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Joined 1 years ago

NC mountain man. Animist. 420. Poly. Primal. Anti-consumerism. Pro-people.

My Blog * Discord * Pixelfed * Wisdom

I find this more mildlyhumorous than infuriating. I'm looking forward to a new era where every news article no longer includes a string of embedded tweets. :) As a non-twitter user, this certainly doesn't encourage me to bother making an account.

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Reddit understands it's value is in content to sell. If reddit starts ratting out it's free content creators, they lose value. Their actions are a profit calculation, not some noble stand to protect privacy.

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For me, I don't need new fancy features to communicate. I don't need video chat rooms. I don't need constant notifications. I just need a simple place to post my social expressions and read other people's social expressions. I don't want my experience to be shaped by algorithms designed to keep me engaged and present. For me, social media is like going down to the pub and talking with some regular friends. The BIGGER a platform is, the less it's about being social, and it's more about promotion. Promotion of self, events, clubs, companies, etc.

Threads will take away people from Mastodon, but that's a good thing. Because it will appeal to people who desire a different social media experience. They can take the foam off the top, leaving us with a smaller group that prefers a simpler, less invasive, social media. I don't have to share all my contacts, my browsing history, my health data or my financial data to Mastodon (or any service in the Fediverse) in order to use it. You cannot say the same about Thread.

I will always side with something like Mastodon over Thread. That doesn't mean I don't believe Mastodon cannot fail. It certainly can. But it won't be Thread that kills it.

To be fair, no user "owns" their account. Everything about your Twitter account, from the user name to the data you tweet belongs to Twitter. I hesitate to call it a dick move. It's more of an Elon move.

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The things I upvote and downvote are in line with my personal values and I am not ashamed of that. I have no issues with anyone knowing my reaction to a post. On Discord anyone can see who leaves reactions on a message. Same with Facebook. It will show you who added what reaction.

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Former redditor. What do I call myself now? Lemming? lol But I also noticed that I don't see some Karma score equivalent, which is a great thing to leave behind. Those imaginary points were just useless at best, and used against people who were new at the worst.

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I don't think we should worry about an app we will never use. :)

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Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram...their default content (your frontpage, your personal feed, etc) show you the content their algorithms have determined will make you most engaged and remain there longer to 1. Generate more free content for them to sell, 2. command your attention so they can sell that attention to advertisers. Corporate "social" media is technically "social exploitation" and has effects that reach into the real world. The behaviors they feeds spill into our interactions in real life.

The difference is people generally don't care about a change if it doesn't inconvenience them beyond their tolerance threshold. Losing access to 3rd party apps? Bad to some, but probably the profit of the move will exceed the cost. (their hope) But get a rep for ratting out your posters to authorities and it suddenly becomes very personal for more people.

Being outraged against a system that exploits the labor of the masses for the profit of the few is not the same as being outraged at other people who disagree with you. You can support capitalism and I don't need to insult you or make attacks against you personally. Outrage, when it is against something you feel to be harmful is normal. Outrage that is generated by corporate manipulation is not normal. For example, the hatred toward the trans community and drag queens has never been a "thing".

This is a clip from a Love Boat episode. It aired in 1982. Nobody called them "woke" or even really talked about it the next day. Drag shows have been in US culture since at least the 1920s. I remember, back in the 90s, people would flock to this club in town called "Discovery" on Saturday nights. It was a gay dance club, but on Saturdays, there would often be an equal number of straight couples who came to enjoy the extravagant stage shows, which were similar to something you might see in Vegas. This was in the deep south, too. There were no protests. There were no attacks. There was no violence. There was no outrage.

We have been manipulated because it's profitable. Oh and, yes, thank capitalism for that. :)

You can't tell anyone this, but I have a friend who is deep inside the insurance industry. Some of the big guys have invested heavy into LEDs. So to maximize the LED investments, they give manufacturers safety discounts for every LED they can attach to their shit. Big guys make some extra zeros for their accounts, and sharpie and 3M get some splash, too.

When I was displeased with reddit, I deleted all my comments, deleted my account and started getting my social fix from here as wellas in the WordPress blogosphere.

I honestly don't care what happens at reddit. I'm certainly not gonna get mad when others keep using the site. One of the things I see a lot in today's culture is the demand for me to be upset with this company or that company.

