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Correct, the entire concept of physically backed digital lending is being threatened, and many physical libraries contracted with IA to digitize their books and then facilitate digitally lending their physical copies to their patrons

If those Christian nationalists could read they'd be very upset

When you regularly receive so many """loans""" and lavish 6 figure vacations from """friends""", you can't be expected to remember to officially report all of them, completely understandable

That's just not true

The GOP is sending their best

"If all these damn people would stop VOTING we might be able to get some of our 'highly popular' policy through"

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A launcher owned by an analytics company? In my OS owned by an ad company?

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Yeah it's definitely shitty if they really only give 7 days notice that your account is going from read-only to suspended and deleted, but after basically not paying your cloud storage bill for like 6 months this is a pretty predictable outcome

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"Did the former president try to overthrow the government, and should he be allowed to be the president again?" is an unprecedented question, of course the answer will be unprecedented

I'm not trying to hate on Gabe Newell or Valve or anything (and not to say that it isn't a pretty objectively win-win) but I think there's some pretty easily explainable motivation behind this that isn't just "out of the kindness of their hearts"

I think the product they intend to sell is actually the software and services (there's a reason the Deck seems to be sold basically at cost), they're betting on these PC-based portable gaming devices taking off and being a viable segment of the market that other hardware companies will want to invest into, and if they do, what highly functional and easy to integrate (since it's all open source) operating system (and its subsequent game store integration) might they be more likely to use?

And why push upstream? They're by far the largest PC games provider, so more games running on more (Linux) devices can only really serve to financially benefit them

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Knowing this is how you get out of jury duty

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In order to participate in the vast majority of active r/conservative threads (any tagged "Flaired Users Only", which 9 of the top 10 posts right now are), you need to first pass a mod purity test to prove you're "conservative enough", it's not a serious place and is mostly just dumb Facebook-tier memes and poor quality screenshots of news headlines or random tweets

You would think that in 40+ years of being completely ineffective against pirates and only hurting paying customers they would have learned that that time and money could be better spent elsewhere, but I guess that would imply that the rich are rich because they make good decisions, instead of just being born with good options

I'd be willing to bet that the cost of nuclear energy derived electricity is going up because most countries haven't been building new plants for the last like 50 years

Average age of a nuclear power plant in the USA: 42 years

Average age of a nuclear power plant in the EU: 31 years

Average original intended operational lifespan: 20-40 years

To put their age into perspective, the average US nuclear plant was built closer in time to the Trinity nuclear test in 1945 than to today (along with any other plant 39 years or older)

This doesn't prove that nuclear energy is bad, only that slowly degrading nuclear energy technology from decades ago is bad

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No, we're going from "a different cable for every device" to "a different cable for every device but you need a label maker because they all look the same", and you're going to like it

The 90-9-1 rule, 1% of users create content, for 9% of users to interact with (upvote, comment, whatever), while 90% exclusively lurk

I wouldn't really expect them to idly stand by and let an organization whose charter is essentially "Death to Israel, death to all Jews" to come into power

There cannot be a peaceful coexistence between Israel and Hamas because (and their charter has a section explicitly devoted to this) Hamas does not want it, when they talk of "ending the occupation", they don't just mean of Palestine

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The release of Shrek is closer to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the invention of the Sony Walkman than it is to today

Google banned 4chan from using recaptcha at the time because everyone was just typing swear words in place of the scanned word that Google couldn't OCR

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If I ever have a device connecting to open networks by itself I'm snipping its wifi antenna

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Chopping the heads off the hydra will kill it this time, for sure

As far as I know, this only applies to Steam keys: developers are allowed to generate Steam keys for free to sell on their website (Valve does not get 30% of these sales either) with the restriction being they cannot be cheaper than the price on Steam

I don't think there's ever actually been any proof that Valve disallows selling games for cheaper elsewhere as long as you're not selling those freely generated Steam keys

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A big reason why Hitler rose to popular authoritarian power was because the Weimar Republic's government was deadlocked and ineffective

You very much can buy an F16 assuming you can find one for sale, a civilian owned company already bought 29 of them from Israel (Same goes for fully functional tanks as long as you fill out the proper paperwork)

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There shouldn't be imo, it's entirely procedural by that point

It's much more likely that 200 congress people attempt to pull a soft coup and overthrow the government (as many of them did in backing Donald Trump) than it is for the thousands of state level election workers and courts to do the same

USB C seems like a good idea but in reality all it really did was take my 5 different, not interchangeable, but visually distinct, cables, and make them all look identical and require labeling

It's almost like conservatives refusing to teach their children to have a healthy relationship with sex (sexual health, importance of consent, etc) is fucking them up, and banning porn is a shitty attempted bandaid solution for their inability to properly raise their children

Lemmy "hot" seems to function a lot like reddit's "rising"

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

As long as there are people willing to kill to oppose it, death is an unfortunate necessity for democracy's preservation.

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To be fair to the guy, over the summer the FBI literally raided his home, took every single electronic device, and are (still?) refusing to give any of it back, so I'm willing to give him a pass if his home network infrastructure isn't currently up to snuff

Monthly Active Users

The old two word captchas were one word that Google knows in order to test if you're human, and one word scanned from Google's book scanning program that their algorithms failed to properly OCR, meaning for the second word you could type in whatever you wanted and you would pass the captcha

Sites were allowed to use recaptcha for free because their users were actually doing work training neural nets to read books better, if a large percentage of their users are saying every unknown scan is the n-word, I could see why Google wouldn't want them having access to it

The amendment says nothing about criminal conviction

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Unfortunately unless a revolution falls into our laps and magically solves all our problems, the modicum of control we have over the steering of this ship is limited to voting and advocating for others to vote

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25 Republicans publicly voted against Jim Jordan, but in a subsequent secret ballot, a whopping 122 didn't want him as speaker

The GOP is sick, the majority can't even share their opinion for fear of MAGA terrorist death threats

"In the beginning, some old British guy drew some lines on a map. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - The first line to the history of many regional conflicts across the globe

Why does every manufacturer fall for the IPS/OLED meme instead of using a transflective LCD (like what a calculator has)?? My Amazfit Bip gets 6 weeks on a single charge with the screen on 24/7

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To put into perspective just how unimportant Twitter is in the grand scheme of things, Mr Beast's most popular YouTube video has 40 million more views than Twitter has total monthly active users (500m or so), and 100 million views is frankly a pretty underperforming video for him

In a complete shock to everyone, the guy with the tankie name is all for the deaths of innocent civilians

At least they wear it like a badge of honor, making it easy to identify and ignore them

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I have to ask, why? Why would you support someone so transparently anti-democracy, possibly one of the most dangerous enemies of the United States in a long time, the leader of our very own home grown Beer Hall Putsch? Why would you give him a second chance to overthrow the democratic government of our country?

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Yeah, I don't want shitty music streaming, strip that out and give me a no ads only option for like $100 a year and I'd consider it