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A vanishingly small number of US voters are even going to watch this. There is wildcard baseball and a bunch of other crap happening at the exact same time.

I am now of the opinion that you should just download books off indexing sites/IRC/ Usenet/torrents and if you like the book and want to support the author, buy a physical copy, or buy 2 and put one in a neighborhood free library. That maximizes the good you are doing and helps your community instead of just generating Bezos bux.

If the rule is "ballot harvesting is OK" you're going to get this kind of behavior. And it rewards whichever of the megaparties builds the most efficient political machine.

I'd personally rather have an actual election day with mandated work leave for the entire day, and rare application of absentee ballots for people with extenuating circumstances.

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Yeah... fuck this shit. This is part of the reason I still drive a nearly 20 year old vehicle. It has features I want, and can't be stolen via fucking API calls. Absolute insanity.

I think Hyundai/Kia group has done unfathomable damage to their brands. Kia, despite being a budget brand, wants to be seen as a legit competitor to Toyota or at least Nissan. Their corner cutting with the immobilizers and the resulting "USB" theft shit was bad enough. Now this exploit.

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Again besides the overpriced shit like Liquid Death, you never see canned water. Not including flavored sparkling crap either. I'm legit not sure why we don't see more canned plain water. Aluminum cans are inert, store forever, are stackable, and can be recycled. They have literally every advantage over bottles for medium-term storage of water.

Wasn't this lady also playing the role of fucktoy for him? Those two going at it doesn't conjure a positive mental image.

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If he thought she was crazy why would he repeat her Facebook shitpost-level source claims about stuff, in a nationally televised debate he basically needed to win?

I am nursing the theory that the dude basically wants to lose.

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Since the story came out people fixated on "lol he used a shitty gaming controller" but really that is one of the least sketchy design choices in the entire rig. Why reinvent the wheel and make a custom set of controls that are realistically another huge expense and potential failure point, when off the shelf solutions exist for that component?

The corners that were cut are the ones involving the viewport/nose adhesion to the ships frame, and the structural integrity of the carbon fiber hull itself. They had test data suggesting it was a bad idea to engage in repeated dives with their design, and an even worse idea to operate at the depths they chose. They decided to ignore that.

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You're already legally required to manually register with the selective service if you are male and you turn 18.

Why not just introduce legislation to end that requirement altogether.

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Glad to see others have also keyed in on just how lame this ad was.

My immediate thought was, if you (the guy doing the voiceover as the father) are so mentally deficient that you can't even put together a four sentence paragraph of your own original thoughts for fanmail, then what hope do you have of doing anything else as a functioning adult?

Worse yet, what does this teach the kid?

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My favorite part was the qualified engineer sending him the stress curve graph with the likely crush depth zone marked with literal skull and crossbones and he apparently just ignored it and chose to exceed those depths anyway.

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No major corp I'm aware of is excited about these changes. Legal especially would like there to be the minimum records retention required by law, and a months long AI searchable database of individual user actions on a PC is a nightmare scenario for them.

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The annoying part is how many mainstream tech companies have ham-fisted AI into every crevice of every product. It isn't necessary and I'm not convinced it results in a "better search result" for 90% of the crap people throw into Google. Basic indexed searches are fine for most use cases.

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This is where "piracy" is actually the industry's saving grace. Decades or centuries later, will record labels exist and be well-managed (and flush with cash) enough to preserve archival copies of their artists catalogs? Probably not.

Will obscure weirdos exist all around the world on Usenet, IRC, or seeding torrents? Possibly.

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I just take Marques for what he is - normie entertainment tech channel.

All marketing hype associated with Apple is always to be taken with a grain, nay, a shovel of salt.

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A magazine is literally just a box of certain geometry with a spring inside it. They can be 3D printed or made by hand. No government anywhere can stop the signal. Instead we need to focus on the cultural rot that made narcissists decide it was OK to assault random strangers.

I know people who have worked in corporate acquisitions and there are a ton of controls in place to limit information access and prevent the mere appearance of privelged information being used for personal gain. Likewise in other industries like utilities there are pretty complex regulations to prevent companies from getting even a few cents per kilowatt hour advantage, etc. and all this shit has multimillion dollar fines attached.

Congress could definitely adopt a rule that bans trading stocks for anyone who receives classified or nonpublic industry-specific information as part of security briefings or their committee assignments. Or hell, just limit congresspeople to index funds or generic portfolios managed by external fiduciaries, while in office.

It seems that if both Gaetz/Cruz types and AOC agree on this, they could get it done, but the establishment politicians don't want to because they view it as a perk of the job.

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Yeah it's nice to know I have to build a new machine next year whether I want to or not. I've been coasting on a desktop PC I built circa 2015 because the thing works still. Problem is it doesn't meet the hardware reqs (TPM 2.0) to upgrade to Win 11.