Every successful business out there got that way by exploiting someone, usually labor. I can't exile myself from society. So I try to depend on corps as little as possible, but it's impossible to boycott every company.

I get your frustration, something you love has changed. You feel personally damaged. But let it go. You don't need reddit. Accept that also means you don't need reddit to fail. Until you do, you're just going to stress more and more as you see people doing whatever it is they want to do instead of what you want them to do.

I feel like the fediverse is similar to email servers. No one company controls email. Each email provider can set up their own rules, etc.

I totally appreciate all of your efforts! Thank you for being a pioneer.

I think their rules specifically say no AI pics.

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People will not care about something until it exceeds a tolerance. It's not productive to explain away behaviors with a label. What's of more importance is why people are tolerant of things that are not in their best interest? How do we change that?

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The only thing they could bring back that would make me consider making an account is TheButton. By the way I was a 42s Blue Hitchhiker.


I love seeing pictures of the world from other people's perspective. Urban shots. Nature shots. Any old boring shots like just a side road you walk down, or a tree you like to sit under. I like being able to see the quiet places in the world as well as the loud ones.

If that describes a lot of anyone's posts, add me there and I will follow you back

I think listening behaviors are quite culturally based as well. For example:

Here in the Appalachian mountains, suppose two guys are talking to each other, perhaps both leaning on a fence. The guy who is listening doesn't watch the speaker the entire time. They don't make occasional noises either.

My buddy asks if I want to hear a story about some trouble he had recently with a neighbor. I nod and look at him "Yea". He then proceeds to look forward, out across the field and I do the same. Buddy says something that I support, like what he did that started the trouble. I nod, quietly, or even make that "this is ok" face. If I make that face, it's like saying "That makes sense to me, nothing unreasonable about that". Unless he says something that you know he expects support for, then you just motionlessly stare into the foreground.

If he tells me something the neighbor did that angered him, I will look at him and make the astonished face, he will look at me and nod, then he verbally confirms it as we go back to staring at the field. He will go on about it some, and I will quietly lower my head a little and shake it back forth to show my disbelief in how crappy his neighbor is.

Then whatever conclusion he comes up with, I'll either say, "hell yeah, that's what I'd do" or "whoa I dunno about all that now" or something similar. The cues for listening and the correct responses to them will vary probably within subcultures.

Back in the early days you wanna download a movie or some warez it would be like 358 parts and you would always miss some and have to ask for reposts. Hey anyone have parts 28, 34, 78, and 212-229 of "Dizzy Princess And the Shaven Dwarves?" Then you wait a day or two, watching replies. It was really an accomplishment when you get that final piece and decode the file(s) successfully.

Check out Google Fi. It uses the T-Mobile network here (US), and I get unlimited data, no rate limits. I have three phone numbers on my account and it costs me $85 a month total. Also the phones from the Fi store are super cheap if you stay on Google Fi. My pixel 7 got $300 off at purchase and $100 for my old phone. They are unlocked, too. Something I hate when buying from other providers. One of my phones had a Verizon sim and a Google Fi e-sim, so I can switch services with easy. Here in the mountains, service can be spotty in places with TMobile. Wifi calling is also available though, so that helps, too. I abandoned US Cellular entirely.

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I dropped Instagram for Pixelfed a week or two ago. It's a small community, but friendly and nobody is trying to sell me anything lol.

In time, things settle. Those that defederate too much will soon become self-isolated and that's totally fine. Most of the servers will remain federated and will be the body that everyone wants to connect with and others may be very happy to self-isolate and not caring about any other servers or their communities.

What I do find possible is that the owners of federated servers will start to form a governing "council" that share some agreed principles for content and the allied servers would all defederate from any server that violates their shared content rules. To join the main group, you have to agree to abide by the council rules or be defederated as well (for example a server asks to join the main group, then also feds with a piracy server on the group ban list, so it gets defederated by the group).

I feel like NSFW stuff will be fine here, but the questionable, non-consensual stuff will not even be visible by the main group. The federated servers will be the content core, the unfederated servers will be like the wild west, full of questionable and potentially dangerous stuff.

