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Game development wasn't nearly as corporatized back then. At that timeframe the discovery of what's possible was still being invented, let alone formulated. The sheer discovery back then of what you could do in gameplay was a brand new frontier.

We measure success by how many GB's we have consumed when the only keys depressed from power on to desktop is our password. This shit right here is the real issue.

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I was quite literally illustrating the absurdity by being similarly absurd. Telling people to shut the fuck up about an issue is funny as hell to respond with a similar statement.

Again, you're wrong.

You can save a lot of money by just going to a masseuse instead of a chiropractor. People attribute the positive feeling they get from attention to well being improvements, and pseudoscience practitioners certainly achieve that at a premium price. If it's attention you want, get a massage, otherwise go to a PT and get some real help.

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Part of a manufactured recession is that everyone goes broke from getting laid off or suppressed wages, and they can't afford to buy your shit. Whodathunk?

Good riddance to that fucking scumbag.

I know this is a Captain Obvious moment but I'll bite anyway, just imagine how great it would be if we just socialized public transit and our tax dollars worked for us, instead of trying to incarcerate us.

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Linus put it rather succinctly when he remarked that Reddit has gone "full scumbag", and that was before this move.

Holy shit this is badass.

Too bad we can't ban Meta, Twitter, and Snapchat while we're at it.

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So it was like we thought all along, cool.

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It's funny that back in 2009 Gabe Newell was talking about the focus on the customer, and making the DRM be above all useful and do things that benefit customers instead of just benefitting the developer/publisher.....and here we are today where people really don't give a shit about the revenue split, but the fact that Steam is an extremely convenient and useful platform that does a lot of legwork for the end users that people don't even think about anymore.

Epic is trying to wave a banner of revolution, where we the end users just want our shit to work and run nicely. Obligatory mention of Linux here as well, where it seems Valve is truly trying to foster an ecosystem that benefits customers as opposed to fucking them over. That's in lieu of the Polygon hit-piece where they point out the scummy things Valve has done.....but if you take Valve away you're left with a barren landscape of shitty publishers that actively treat customers awful with none of the good things Valve does.

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I think you touch on the real issue, and it's where the wealth of a company is created. The cashflow and operations is one thing, the investor money is entirely another. People in the company don't benefit from the investor capital nearly as much as the senior leadership does. The takeaway is how fundamentally broken the economy is right now as investment is wrecking how we do business. "Publicly traded" my ass. I get that companies need capital, and the VC money is one thing, but when we see shit like this it paints the picture of an established company getting enshittified to satisfy late game investors that act more like a parasite than anything else, and undermines the prosperity of business itself.

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It takes an MBA to make shitty decisions, make 3,000% higher compensation than the average employee, and then turn around and layoff others because of your own shitty decisions. I think you're being real kind with the assbag label there. I'm thinking a term like "parasitic shit-cunt" gets slightly closer but I just can't think of anything derisive enough that satisfies the enmity I have for them.

Just be born rich, and use Daddy's money to start a business. It's so easy, anyone can do it.

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It's odd, the words "employee" and "employees" gets used here pretty often, but Amazon itself goes through a lot of effort to have people as contractors. I know, employees of the contractor.....but still. These gig jobs are just a great way to shift liability and evade responsibility by the company itself. "We tell you exactly what, where, and how you do everything you do....but you're not one of us"

That's pretty badass of the women. Using the bike to pin that big cat down in just the right spot must've taken some brass too. The thing would be hissing and freaking the fuck out trying to claw you while holding it down.

When your friends fight off a mountain lion, and then pin it down, that's how you know you have some good friends.

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That's a classic example of enshittification. The search use to be really helpful, but we need to squeeze out some better metrics for selling ads and impressions, so let's enshittify the search some with more garbage results and AI driven results which results in people returning to search again because their first search took then to an AI Linkedin page or a ChatGPT generated Quora article, or some Reddit thread where someone asked for help but nothing helpful was answered except to refer someone to a pinned thread somewhere else that you need to Google for again. Oh look, sponsors!