Whether I build a machine in 2025 or not I think I will be making the switch to daily driving Linux. I am sick of the amount of time the end user has to spend debloating Windows and blocking its telemetry.

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Not OP but the scenario described is say... A company and a specific manager gets sued for harassment. The plaintiff can be entitled to discovery related to the complaint, and that could now include the searchable screenshot database from the managers computer showing all the clear evidence that he harassed the plaintiff. Nightmare scenario for legal departments of companies.

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Isn't this equivalent to those trucks that have "stay back 300 feet - not responsible for damage" signage, when in reality they are legally responsible if their load isn't secured?

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As I said in the other thread... This wasn't a merits decision as to "bumpstocks good" or "bumpstocks bad". The point was that machine guns have a statutory definition. Bumpstocks did not fit that definition. Trump tried to use executive order to essentially amend the law all by himself to revise the practical implementation of that definition. That's not how the US works. If the president wants bumpstocks banned, he must use political capital to lobby congress to pass a bill, then sign the bill if it makes it that far.

To everyone whining about the outcome of this particular case, imagine unilateral executive authority applied to every area of American life, and realize what you are wishing for.

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Scummy practice by Zamzar. The actual FOSS app by Adrien Allard is awesome and very lightweight. is the correct FOSS version URL.

Nice to see some benefit to updated vanilla AOSP, Graphene, and other options.

It goes without saying but it seems like a deeply fucked business model to horde zero-days that could cause billions in damage or safety issues if they fall into the wrong hands, in order to keep your mercenary surveillance product working.

Just make an "open class" where any identification, body mods, and performance enhancing drugs are unregulated. The best athletes that science can create.

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InBev is anus and their generic beers are mostly horrible. People should have already been boycotting them long ago for being a soulless international conglomerate.

Chances are there is a local or regional brew that corresponds to whatever mass market swill they produce, and people should drink those small local brewery offerings instead.

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Just declare open season and no bag limit on pigs in all northern states. I guarantee you all the Bubbas and outdoorsmen will take care of it.

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Famously on a US military base they were so behind on maintenance work orders that one day a crew showed up to install new exterior doors on a storage building and the next day a different crew showed up and demolished the building.

Can confirm that 60fps Perfect Dark goes hard on the SteamDeck.

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Its because the company literally paid shills to stump for them in person, call Congress, etc.

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To be fair "He is in this race and I support him" is like saying "He's one of the candidates of all time". It is a milquetoast, borderline sarcastic endorsement.

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Gee you mean like those grant programs a decade ago that were meant to increase implementation of broadband, but all they did was have a bunch of poorly attended regional meetings where ISP representatives were the primary stakeholders who even bothered to show up?

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Does the legislation also include penalties for Samsung for preinstalling TikTok on my fucking Smart TV and making the app non-removable ?

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Its literally in the headline that it was in the Capitol (Washington D.C.) where the dude works because he is a Representative.

So blame D.C. for being a wretched hive of villainy.

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It was perfectly crafted ragebait. Your feedback will be used to improve future psyops.

Their internal polling must be ugly AF to necessitate this.

A lot of what you're talking about is discussed in Elizabeth Warren's (now 20 year old) book The Two-Income Trap.

The central premise is that, as many middle class women entered the workforce, you would think that two working parents would be a way to get ahead in the economy, but in reality the combined incomes of two professional adults with children just became a "new floor" of sorts, for a number of reasons.

Multiple SUVs, the ubiquity (and perceived necessity) of consumer electronics, childcare costs, and emphasis on living in premium housing areas for the good schools... all good life improvements in their own right, but definitely eat into the supposed "gains" of adding a second income. Even in high income areas people ratchet their expectations and living standards up, so earning six figures each is sorta like the bare minimum. Will you have more "stuff" than a poor person? Absolutely. But that doesn't equate to quality of life necessarily.

ATF seems really hot and horny to hassle regular gun owners who follow the law (look at the federal prosecutions, "rule changes" and crackdown on FFLs over minor paperwork issues under this administration).

It would be nice if they would actually incarcerate real fucking criminals who are walking around with Glock switches. Possession of an unregistered machinegun is a federal crime with a 10-year sentence. Start actually prosecuting all the high school aged gangbangers who are walking around with these for the street cred value.

As a sidebar, 99% of the people carrying these are idiots who have never trained and can't hit the side of a barn with a regular handgun, much less a fully automatic handgun.

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Exactly this. If Biden loses the general its not going to be because of 20% who voted "uncommitted" in one states primary. He is a shitty president who is polling poorly on a number of issues.

I am 100% off social media now. Was never a big fan of Twitter but I'm definitely not paying for it. Zuckbook has been deleted for a decade. When Reddit disabled 3rd party apps, that was the last time I used Reddit.

I miss some of the timely news on specific topics but otherwise nothing's lost.

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