Cruz introduces bill to limit using preferred names, pronouns; critics note he uses a preferred name to politics – 708 points –

Sen. Ted Cruz has introduced a bill that would limit the use of preferred names by trans people.
The irony, critics point out? The senator, whose legal name is Rafael Edward Cruz, uses a preferred name himself: Ted.


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Step 1: Pick an issue that is divisive*

Step 2: Boost it with stories about how bad the people on the wrong side are: won't someone think of the children?

Step 3: Watch the outrage donations roll on in

It's a playbook as old as time.

*Some people might call it divisive because one side is like "let's all become crabs and live in the ocean" vs the other side that's like "no let's continue using our opposable thumbs". But who am I to label whether one side is right and the other wrong?

Look, we don't get to choose if we want to be crab people, nature has just forced crab evolution on us

Oh great, the crab-apologists have showed up

Don't be so crabby

Crabs are the most perfect form in evolution. You will soon join us once you mold and reveal your exoskeleton, then you will know the perfection that are crabs.

chanting crab people crab people chanting

You have it wrong, It's Gods will that we become crab people - it was ordained from the start of time

Look, I don't care what you do in the privacy of your own bathtub, but other people have to use the ocean and I don't want you putting any funny ideas in my kid's head about being a crab. His chitinous exoskeleton and claw are just a phase.

Step 3 is missing the part "and ignore actual issues that affect us all but solutions would make rich people less rich so it's better to distract them"