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Anyone still unclear to the concept? This is his play book, his manual. Nothing else. If you don't recognize it, shame on you and your history teacher.

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And the Constitution and its Amendments are very clear about a separation of church and state.

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Social Media

If he gave it all back, why is he still a billionaire?

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What choice do they have if kids are basically unaffordable?

"Flooding the internet" - my ass. With 3000 pictures. Which is absolutely nothing in todays world. Maybe flooding some pedophile niches in the darkest corners of the internet, maybe replacing pictures of real abuse there. Makes you wonder where this "Internet Watch Foundation" actually hangs out. And what they smoke when they write their press releases.

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Trump was never "not for sale". He sold a list of American agents to Putin. What worse could he get?

EDIT: I agree, he could still get a lot worse.

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FTFY: EVs aren't working to rise profits and bonuses.

"Microsoft Edge runs on the same technology as Chrome, with the added trust of Microsoft"

Wow. If there ever was a reason to run, this is it.

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So they get the water for free and get paid for from tax dollars to conserve water?

Maybe if they actually had to pay for it, conserving water would be something they would do on their own just to to save money...

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I don't know which concerns me more: That Meta gets their asses kicked, or why the f-ck someone was able to trademark the word "Threads".

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I'm the person who basically never throws a book away (I did once, but I bought a replacement after the old version literally broke apart in several places). But I would light a chimney with "Atlas shrugged", if only to prevent it from falling in gullible hands.

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Quoting from memory: "Remember the times when men were men and wrote their own device drivers?"

Trump is easy to understand:

Trump opens mouth -> Trump lies.

Their refusal is rooted in fear that Israel wants to force a permanent expulsion of Palestinians into their countries and nullify Palestinian demands for statehood.

Aaand... They are right.

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lacking support for the latest Kindle features

What kind of support are they "lacking"? They do contain the text and basic formatting. What else would they need in a book?

I'd guess that those "lacking" features have something to do with user tracking or DRM.

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Speedy trial, as in: "I try to dump my shit first, and if I dump enough shit on Trump I may get out with a slap on the fingers instead of a stay behind bars. Better than waiting and getting shit dumped on by the others."

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Now all they need is a piece of actual evidence. So far they came up empty-handed.

He'll probably just hold a rally in front of the court and "recommend" his insurrection-loving fans to "visit" the court and "see for themselves how corrupt the court is" or something.

Yep. There was something about people who don't know history are bound to repeat it's mistakes.

Funny, though, that gun laws work everywhere else on the globe, just not in the US where the don't even try.

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When will he learn that this is not one of his crooked deals, but a "pay up or shut up" situation? I hope he'll have to sell his real estate pennies to the dollar.

What will happen if everything is sold and he is still in debts?

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Just because they don't report shootings under ten kills anymore does not mean they don't happen. But mass shootings, i.e. incidents where four or more people are killed) are still daily occurances in the US.

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Some of those spam fighters did this, emulating an old bumbling man who avoided any "yes" like answers that could be malinterpreted as consent to anything, and kept the caller busy for many minutes with pauses, uncommitted "Hmms", and useless questions. But I doubt that this program is available anywhere.

In No Mans Sky, you've seen five planets, you've seen them all.

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Was it really a British ship, or was it a ship running under Liberian or Lagos or whatever cheap flag, but owned by a British company?

If it ran under the British flag, then it would have been the British marines' job to defend it. OK.

If it ran under the Flag of Panama, Liberia, Lagos, or whatever, it would have been their responsibility.

None of the tax evasion flags countries have a ship there to defend what would be their duty to defend. Instead, we finance and endanger our military to protect tax evaders' ships.

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They don't care about a "safe web environment". That is not making them any more money. Knowing much more about their users and being able to perfectly match everything a user does anywhere with Googles advertising business, though, will.

And the reasoning? As always Terrorists, pedophile, criminals, etc. Guess what: If those guys have not learned yet to make a big detour around official chat apps, they deserve getting caught. My bet is, those people already have their own secured means of communication. Maybe they have their own encrypted app, or they have a forum somewhere in the Darknet, whatever. But the chance that this new law will catch anything worthwhile is practically nil.

Human trafficking laws, anyone?

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With conservatives. it is always someone else at fault. Always.

Although I have to admit that blaming the Holy Spirit for Nazi behavior is a new, bold move. What's next? "Jesus would have shot this person, too!" or what?

Good. Copyright violations for commercial gain are one of the most mindlessly over-penalized issue in the books. This time, it could actually used for good. Making millions out of copyright violations in the US is probably next to gang rape and mass murder.

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The problem is how to actually prevent this. What could one do? Make AI systems illegal? Make graphics tools illegal? Make the Internet illegal? Make computers illegal?

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"all those COBOL developer jobs" nowadays probably fit in one bus. That's why every company that can afford it moves away from COBOL.

So instead of the websites tracking me, it would just be google that does so. With much more control and detail than ever. And then google will sell that information to those websites for even mroe profit!

The Mitochondrial Eve.

I don't know how to see a memory bug in an out of order elevator, but I once saw and reported a wiring error of a working elevator. It was an interesting talk at the reception desk, but as I could precisely describe what was wrong and the verifyable consequences, they took me seriously. And sent me a "Thank You" email later ;-)

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Jokes on him. There is a whole infrastructure to make windows games work on linux, except those that are explicitely programmed not to work on that.

I've read the documentation on that feature, and still don't get over it. How can anyone with knowledge of computers be so dumb to even consider such an idea, lest implement it?

This feature is just a BIG flag waving "AbUsE mE!"

So better put Trump behind bars in order not to set bad precedents.

I had a friend at university who got a job fixing cobol stuff before Y2K. The bank paid him extremely well, housed him in a luxury apartment during the job, and, as he had no driving licence, dropped in a car with free driver for him.