome phone, but pray you do not need service.

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They are definately not fair. But fair is not an economic or political quantifyable term. Slavery wasn't fair either.

What is just or not changes with times and societies. If there is political capital to be made by making reparations then they make sense. If the public disagrees they can and will vote out those responsible. For better or for worse that's our system.

But I personally do not feel there's such a thing as Sins of the Fathers. I have nothing to do with the slavers of 300 years ago, the whole concept of owning a human being is repugnant to me. And I genuinly feel that should be enough.

The state does not care whether they are innocent as well, and that callousness is just as bad from the eyes of people living in a civilized society...

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To be fair, reddit for me was always about getting to know like-minded people. And I met my wife through the 40+redditor seeks redditor group so if that's what it is I'm fine with it. Not in the least as I left that toxic waste dump with the exodus and have not missed 95% of it. (Yes, I miss /r/AskHistorians but I am strong, if I allow myself one subredit it will suck me back in so clean break is for the best).

This is the way it has been working for quite some time with all digital distribution networks.

The shocking thing here is that you get compensation, Apple e.g. has never done that, in the past they did not even send a notification if they deleted something from your library.

Yes, the whole concept is scummy. But Amazon at least tries as best as they can in the context of licenses from third parties...

No, they are confusing the issue so the jurors won;t know what he was really accused of. Their best tactic, and one that could very well pay off for them, sadly. Jury trials are a joke.

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Whoever still uses twitter deserves all they get from it...

Depends on how relevant twitx still is come the elections...

If you feel happy with the current state of reddit you should be there. I could not stomach it anymore so I'm at the next best alternative, that has all the potential. You need to take the sour with the sweet in all new ventures. But if that's not for you just go just go where you feel fine, nobody is making you stay or is invested in having people stick around that do not feel they want to be here.

Yes. We knew back then. This is all no surprise to anyone. But now what, there seems to be no consequences to anything the guy did or does. Short of divine intervention and a pop of his clogged heart he'll be president again in the US's last free elections for probably at least a generation.

You are correct in essence, I was taking a bit of a shortcut, but Rishi is definately unique in that he is a step up in wealth compared to the traditional Old Boys Network. Ironically that's the only level up the UK has accomplished since Boris XD

So yes, the rich and privileged have always been the ruling class, once the Millionaires get replaced by Billionaires the rules, and playing field, changes dramatically.

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