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We need stop normalizing working at the age of 80, especially in high positions of consequence.

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Skyrim when a cheese wheel only heals you for 10

Ah yes, a Roadmap so ambitious it requires less hands.

Anecdotally, if I saw a woman in the men's room, I'd probably mind my own business like I always do.

It's like the gym, I'm trying to do my thing and gtfo, no eye contact, no nothing.

I know I'm just one voice but I think it's way stupid how interested we are in other people using the restroom.

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I mean, I'm pretty sure cyberpunk settings usually center around the dystopic future brought about by late stage capitalism.

I'm still not past "Black Jobs" lol

I think Hideo would have a case if they didn't credit him and the original developers. They obviously didn't design the game from scratch.

Will someone please think about the publishers? They've always had everyone's best interest at heart.

Good to see someone using Linux for their platform on these handhelds. The big reason I don't want to try the Ally or whatever the others are doing is I can't imagine Windows is making the experience better.

I don't really have evidence to support that, but more Linux investment is better overall.

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I kind of envy the mindset where one has empathy for someone who is so out of touch with reality given their status. I like to think I'm a good, just person that wants to do the right thing but when I think of what the billionaire's perspective is: someone with so much power and influence that most people are just objects or playthings to them, it's frustrating to think about. They think they're bigger than people, the earth, maybe even the universe.

I'm not saying I could be the triggerman, I'm not that kind of person, but yeah, fuck 'em.

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Ah, sounds like what-about-ism. Metas behavior doesn't exempt Apple from criticism. That logic tends to drive all of our standards and expectations down.

Theres room to criticize and expect more from all of these companies who are more than capable of doing better.

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Putting aside for a second how the US should be dealing with the very real threat of gun violence in this country, I'm always surprised by the misunderstanding of the gravity that carrying a pistol in public has.

Its not just about keeping the safety on and making sure it doesn't go off in your pants. When you bring a gun with you, you're introducing a firearm to a situation where in many case there isnt one. That puts you and everyone else around you at significant risk of being shot now, where again, those odds used to be zero. Not only that, you're basically steering the bus now on who gets shot if violence should break out, and not everyone is trained to handle an actual confrontation with the appropriate skills.

That's what's so mind boggling. At the end of the day, carrying a weapon just makes you and everyone around you more likely to be shot, and people feel the need to do that as a state senator in Washington? It sounds pointless. I'll also add that the process of getting a concealed permit is mostly saying you won't commit a crime, and getting fingerprinted, that's generally it.

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That's gonna be an uninstall for me, Tencent.

This is the wrong way to go about solving this problem IMO, but then again the problem they're trying to solve is more about security than privacy as a right.

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If you've ever worked at one of these big companies with fancy buildings, it's interesting that in the end, they're the same depressing row after row of cubicles, or "shared working spaces"

The architecture might look neat outside and upfront, but otherwise it's just sad and boring inside the actual working area.

Big thing about RTO is that these places just suck to be at. Quality of workspaces have been going down for years as they try to cram more and more people into less space.

We finally get a reckoning that a lot of people can just work from home and the economy won't blow up, but instead, rich folks want people back in the torture zones.

It's a gross perspective this person must have to say this with a straight face. The reasoning really shows how out of touch with the harsh reality many people live in.

We should be striving for more free time, and life enjoyment.

I wonder how much junk was created just because a device didn't support the latest version of HDCP.

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Every time I want to see something about Magic The Gathering, I just get disappointed.

This lady is always finding ways to make me shake my head. She appears to be the same bullshit wrapped up in the "old" GOP shell.

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I wish all the billionaires would launch themselves into space to fuck off forever.

That or go on more submarine expeditions I guess.

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I'm actually surprised to see how many people want Samus in Fortnite. I just don't understand, what does it matter? If you want to see your favorite character in something, you can go consume their media. What about shooting a gun and doing a dance makes it special?

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I'm pretty convinced that RTO was another way to do layoffs without severance or "bad" press. What I would like to see now are more job roles finding freedom in working times. I think many jobs have strict scheduling for a reason, but I suspect more jobs don't require you to be physically present all the time to get it done.

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I'm over the era of ads dominating our lives. I know not everyone can do so, but I'm willing to pay a fair rate for a fair search and AI service. If we have to continue to live in this system then I think we should better enable competition in the tech space and stop some of these mafia business monopoly tactics.

Some companies are just disgustingly greedy. I pay for a new TV, for example, and that thing is trying to download ads and report my usage non-stop and I paid fairly to own the device. I'd support any political party that actually wants to protect consumers from the nonsense business pull.

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I heard about this thing but couldn't really tell what the idea was. I think I want to carry less, not more on me.

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Musk is a moron and I hope he keeps getting exposed

Just a shit ton more layoffs

"I'll have to hold my nose and vote for a literal criminal". What a privilege that must be.

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Now that shit is funny. I hope more people take more time to laugh at companies scrambling to pour billions into projects they don't understand.

Laugh while it's still funny, anyway.

Uh, can they vote on the budget, please?

I think these execs are trying to pump up the numbers then cash out. The pandemic and shift to remote work really scared the upper class when they realized people work just fine without them physically breathing down their neck every day.

Republicans want to use good ol fashioned iron fisting against people expressing their God-given first amendment rights.


I wish I could travel like, 200 years into the future in the hope that theres an oversimplified video going through all the stupid shit we're seeing.

No, really, if you understood how the language models work, you would understand it's not really intelligence. We just tend to humanize it because that's what our brains do.

There's a lot of great articles that summarize how we got to this stage and it's pretty interesting. I'll try to update this post with a link later.

I think LLMs are useful (and fun) and have a place, but intelligence they are not.

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I can't believe we're talking about this again. Feels like every five years or so, some industry has-been wants to talk about phones changing gaming.

Last year was one of the best for games in recent years, all of which I wouldn't want to play on my phone.

Wake up, Touchscreens aren't ideal, it's just convenient. The market is bigger than just people wanting to play on the phone.

EDIT I reread and think my rant isn't really applicable to this, but I'll leave up how I feel anyway.

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Seems like company decision makers continue to be out of touch with what people want. People seem much more excited about products like the steam deck which play most of your whole library on Linux at very reasonable quality.

I think the console exclusivity game is nearing the end, there's going to have to be some actual innovation for people to come out of their pockets.

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I agree with you, however there are issues with not just privacy but also authenticity. I should be able to post as me, even in public, and have a way to prove it. Nobody else should be posting information as me, if that makes sense.

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For people that may be confused or possibly surprised, although MV3 is a shitty Google thing, Firefox should still implement widely used APIs so developers can still write code once that works on (most) any browser. Having to write a "Firefox specific" Web app or extension would cause friction and limit adoption.

Here we go again: Piece of shit Billionaire decides to fire 115 people because having access to billions of dollars just isn't enough.

All the hostages they didn't already recklessly kill right?

Minorities, including black people, continue to be dehumanized by "authorities". I want to see the day when we stop hearing about senseless, preventable deaths.

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