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The rich have their own growth metrics which look spectacular when a Republican administration is dismantling society and directing all the capital in their direction, and that seems to line up exactly with all these findings.

It’s not that it’s more efficient, it’s simply used less than in conventional PC architecture.

It's not that you're wrong from a philosophical perspective with that, it's that you're factually incorrect. Memory addresses don't suddenly shrink or expand depending on where they exist on the bus or the CPU. Being on the SoC doesn't magically make RAM used less by the OS and applications, as the mach kernel, Darwin, and various MacOS layers still address the same amount of memory as they would on traditional PC architecture.

Memory is memory, just like glass is glass, and glass will still scratch at a level 7 just like 8GB of RAM holds the same amount of information as.....8GB of RAM.

The article actually quantitatively tests this too by pointing out their memory usage with Chrome and different numbers of tabs open.

Looks like you didn't read the article.

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I mean, the vibe I get from this article is that white collar IT and infrastructure roles need to unionize. Laying off other working class and then celebrating it while the executives are still shit rich is aloof. Work is work, and this sucks.

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This article is useless trash. There is no real technical argument here except "founder bad".

I do have reasons for not using Brave, but it's to do with the annoying defaults and the crypto integration. They default whitelist Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook garbage that I have to go and toggle off.

Given the level of effort and extensions like Facebook container on Firefox, I just prefer the better experience for me. This bullshit about getting on identity politics agendas I find abhorrent and repulsive. This author's a stupid fuckhead.

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Especially when both parents have to work to afford to live.

That's exactly the problem right there.

NPR, huh, doing a better job of breaking down a criterion collection type list than any of the journo blogs/sites I've ever seen.

They're surprisingly tasteful too, and they highlighted some real gems from the indie devs. I really hope they do more of this stuff, they're real good at it.

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Until Bungie gives me back the content I already paid for, that company can rot in hell. I feel for the devs who point stuff out to leadership and tell them exactly what they need to do to fix their reputation, but the leadership saying "player's still love us" means that piece of shit scumbag, Pete Parsons, can go get dry fucked by splintering balsa wood.

I won't play the Legacy Collection, not even when it's free. Fuck you, Bung-hole.

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I remember thinking movies just had absurd sensationalized plot lines and that our societies were past that shit. Then I saw former soviets killed by alpha particle emitting pills, whistleblowers dying, and now I'm thinking the truth is stranger than fiction.

Hang in there Edward Snowden, it's amazing that fucker threaded the needle and still lives.

So many people framed Activision as the bad guy, when we are seeing that they actually staved off some idiotic decisions on Bungie's part. I have a feeling that while the layoffs are awful, I look at other studios run by Sony and can't help but wonder if the real issue was just at the local management level, and Sony's intervention is maybe needed to save Bungie from itself. Pete Parsons is a piece of shit fuckhead.

I've argued in a few other posts with people who say shit like "Do you have access to healthcare? Did a hospital turn you away?"

My answer to them is to go fuck yourselves, all of you shitty rude "fuck you, I got mine, pull yourself up by your bootstraps" motherfuckers.

What we have access to isn't healthcare for one. It's sick-care, as the notion of leveraging preventative care is laughable for the majority of Americans as high deductible plans have resorted to more cost cutting measures that are ultimately self defeating. What we are left with is the specter of financial ruin hanging over every health concern we experience in our lives. People go from their 30's into their 40's and forego exams, put off any procedures, and often wait until it's far too late to treat something entirely preventable.

Last year a video got very popular when a guy was hanging up lights and fell of his ladder, tweaking his leg. His awesome neighbor came running over asking him not to move, and shouting out to another bystander to call an ambulance, as it was very clear he damaged his leg if not breaking it. As soon as the victim heard the words "call an ambulance" he snaps up declaring that he's fine, and there's no need. 50 years ago it would have been perfectly acceptable and find for the average person to get medical attention for a fall like that.

Look at the most recent healthcare worker's strike over the simple fact that they themselves cannot afford many of the procedures they themselves perform.

