3 Post – 349 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This seems like both a feature and a bug with the fediverse. Some topics just fit a lot of subs and then you multiply that by all the Lemmy instances. It seems like the discussions around big topics can really get spread around.

The IRS agent who worked up this case is either going to be up for a few days of extra vacation time or perhaps a job at Microsoft.

The first few times I heard "woke" used, it was in the context of people who don't follow the sheep because they aren't asleep. Hence, they have woke up.

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It takes time. Lemmy is still pretty niche and reddit just has a decade+ of accumulated lurkers.

The important part is that the best people from Reddit are here now.


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Step 1: Pick an issue that is divisive*

Step 2: Boost it with stories about how bad the people on the wrong side are: won't someone think of the children?

Step 3: Watch the outrage donations roll on in

It's a playbook as old as time.

*Some people might call it divisive because one side is like "let's all become crabs and live in the ocean" vs the other side that's like "no let's continue using our opposable thumbs". But who am I to label whether one side is right and the other wrong?

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-Rapist with a half billion judgement against him

That's... wild.

Aside from whatever you feel about this guy, he's fucked. It might take some time but the victims will start to get court orders to seize his assets, which they can then present to banks, police, and other authorities, who will then turn them over directly.

The USA has it's fingers in almost every financial network in the world and Alex Jones can no longer be safe anywhere except basically crypto, bad actor countries, and I guess cash in his mattress. For the rest of his life. And he can't escape it with bankruptcy.

He'll be better off trying to get citizenship in Russia or China or something and never coming back.

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Oh the irony, I opened the site which has no less than 3 popups and it immediately fried my mobile browser. I had to kill the tab.

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I feel like this is Satya's wet dream. He woke up on Friday like normal and went to bed on Sunday owning what, 85% of OpenAI's top people? Acquisitions aren't usually that easy.

It seems obvious Sam would want to grow his company to infinity. That's what VC people do. The board expecting otherwise is strange in hindsight. Now they can oversee the slow, measured adoption of much smaller business while the rest of the team shoots for the stars.

Anyways, RIP y'all. Skynet launches next year.

Isn't this an act of cutting off your face to spite your nose? I understand that Reddit wants to monetize it's for AI models. But if the content gets moved into a walled garden, and reddit's own search features don't improve dramatically, then what's the point of going to Reddit?

died Thursday in New York from complications of cancer.

I'm sure this guy did fear for his life. I am sure he did feel like the safest thing he could do in that moment for himself was to fire directly into the unknown car.

And that's why he doesn't belong in our society. He is not welcome to participate given that the above is true, and we need to remove him until the end of time to ensure that no such thing can ever happen again.

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I think this type unauthorized use of somebody's likeness is going to define the next wave of AI image and video generation. Sadly a lot of people will fall for it because they don't know how good it is.

There was that teenager in Spain who was arrested for making nude AI models of his female classmates. I've had friends match with people on Tinder who then later send nude pics of them - AI generated - along with a demand for money or they will misuse it. It's going to get a whole lot worse before the public is educated about this.

But that's just the nasty small scale stuff. We're going to see celebrities and public personas in all kinds of questionable roles, appearing so authentic that average people won't notice it's deepfaked. Great.

It's going to be a scammers wet dream for a while.

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Longtime Mullvad user, always been happy. But when Mullvad was still a small service it was unusual to have any problems when browsing the web with their IPs.

Recently, many services can detect you're on a VPN when using Mullvad and block or ban you, which means they've become successful enough that there are countrer-VPN databases including all of their IPs.

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Man, we should make computers upgradable or something.

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This is a thing about huge companies. They can only ignore alternatives at their own peril.

The Windows team probably prefers you don't ever install Linux even though they wised up and created WSL (so they don't lose developers to Linux desktop the way they lost creative designers to Mac).

The other teams? VSCode, Office 365, Azure, GitHub, Bing, Skype, etc wisely DGAF what your OS is - just that it's supported so you can use it.

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Nobody has 467+ million dollars in cash ready for transfer at any given moment, especially for something like this. That would be poor financial planning even for a billionaire. However... It's not like he didn't have a heads up that it's coming, so it seems like he didn't have his ducks in a row here.

I'm sure even Elon or Bill would have to make some annoyingly painful decisions to get that amount of cash on short notice.

It's telling that he is struggling to borrow against his properties to raise the capital. It suggests that behind the scenes banks are not offering him favorable terms. And even if he were to win on appeal, it will still be quite expensive for him. I'm guessing that in the bank's internal analysis they project the original judgment will stand and therefore are considering how much they will earn after they foreclose on his buildings and sell them. It's potentially sizable...

If the Trump name were removed from the tower the value might actually increase lol.

On the other hand, unless Trump is delusional (granted, it's possible), he must also know that winning on appeal is a long shot and therefore this money, once he puts it up, is gone. I guess his efforts to borrow rather than sell to raise capital are his version of YOLO. Because he's either president and figures out how to stall, or he's old already in the consequences will be short-lived.

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Either they've already inked special exceptions with their top talent, or those guys are about to leave.

Can't imagine it's too big a pool of engineers at the very top of virtualization technology.

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Hey, Lemmy user in this thread: you're likely in the top 0.1% expertise of all computer users worldwide.

This prompt is aimed at my boomer dad, who wouldn't know what that funny icon is but read somewhere to close his apps for better speed. If his OneDrive docs disappear, I'll get a call about it. At the same time, Microsoft probably can't sell anything to my dad ever again, except his Office 365 subscription, so that makes him the product.

