
4 Post – 232 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Terrible situation. I had a temp come work for me that had fled from Ukraine. I judged the situation at first, but I considered what I would do in his situation. I'd like to think I'd stay and fight, but we only get one life. My guy was just trying to to survive.

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Soda stream changed my life for 2 weeks.

My GP just wrote me a script back in 2008 and I've been on Adderall ever since.

My building has these and 2 of them failed in the first year. Can't replace the battery so had to replace the whole thing.

Myth busters had to be the worst offender in that realm. "here a 2 minute recap of that things you just saw 5 minutes ago."

I feel like essays are where teachers bump up the kids that don't do well but still try

Those bad boys are concrete lol.

People playing genders they're not assigned at birth? In theater?!?


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If you had to choose one historical figure to lead the world, who would you choose?

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Hey I'm not super into politics, but maybe we should look into banning guns ยฏ_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

If you need one for hunting or varmint control there can be a special license for that but you gotta admit we got a little problem with guns in America.

I have guns but if the day comes where they're banned fuck it I'll turn em in if that helps us move past daily mass shootings.

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๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆfuck your hate๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

This is America ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

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Saw a comment recently where a trans woman was in a heated argument with a friend or coworker and he called her a bitch. She was excited, happy, and validated and the argument was over lol.

Thumb is folded across the palm and fake nails?

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I'm sincerely appreciative of everything they do for consumers as a whole. Not everything makes it across the pond but at the very least it sets precedent and a lot of the groundwork is done if our politicians ever decide to get their shit together and give us a ground to stand on against corporations and lobbyists.

A guy can dream.

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I know you're joking but probably about 25mg - he ate 1/4 of it and those cans of gummies are usually 100mg.

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Ultimately they've pissed off both sides with how they handled pride this year and last year.

Also... in this economy?

Can't wait to be blinded by the sun in the morning, and blinded on the drive home with all these super fucking bright LED headlights.

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Coming from someone who carries daily, I get that sometimes you forget it's there and carry into a post office or doctors office. What I don't get is how you forget when going to the airport. Internationally.

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Not knowing anything about it (disclosure) I'm assuming this is like a fan fiction if conservatives got their way?

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My fiance is a store manager for a big box and it was closed for Thanksgiving. A passerby pries the door open and broke it, setting off the alarm and alerting the security company. I had to drive her out there and she spent Thanksgiving waiting for a door vendor to show up to repair it and sign off ๐Ÿฅฒ

That's my story on how some entitled asshole ruined a family holiday for us.

Thanks for the reminder to cancel Disney+ I just saw my last invoice went up to like $27/mo or something. Fuck all this lol.

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4 wheel steering isn't really new. (but your point is still taken)

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You guys are only using 8 joins?

There's the next one on the chopping block. It's kind of great and freeing cancelling all these subscriptions. Just one $5 payment per month to newsgroup ninja and i got everything. I've been holding on to prime and Netflix for convenience but honestly fuck them.

I'm on day 4 of COVID and it fucking sucks. I haven't worn a mask in a while and I'm full of regret :(

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Combo of ADHD/misophonia. There's a lot of crossover with all of those divergences and autism, but having misophonia doesn't make you autistic.

Very cool, didn't know we can do that!

It's all for compliance so your employer can wash their hands of you if you fuck up and make an inappropriate joke to the wrong person. "you received annual sexual harassment prevention training, this is on you."

I fucking hate this, and I moved so now my doctor is 30 minutes away. I could find a new doctor but, you know... adhd

And they're going to populate. Sounds like a movie I saw.

Lol this applies to so many things. Maybe there's some prestige to doing something for the first time, but really there were probably a dozen people that contemplated it and decided against it for good reasons.

I had no idea this was a thing until one day I was swapping games or something and temporarily held it between my lips. I didn't taste it right away so I didn't immediately link it back to the cartridge, but I mentioned it to the SO and she enlightened me.

I fell for a trap set for children and pets.

That's something, lol. I'm not irreplaceable but it would be an absolute clusterfuck if I left, at least for a while.

I do a good job of documenting everything but so much of my work relies on scripts that I wrote and never properly deployed - a mix of python and VBA, and all my reporting relies on an API connection that nobody else maintains and other than a handful of queries I shared, nobody really knows how to use it.

I'm not trying to be shitty but it's job security.

Fr stop producing c-tier content for millions of dollars and just pay for better content and/or make it cheaper. I don't need 14 generic action movies starring Ryan Reynolds and dozens of forgettable shows.

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