Just give it some time, this is sudden and unexpected growth. It's healthy. I think people are starting to see just how corporate social media is, and how much they are both the content generators as well as the content consumers. So steps to take back the control of how we communicate is a win for us.

I identify as Salsageex

I even paste -inurl:[] to the end of my google searches so I don't even accidentally click on a link from Reddit in my searches. lol

That's really difficult to do with a karma-like system. People posting in echo-chambers can post misinformation but receive many up votes.

Credibility is subjective. For example, people on one side of a political ideology will not think people on the opposite side are credible. So who can really determine an "attribute of credibility"?

We would have to agree on a standard first and that's just not going to happen.

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Looking good 👍

Half the time when I comment, it just spins. :( Edit: Apparently when I comment it posts, but just shows spinning until I manually refresh. Must be on my end.

No, I keep some things private. But some things, like reactions and upvotes, are just as public to me as the posts I make is my point. It just isn't a concern for me personally.

I don't need to sign up with every instance that isn't federated with my home instance. I only need to sign up on one of those instances if they have a community I want to follow and participate in.

Sir, you have a message from someone called, "A.I."

Probably right wing populists are the majority there now. Intelligent people abandoned the dumpster fire. Just like Twitter. It's just a far-right cesspool of hate now.

They are tolerant of things harmful to them because they have been indoctrinated to devalue themselves beneath the capitalistic company. However, this makes people assets to the highest bidder. Start a whistleblower rewards organization that pays people for revealing corporate exploits. The organization is filled with passionate lawyers and talented media personalities who will counter the indoctrination by exposing any and every corp any time they degrade people. Corps install security cameras and all sorts of monitoring metrics with which they can use as puppet strings to manipulate their employees. It's time for the employees to spy back and get rewarded.

Of course, you have to realize that the definition of racism can change from an outlook of superiority to power + privilege on a whim too

I'm in my 50s, I don't recall the definition of racism changing at all, much less "on a whim". What are some of the other definitions you have seen arbitrarily assigned to the term racism?

Modern billionaires are the manifestation of the rampant consumerism of the masses. Want to do your part against the billionaires? Start with consuming less. Buy less. Move toward minimal.

I agree with that logic. But for me personally, I don't feel "locked" into google. There are no contracts, no penalties for moving to some other service if I need. I never use customer support from any of these services because I find it's easier to just look for the answers myself. I have no loyalty to any company, I simply use what best serves me at the time. All corps are interested in profit over people, so there's really no company I have found to be fully ethical and transparent while offering a competing service that is as reliable.

I have the free 15 GB of cloud storage with them, but I don't use it. I keep my data on my own cloud storage box. Yes, I have a gmail account, but I also have a account that I use more than gmail. Also, pretty much every big service out there is powered by Google and/or Amazon (see Twitter lol), so looking at the big picture, right now, we are dependent on Google in ways we are not even aware.

This is also why I am excited to see the shift to open source and self-hosting. I think a time is coming, too, where big companies are going to have to pay us for access to our data. I've made almost $200 just casually answering questions for the Google Rewards app. Sometimes it's a dime, sometimes fifty cents, occasionally a question nets more. Those credits can be used to pay for any google services or purchases. I usually buy movies I can't find on streaming services with my Google Rewards credits (my pirate days are long gone, it's just not as convenient for me anymore and if I can't watch it through a service or buy it, I just don't need to watch it lol).

I really want to self-host a lemmy server sometime in the next year, I have a Core i5 desktop that's not dead, just sits in a closet. My wish is to have all my personal social media self-hosted and I can choose who I want to federate with and who I don't. But I'm not a pioneer. I'm waiting til this all settles a little to see if it's worth the work.

I do not believe upvotes and down votes are enough information to reveal the identity of anyone. If this was truly such a risk, where has the concern for this been on Facebook, where you can see who leaves reactions by name. Or Discord where every account that clicks a reaction is available?

Here that info is not available to the public at large. On Facebook it's available to anyone who sees a post. Why haven't security voices been pressuring Facebook to not track social reactions if it's so dangerous?

This is a feature of social media for the most part. What I write as posts and comments is available to everyone as is vastly more useful info for someone to collect.

Since his handle is being taken against his will, he should get to take someone else's handle against their will. Then let it be a chain reaction.