The United States is in a second gilded age, and we need to rake the wealthy over the coals. If we continue to have only prosperity for a small few, then those few are going to find their heads in baskets soon.

After seeing other potential alternatives, then seeing how LW and a few other instances took off, credit really goes to protocol devs, fediverse devs/admins, and LW is a standout for the praise you just mentioned as well. It's a culmination of so many things going right to make such a diverse and expansive community. We're already seeing the tech question help phenomena that Reddit has right here on LW, where some search engine queries can be magically made better by appending lemmy.

Let the migration continue! I haven't missed Reddit since coming here.

Profits are at an all time high, the company was more productive than ever before. In order to improve financial metrics, you're all fired.

Wait, workers are unhappy? How shocking.

Two things I'd love to see. Eliminating the electoral college and then getting rid of superdelegates. Two fundamentally anti-democratic concepts.

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As someone who has played from the beginning, and seen the entire storyline unfold through the multiple directors, I was so nothing absolutely at all whatsoever about the new games.

I thought it was really cool how they stitched the story back to GoW3 and developed the new character so thoughtfully. Christopher Judge seemed to take the character much further while adding depth, and being thoughtful too.

If Jaffe doesn't like that Kratos isn't a mindless rage machine, different strokes I guess. He's definitely in the minority and I think every subsequent game director did an overall better job than he did in GoW 1. *shrug

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Some are even designed so the front doesn't fall off.

It's hilarious really. They sense a foreign object and they have to assume an incident happened, so they sit disabled. They go into a shutdown mode until a technician goes on the scene and resets it. As to the technical reasons for "why", that's proprietary and closed source, but based on the behavior we can infer a lot.

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"Unlucky cofounders" - the lowest net worth of any of them is 7 million. Ian's not doing half bad considering most people will work their entire lives and not get a net worth even half of his.

The next one up has a net worth of 200 million.

In this present day, we're barely steps or even a half step away from having absolutely tyrannically-dictator type behaviors from billionaires. It's almost as bad as the Roman Emperors that were batshit crazy, and their own Praetorian Guard eventually took those motherfuckers out. It baffles me how we had Presidential assassination attempts as recently as the 80's in the US but wasting billionaires just isn't a thing. It's very amazing power structure.

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I never played Hi-Fi rush, Redfall, Mighty Doom, or The Evil Within. That said it looks like Tango hit their sales and quality strides. Alpha Dog and their Mighty Doom shit-ware deserves the dust bin and closure.

As cold and callous as this all sounds, I read about the Redfall development and it was leadership start to finish on that disaster. The employees, even at Alpha Dog, don't deserve this treatment. Dinga Bakaba from Arkane Lyon stated it perfectly

Don't throw us into gold fever gambits, don't use us as strawmen for miscalculations/blind spots, don't make our work environments darwinist jungles. You say we make you proud when we make a good game. Make us proud when times are tough. We know you can, we seen it before.

Fuck me, this part hurts the most, and I highly recommend anyone who didn't read the article at least look at what was said here. Everyone knows damn well that the corporation has the ability to flourish in keeping all the talented workers who got fucked by shitty leadership, instead the leadership will fail upward and keep ruining projects. Companies have so many chances to really disrupt and show the world a better way and they continually take shallow short sighted routes to cheap monetary victory, discarding humanity along the way. Fuck companies.

I get the technicality of all this, but this could be a watershed moment. Businesses like to contract people out to move liability and cut corners in their obligations to the workers. The bottom line is that its cheaper and easier to fire whatever contractors you don't like for any reason, and artificially push their salaries/wages down.

Look at Fedex Ground, Amazon drivers, etc. Google is now firmly in the role of the bad guy here, with Sundar Pichai making 220+ million dollars with much of it on the backs of layoffs and ethnically bankrupt business practices. I honestly think the ramifications of this in a positive way for the workers is tantamount to the formation of the UAW itself with their sitting strikes. They sat at the machines and forcibly halted production.

That needs to happen here, and all you scabs, fuck you. You can just piss off.