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2020 - 2023 has really revealed just how little business leaders really have a clue about anything. They are all high-performers who push and push but don't really have any idea what is important or not. What we really need is a ban on business bros lol.

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This is about forcing women to live in fear and under control of the patriarchy.

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This is meant to be rehabilitation by teaching her empathy. Jail won’t change her but this might.

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This is literally what happened. Someone took satire personally and it wasn’t even about them.

Worse: they are saying that he, rather than the weapons handler, is somehow responsible as if he should know more than an expert.

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Like a volcano, when it's still inside you, it is magma.

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lol it’s already out there on tens of millions of laptops, but I guess hubris is the way to go

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Wow. Surprisingly worse than expected.

I've never thought in terms of "green flag" but really like that concept.

I'm going to go with Levar Burton. Reading Rainbow ran for like 35 years and encouraged millions of children to read.

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I love eating popcorn and watching from a distance as much as the next person, but I am so full of popcorn at this point.

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Wow that DA can’t get over the fact that someone dared to make fun of papa maga.

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So I guess we make policy choices via temper tantrum nowadays.

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Wikipedia was useful for me as a grad student because I could look up a topic and there would be a whole lot of citations I could follow. I never used them as a source, but rather as a curated forum of information.

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Because principal is a bully and willing to use his powers to destroy lives. The methods to protect people are very slow and so he gets away with it for years until the district loses a major lawsuit. Then he quietly gets reassigned or retires and we pretend the entire thing never happened.

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Projection, the P part of GOP.

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Worse, DOJ certainly had them before Congress so it makes no sense.

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lol I was just yesterday saying that I fully expect these to fold and all the content to go back to Netflix where the studios can earn passive income with no more expense than paying their lawyers to write contracts.

I dunno. A previous one actually caused the civil war by declaring the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. Then there’s separate but equal. Then there’s the fact that the Court decided that the constitution gave it the power to rule in the constitutionality of laws even though it doesn’t say that. Then there’s saying that the second amendment applies to people rather than militias.

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Didn’t even make it through the article because she’s so vile. She will let kids starve because aid, it seems, won’t fix the problem.

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The sophistry here is that the presidential oath doesn't contain the word "support". It's complete bullshit but you never know with this SCOTUS.

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This is fine. Let a generation grow up knowing what war really is.

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Take 1: If I understand correctly, several of them work for the same startup. Frankly, those places are KNOWN to be toxic hellholes because they tend to be run by adulation-seeking narcissists from an upper middle class (entitled) background. Shit rolls downhill and all and your friends may just be picking it up subconsciously and don't have the ability to really manage the emotions that this is causing. In a phrase: you might end up feeling sorry for them.

Take 2: Are you recently out of high school or recently out of college? Few people really remain friends after this because they get pulled into different directions and their lives change. This causes things to fall apart, but it is nobody's fault.

Take 3: These people have always been toxic. You didn't notice it before or didn't think it was a big deal. Now you notice it and think it is a big deal.

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I suspect that even they know that this is their own projected insecurities and that they don’t have any real justification. Better question: why do we separate players by sex in chess? Why does that matter? Just make one group and call it done.

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That was my take away. If you earn a lot of money you can fund a good retirement.

The only other real argument I found was that millennials in general may be better off because they entered the workplace when these retirement plans activate automatically whereas boomers and gen x had to actively sign up for them.

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You're not stating just how bad this is. He worked to RUIN the life of a student because of a single off campus activity that in no way is related to academics. He's only changed course because his phone is blowing up with people calling out his stupidity.

lol that’s some on topic projection by a bush

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Any professional would cancel the procedure at this point. Too much liability now.

so both wealthy and poor people have equally bad palates, gotcha

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Don't underestimate the combination of lazy and stupid.

That isn’t a good example because your friend isn’t an expert and didn’t certify its safety prior to handing it to you.

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Jail is punishment only. They are cages to make people disappear while middle class white people pray to NIMBY Jesus.

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This is something that voters would remember. These people got into office under the pre-Roe thinking where abortion was a convenient wedge issue. Overturning ROE was the barking dog catching the car and all steam went out of the whole works as a result. The people have shown that most never actually minded abortion in the first place. If these legislatures manage to so overtly overturn the will of the people, I suspect that we'll see a change in some membership come next election.

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There have always been more people entering than leaving lol.

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I had the classic power mad mod taking their bad day out on me moment a week or so ago and basically haven’t been back.

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It’ll end up being something also to do with managers of places that permit wfh being more relaxed than in places that prevent it.

No he is just him. There’s no act. There’s no strategy. There’s no subterfuge. What you see is what you get and Trump is a very stupid person.

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It was founded by Congress but is independent and funds itself. You know this but spread misinformation anyway.

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Let me fix that for you:

Due to the corruption of the Electoral College and even though he lost the popular vote, Trump beat an elderly, uninspiring, career politician.

ETA: Enough with the "well golly gee dontcha know that is how it works in the US" as if that justifies it. Let's accept it for what it was: a way for slave owners to have greater influence than their state's population otherwise allowed.

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That is the sophistry part. It clearly was intended to be a higher level of oath that included the lower one. Watch: SCOTUS will say that the president actually doesn't have to support the Constitution.

They dared to say that in the face of a collapsing economy that people should consume less.

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TIL that he called his child "X". What an idiot.