Microsoft is usually pretty good at letting tech users disable this kind of stuff with powershell commands or registry keys, which you already know how to do. And of course businesses join windows PCs to domains and disable this stuff centrally too.

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Looks like more efforts to sanitize the place in prep for an ipo.

The execs are almost certainly ready to cash out and retire from that annoying gig 🤣

But just wait until a wallst level CEO gets hold of the reigns.

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Missing the days of Consumer Reports. I think the velocity of new products is too high for them to be relevant for more than a few months once they release a report anymore.

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It's like running your own email server in the early 2000s. For large businesses it totally makes sense.

Hobbiests can do it to if they are interested.

Most people will land at a "shared" service and let someone else handle the admin tasks. I'm afraid that eventually there might only be ",, and" so to speak, because it's just the easy way to go for most people and economies of scale make it more feasible for the operators who find ways to get paid.

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“It was an honest mistake. And I expect the situation to be resolved shortly,” Wilson said in the statement.

Wilson said in the statement that when the plane landed in Hong Kong, he “immediately went to customs officials and called their attention to the issue.”

I hope he doesn't assume his status as an American politician will solve the matter. According to the article he volunteered the information. But according to the linked article at RTHK the weapon was found by a customs agent.

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Me. The way the API thing was handled just pissed me off too much to log in or contribute there anymore. I do occasionally load the "old." version of the site up and read some of the specialized communities. I'd been there since the mass migration from Digg.

Lemmy is too slow with new content (my Lemmy frontpage has 2-3+ day old posts) and there are fewer interesting comments to engage.

I do think reddit's frontpage is noticeably worse off now, but I wish there was some metric to see how that looks statistically.

Hopefully Lemmy continues to grow.

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Homes should be for living, not profit making.

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It's Zelenskyy's job to say that. But if he doesn't get it he'll be in a tough situation with his troops assuming he tries to backpedal that and encourage them to keep fighting.

I don't understand why Europe isn't more involved in shutting this situation down. It's your goddamn borders at risk if this smoldering fire isn't put out.

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Usually mankind doesn't give them a platform... but yeah of course there a lot of people who's lives run on blaming others.

Amazon and Walmart have just outright won the game. Everyone else in those spaces, and adjacent spaces, just can't compete anymore. You either do business with them or die/live on the leftover scraps.

It's really not good, there should be more opportunities for others.

Anybody seriously believing this has a misunderstanding of how little people care about what OS they use and how much they care that it works the way they expect.

As more of these are announced, fewer casual twitter lurkers will visit the site. Then it will become socially unacceptable for remaining brands to stay, and they'll leave too. Prolific twitter posters will find they no longer have any reach, so they'll just fade out.

Seems like the toilet is mid flush.

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Your comment brings up the most relevant point against MAID and it's clear we can be a better society than one which pushes people over the edge, or let's them fall despite their pleas.

I too am glad that you managed to fuck it up and that you're here with us.

The repub constituents approve of this behavior? Do they even know what's going on?

Why aren't these 5 or so holdouts getting absolutely reamed on the national stage for blocking the entire country from getting anything done? The national media should be shaming the constituent districts too for sending these clowns to congress.

Going to work for government never meant getting things exactly your way. It means finding compromises that work for all the people.

Can't do that job then get the F out.

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(⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

Oh, nvm, sorry

┬⁠─⁠┬⁠ノ⁠(⁠ ⁠º⁠ ⁠_⁠ ⁠º⁠ノ⁠)

I checked it out a few times over the years, but was put off by the behavior of some of the people. The concept is fascinating because, as the founder mentions in his letter, there IS some safety in anonymity and expressing yourself more authentically without the physical risk is possible.

Humans mostly have "acceptable behavior" filters in public, but this system also stripped many of those away. Which led to a lot of people incorrectly assuming they could do bad stuff on this platform without consequences.

I think it's too bad this is the way it's got to go. Despite not really being a user, Omegle feels like part of Internet 1.5.

the White House warned that “[a]ny nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States or its allies is unacceptable and will result in the end of the Kim regime

It's telling that the language is very personal. The Kim regime will be over if there is an attack. I think they know what matters to Kim most.

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This is the right answer. When we perform maintenance on our aircraft there's a logbook entry that contains very specific details about the part that went in, such as its serial number, but really that's so the insurance company can track down the culprit after the crash. Not many individuals are doing the tracing themselves.

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This is gut wrenching.

After the last guy the country just needed a guy who mostly plays but the rules, as unwritten as they are. Understands the system. Makes the country look like its head is connected to the neck. Generally speaks diplomatically. Doesn't have too many ideas that are way outside center. Looks after the little guy sometimes. Hires advisors who have a clue.

We got that guy. That's a good thing.

Now we need a newer, younger person with vision. Somebody who can help rebuild an American dream. Somebody who will be alive to see their dream come true. Somebody who can get everyone excited about figuring out what it means to be an American. Somebody who can set aggressive goals and make the case for why we should pursue them, and get the ball rolling. Somebody who shows the average American that their life specifically can be better tomorrow than it is today.

Regrettably that person will still struggle to defeat the ancient skeleton incumbents.

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The bible is not univocal. So saying "pick up a bible" to understand his views perhaps includes killing those who wear mixed fabrics and giving women instructions for abortions. Maybe it also includes killing his firstborn son whenever the voices say he should. Or maybe he doesn't think those parts mean what they say, but other parts do?

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Wonder how this works with car insurance. Os there a future where the driver doesn't need to be insured? Can the vehicle software still be "at fault" and how will the actuaries deal with assessing this new risk.

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