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Joined 12 months ago

It looks exactly like a 'rad car' that I doodled in my social studies notebook after slamming two bottles of Robitussin.

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Imagine being a five year old and being forced to film an unboxing vid whenever you got a toy in the mail.

Imagine becoming popular online at 6 and the toys start coming in the mail so fast you can't even play with them, there is always more unboxing to do.

Imagine being 14, and everytime you tripped, sneezed, misspoke, cried was documented and shared across a dozen networks.

Finally, Peewees Playhouse has found open source representation.

7zip 4lyfe

It is common for people to vote Mickey Mouse as a write in for voters that are unhappy with the names on the ballot. Sometimes a humorous Write In gets a decent chunk of the vote.

Edit: https://www.texastribune.org/2013/01/02/voting-mickey-mouse/

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I paid for an argument, this is just contradiction!

Am I the only one that misses a thick bezel?

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I'll be a rare beacon for somewhat positive home schooling. At least when I started it in the late 90s. Graduated highschool in 2000.

Yeah, there is a fair amount of religious nut jobs/conservatives when you get out in bufu, but my group was mostly kids with hippie parents and kids with learning disabilities that would have never thrived in public school.

Maybe our group was more social than some of these extremist religious groups, because I had plenty of friends and social interaction. Homeschool isn't always kids being locked away from society by crazy parents, sometimes it is the last option of a misfit child that would fail to thrive if forced into the mould of a model student.

The main thing that I missed out on, by not going to high school proper, was getting regularly bullied and the stress of having to hurry to the bus every morning. If homeschooling hadn't been an option I'd of just been a drop out.

I suppose a number of people would still consider me a drop out because I wasn't forced to suffer as they did.

Edit: I'll add that my group were mostly naturalist/scientist in learning. As far as I know there weren't any flat-earthers/creationists. Maybe I was lucky because of my geographic location.

Maybe things are different now, but that's how it was for me back in the 90s/2000s.

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Bep bup! German Bot here!

"Das ist richtig" means "That is true"

Like and follow this bot so its creator may someday claw themselves out of the joyless pit they have dug themselves.

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Somehow I'm getting two-three texts every day from this scumbag, though I've never voted conservative or signed any conservative petitions.

Different number every time, so I can't block them.


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This is very true, but every porch pirate isn't a moral free tweaker willing to do whatever it takes to score. I think the average down on their luck schmuck would have fewer qualms vandalizing an automated delivery system.

Not pictured is the NASCAR track on the fifth level.

Pointless circles, solved!

At the Science and Industry museum in Chicago they have/had step by step see-through models of a woman's guts before, during, and after pregnancy.

I took a date there and we had a great time. Arrived at that exhibit and we just stood there for a minute, witnessing how jumbled up the post pregnancy innards were.

I said, "I'll never do that to you."

She said, "Thank you."

This haircut is called a tonsure, for the two people that may be curious.

So, my hilarious stunt with 40 quad-copters tethered to a lawn chair will go off without a hitch?

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This post reminded me to take my meds.

Thankfully, I've never imagined gaining anything from my mom when she passes some day. Thankfully her parents set up a trust so she isn't homeless, but when she finally gives in to assisted living, those bills will eat whatever is left.

She's always like, "but I'm leaving you the house!"

The house is full of worthless collectibles and smells terrible after decades of floods and cats. If she got hit by a bus tomorrow I'd probably sell it to one of those seedy We Buy Ugly Houses companies.

Nothing But Trouble is the movie for those curious.

Speech is free, as long as it is positive or neutral irt his assets.

Beer was the only drink you could get in prole pubs. The proles were supposed not to drink gin, though in practice they could get hold of it easily enough. The game of darts was in full swing again, and the knot of men at the bar had begun talking about lottery tickets. Winston's presence was forgotten for a moment. There was a deal table under the window where he and the old man could talk without fear of being overheard. It was horribly dangerous, but at any rate there was no telescreen in the room, a point he had made sure of as soon as he came in.

"E could 'a drawed me off a pint,' grumbled the old man as he settled down behind a glass. 'A 'alf litre ain't enough. It don't satisfy. And a 'ole litre's too much. It starts my bladder running. Let alone the price.'

'You must have seen great changes since you were a young man,' said Winston tentatively.

The old man's pale blue eyes moved from the darts board to the bar, and from the bar to the door of the Gents, as though it were in the bar-room that he expected the changes to have occurred.

'The beer was better,' he said finally. 'And cheaper! When I was a young man, mild beer -- wallop we used to call it -- was fourpence a pint. That was before the war, of course.'


Oh great, the crab-apologists have showed up

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Wasn't it, though?

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'Some Ill informed people may see things your way, but...'

So this is why I have trouble recalling the 90s.

Maybe a bunch of penguin stickers and one that says, "Ask me about Linux!"

Might hurt on date night, though.

Yeah, you can stealth vape. Just hold it in a couple seconds longer and discreetly blow it at the floor. If people were noticing her vaping in a dark theater, she was either coughing or chucking clouds.

Or vaping weed, that skunk smell can spread fast.

My dad made bootleg copies of just about every vhs he rented until the mid 90s.

The ones that were for kids he imprinted with red or blue tape, all the others black.

I have no idea what my mom did with that wall of tapes once he was gone, at this point she doesn't remember either.

The main tape I remember rewatching was the Raggedy Ann movie from the 80s that got super psychedelic and had elements of body horror.

He's actually made of compressed Cheeto dust.

If you get a "xxxx and coke" at a bar chances are the mixer is an off brand like RC or something.

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23 skidoo!

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Iirc, even the Greeks bemoaned the written word because it harmed physical memory and made out brains weak because we could just consult tablets lazily instead of memorizing everything.


I swear I read somewhere that there are parts of Europe were tipping isn't required, but if you want extra good service you'll tip before being served if you want good attentive service.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I can't remember where I read it.

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There was also an unsettling retelling of Beowulf via awkward English dub. Watched now, it would probably be charming, but 4 year old me was petrified when the cuddly looking Grendel bit off a man's head and you could see the stalks of arteries poking out of the neck stump.

I also watched the first episode of MadBalls more times than is probably healthy.

I don't believe in the sun.

How can it shine down in everyone, and never shine on me?

I, as an American, never thought I'd see something that trumps my truck-boat-truck.

Brings a tear to my eye.

Sounds a bit like my dad saying 'walk it off' .

Imagine getting a haircut and a handy at the same time.

There are companies where the HR Person has been reduced to a regional role.

Now we don't have to worry about Flavio, in his office upstairs, watching the cameras; we have Demetria, who visits once a month and smells like a Chanel fragrance they haven't made in a decade.

She visits. She watches. She makes notes.

She watches. People disappear.

Demetria is very concise when she describes when you are no longer an asset.

Demetria has other things to do, and you are getting in the way.

Joking aside, retail therapy is a thing. Some people shop when they are lonely/bored. Ask my exwife.