Washington state senator arrested in Hong Kong for carrying a gun through airport

nucleative@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 368 points –
Washington state senator arrested in Hong Kong for carrying a gun through airport | CNN

Putting aside for a second how the US should be dealing with the very real threat of gun violence in this country, I'm always surprised by the misunderstanding of the gravity that carrying a pistol in public has.

Its not just about keeping the safety on and making sure it doesn't go off in your pants. When you bring a gun with you, you're introducing a firearm to a situation where in many case there isnt one. That puts you and everyone else around you at significant risk of being shot now, where again, those odds used to be zero. Not only that, you're basically steering the bus now on who gets shot if violence should break out, and not everyone is trained to handle an actual confrontation with the appropriate skills.

That's what's so mind boggling. At the end of the day, carrying a weapon just makes you and everyone around you more likely to be shot, and people feel the need to do that as a state senator in Washington? It sounds pointless. I'll also add that the process of getting a concealed permit is mostly saying you won't commit a crime, and getting fingerprinted, that's generally it.

People who carry weapons around are generally afraid of something, expand that out to an entire nation and you have the USA.

Yeah they always say they need protection. I have never needed to protect myself with a gun and I have lived in some pretty rough areas over the years. What kind of stuff are they doing to other people that makes them think everyone is out to get them?

I was talking guns with an old guy at my last job, he said that everywhere in his house you are never more than 5 feet from a gun, he's got so many loaded and stashed around his house, just I'm case. I thought that was one of the most insane things I've ever heard. Dude really thought someone was going to clockwork orange them every night and he had to be ready for a gunfight at any second. Yeah it's life in the country and it might be an hour to a hospital and you gotta fend for yourself, but to assume that you're going to come under violent assault at any moment and have to be ready to shoot it out with anyone has to be extremely draining. It definitely explained his attitude towards others though, always thought the worst of things he didn't understand.

"clockwork orange them" bruh... >.<

Who travels to a foreign country without knowing what is in their possession? Answer: Stupid people who should not own a gun.

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“It was an honest mistake. And I expect the situation to be resolved shortly,” Wilson said in the statement.

Wilson said in the statement that when the plane landed in Hong Kong, he “immediately went to customs officials and called their attention to the issue.”

I hope he doesn't assume his status as an American politician will solve the matter. According to the article he volunteered the information. But according to the linked article at RTHK the weapon was found by a customs agent.

Yeah, China, famous for their understanding of high-profile American “mistakes.”


China either takes the PR win of gun obsessed Americans to extwitter world wide, or they keep him for a trade later on.

Not a diplomat, but it sounds like a coin flip.

14 year possible jail sentence.

Since it was unintentional and out of obscene levels of stupidity, I think he needs some time in a Chinese jail to think about his actions.

I would say about 14 years would do it. It's for his own good.

Guy should have wiped the weapon clean and dumped it into the garbage bin on the plane. I get that he's aiming for leniency, but he's in CHINA. They will absolutely use this against the Biden administration.

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Coming from someone who carries daily, I get that sometimes you forget it's there and carry into a post office or doctors office. What I don't get is how you forget when going to the airport. Internationally.

If you forget about carrying your gun, than you are not handling it with the required responsibility.

Does the average person carry a wallet with their cash, credit cards, and ID? It's pretty important but 99% of the time you don't think about it. Or keys to their house?

If a gun is on you almost all the time, you don't really notice it until it's NOT there, then it's time for concern.

It's an important item to keep track of but like a wallet it's "not there" until you either need it or it's not there when checking for it.

The question remains: why would you need a gun at all time?

A wallet isn't going to accidentally fire a hole in your foot. A phone isn't going to murder someone by force.

Is it really the only way you can feel safe in your own country? Because that only happens in shitholes.

It's because people who carry are cowardly cunts regardless of what country they're in. Though its mostly the US types we hear about doing this shit...

Gun owners love making analogies to benign things that aren't guns. If you get so used to your gun that you forget it's even there, you're not being a responsible gun owner. Period.

Lol should I chant to myself when walking my dog? "I have a gun, I have a gun, I have a gun"

In most cases it IS a benign object. Other than the occasional shooting range it doesn't leave the holster, I've never had to draw it, I've never shot it outside of the range. I put it on without thinking about it, it stays on my waist where nobody can see it, I don't feel it there unless I think about it.

Agree to disagree I guess, if you wear something every day and forget it's there that makes you human not an irresponsible person. Unless you forget about it and enter say... and airport terminal, then you're a dumbass.

A gun is not a benign object you fucking moron

Well he also isn't allowed to carry his gun to his job as a senator sooooo...

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But mah Second Amendment rights!

Americans who believe their laws are applicable to the rest of the world are the worst.

Sounds like you're from one of those countries that doesn't have enough freedom deployed to it. Prepare for freedom to be deployed in 3 . . . 2 . . .

Wilson said he “discovered the weapon mid-flight between San Francisco and Hong Kong.”

The Portland TSA crew is about to get a serious reprimand.

Most responsible gun owner

Also part of the US state government.

fucking great

Excited to hear how American security retaliates against a Chinese official for carrying a thing Americans consider dangerous.

So, probably a book.

I mean, by recent censorship it'd be a book with gay people in it, and China would agree with the arrest.

Rather than just pile on with "idiot LOL" comments I will offer this:

Segregate your airline travel bag from your "other stuff" bag. You need a dedicated backpack or case that you only use for air travel and never anything else.

If you multipurpose your rangebag or whatever, of course you could have potential issues even if you remove the weapons before travel (dogs could alert on the powder residue, etc.)

Likewise if you are a druggie or something you don't want to accidentally end up in Singapore or Russia with your weedbag you forgot was in your backpack.

Even something as inoccuous as having a backpack you used for camping could backfire on you if you leave your folding knife or lighter in there.

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Lol. Americans...

"Ma freedom applies here, right?"

I’m glad they took his gun but they should also take away his briefcase. That vacation is a time for him and his wife to spend together, not for reviewing important briefs. Those can and should wait until he goes back to the office to do whatever 1960’s ass job he has that involves a briefcase and a gun.

Gun violence is very rare in Hong Kong, unlike in the United States where firearms are now the No. 1 killer of children and teens.

O-okay, weird thing to randomly bring up (also not actually true if I remember right)

Legally, you have to register that that car and renew annually. To drive that car in the road, you'd have to have a license that you acquired paying a competency test and possibly perform a driving test. You'd also have to have insurance while driving it in public.

Something something snowflakes and having much sex with their feelings.

Not a weird thing to bring up at all. HK regulators are not likely to view this as the semi-serious faux pas that Americans, particularly his constituents, may believe it to be. Americans have a bizarre acceptance of firearms (compared to the rest of the developed world) and our consistent refusal to regulate them despite numerous atrocities is a big factor of how this incident could even have happened in the first place.

This article has nothing to do with gun violence or children though, the random facts just come a bit out of left field