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I probably wouldn't quit my job because I like it. I probably wouldn't even tell many people I had that much money. My only debt is my mortgage so that would be gone. I'd probably buy a better house with an actual yard. Sell this house to my roommate for dirt cheap. (There's no way he'd just take it)

Probably do some lying that my brother won some kind of raffle and give him a bunch of racecar parts. Shit maybe even sponsor a race team or two, gotta get the young kids back in the sport as all the old guys retire.

I'd probably buy some land in another area, give myself a vacation house. But this wouldn't be immediate. Probably get a new car, mines pretty old. Build a greenhouse on my new property, have way too many rescue animals. Maybe even run a small rescue.

All this is assuming I've already set myself up for retirement and I'm good to go with everything else.

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If you're not stretching daily, you're gonna hate life. I'm also not stretching daily so uhhh do as I say not as I do? Lol

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My brother used to be really big into his ham radio. It got smashed in his move and he never bought another one =\

Funny how this works but yet I got diagnosed as an adult THEN my brother got diagnosed haha. We do everything backwards.

This made it so big people outside of Lemmy were talking about it. I overheard some co-workers talking about it and I was like you're on Lemmy?? And they were confused.

Idk about niche so much as, not nearly as popular as it used to be. Circle track asphalt racing. My whole family is in on it. My grandpa did it, my dad and my uncle's did it (and are helping us) now my brother's and I are carrying the legacy. Used to be 17 people from our town showing up to the track every weekend. Now there's 2 of us crews that show up.

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Non tech, I currently work in municipal water but previous to that was municipal sewer.

I also saw in this thread I'm not the only woman working on a racecar! Hell yeah

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And if someone wants to remind me how to properly link communities, I'd appreciate it lol

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If you're into it, https://slrpnk net is a pretty sweet instance. Lots of ecological and other solar punk communities. It's where I set up the new NoLawns community.


That's a 10/10 quote

This post just makes me want to be friends with you lol

I used 3rd party apps so I didn't see ads to begin with haha. To me it feels slower as both the apps for Lemmy work out their bugs and Lemmy itself works out it's bugs. I keep seeing the same 15 posts repeatedly all the time. That makes it feel slower than it actually is.

To your point about how all the spez lovers stayed there, I just had a disagreement with someone here. We brought up our points like adults and I agreed I missed something in the original post and that they are right. I rarely if ever got to see that on Reddit in the last few years.

I'm dying at this comment. I really hope it's referred back to years from now as the original hate lol

I thought that for a long time of my life. Turns out, all of my childhood my feelings, my likes and my dislikes were all invalidated constantly by everyone around me. Which lead me to have no idea who I was or what I wanted.

Not saying that's the same case for you but, might be time to do some inner work.

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I've found the only people I know who have clean houses are: people without kids, people with house cleaners, people who's mental health issues make them want to clean. Everyone else just apologizes for their mess and moves on.

Thanks for sharing that, that's a handy thing to know

Another vote for signal

I wish my anxiety functioned like that. A mess makes me way more anxious but my ADHD tells me evening will take 92 hours so don't do it.

Mad respect to iron workers you guys are nuts sometimes lol

I would tell my significant other: hey, I love your parents I'm so excited to see them. We're going to need to take separate cars though because I have training in the morning but I don't want to tear you away from your family just because of me. Let's plan the activities early enough so I can join but you guys can still go have fun and go out after I go to bed.

Then leave it open for discussion. Maybe she only wants to take one car and her parents will bring her back, maybe one of the several nights there's something later she really wants you to be apart of so maybe you can be tired for just one day. But don't leave it as an "I'm gonna do this thing" leave it as a discussion.

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I've had a taste of that life and it's not for the faint of heart. Thank you for everything you did.

Just how ungodly unstable almost every towns infrastructure is. Water mains failing at alarming rates, massive sewer backups, people in charge of this shit have no idea what they're doing and the ones who do, won't spend the money until something catastrophic happens.

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That's it? If you had fuck you money you'd do two chicks at the same time?

I really hope I'm not the only one who read that in Lawrence's voice.

I have high hopes but low expectations. I hope it's gonna be amazing I'm expecting less hoping to be surprised.

I was thinking, "is this the thing? The first thing all the reddit people get to see coming to Lemmy? Is this history???"

But seriously, WTF

Yes but generally the tracks are smaller. We're running 1/4 mile but we've also got 1/3 and 1/2 mile tracks somewhat close to us.

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The content in the last month or so has gone down hill fast.

I took 9 months off work (well kinda I did some freelance shit but I mostly got to not work). I did eventually get bored but it took 6 of those 9 months to actually get bored lol. It may have been different if I had enough money to do whatever I wanted but, I had enough to survive.

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Damn that's a hard pick... Idk the inspector number 5 episode gives me some feels for Hermes.

Yeah the decision to go on ALL was a weird one

Yes, it was unusable on my work tablet this week. Just making up weird ass words that make no sense. Division kept becoming driven like 20 times

I used to take the long route in the bus because it had more hills :)

I've always heard it as "so much money you can literally tell anyone fuck you" or buy something ridiculous with that money as a middle finger to others

I totally understand why this has been chosen. Although it doesn't effect me yet, I'm worried it will at some point. I hope this is only temporary and it's reconsidered at some point. Splitting up the fediverse just feels like another Reddit to me.

Yeah the issue with my sub is we've worked really hard to create the community we have. A lot of our users won't leave. I've decided to use an automod sticky comment on every post letting everyone know where the rest of our official pages are. I have seen very little migration unfortunately.

We decided as a mod team to keep our sub open. We're all migrating off Reddit but we're keeping our accounts for our one singular sub.

This is so cute! Great job OP!

I'm actually also using square home. No complaints.

I do miss having all my content right there and being able to mindlessly scroll. The fediverse gets better daily but I can't exist the way I did on Reddit.

That being said, that's not necessarily a bad thing lol. I deleted my posting account on Reddit and I haven't logged in days

I wonder how my coworker would feel if I started labeling all our equipment with Futurama references