2 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think the main issue is the growth isn't linear. It's sporadic. Usually a big bump after every Reddit fuck up. Lots of bumps lately. Another one coming on the 30th.

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I would agree but many sub reddits had polls before locking and the majority were always in favor.

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Not sure. But I am still using Apollo and I don't plan on downloading the official app when it dies so at the very least, I will go from 70/30 fediverse to almost 100 percent fediverse.

This would be like if a farmer went to New York City and said I don’t understand why everybody doesn’t just milk their own cow instead of buying it from the grocery store.

I just dont like how you can't tell what magazine you're looking at while on mobile.

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If the docile sheep up North don't go for it, then there's no way the slightly less docile sheep South will go for it.

Probably best not to use one obscure social network to describe how another obscure social network works.

C'mon. No single instance has as many users as any of the top 20 sub reddits I bet. Spreading out over 5 main instances is fine. The important thing is if one instance shits the bed, you have options. If the community isn't served properly they can easily jump to a new instance.

What you just described is literally the hardest thing about social media.

draw users in with piles of money and way better exposure, then get everyone on board with your well ran service with good ui and 100% uptime. Play nice with everyone else, meanwhile gaining dominance on the fediverse. Get a very large userbase in comparison to everyone else. Now, once you gain that dominance, you basically control the fediverse. You can steer it anyway you want. You could even defederate with your userbase and enjoy your new found network built on the back of the community.

well he's not 100 wrong. But also, they are 100% to blame themselves for that. They took advantage of the goodwill they earned with Witcher 3 and went out of their way to hide the last get versions of the game because they knew it sucked.

Looks normal to me. This phenomena though is perhaps the saddest part of the whole thing. It'll take years to build up a similar amount of excellent info.

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because public transportation sucks in most of the US. I just did a very typical commute for my area in Detroit region. The commute from Grosse Pointe Woods to Warren, takes an hour and 35 minutes by public transport. In that time I would have to walk a mile and a half total. or, I can get a car and get there in 22 minutes.

and now, because there is basically an expectation that everyone has a car, our communities are sprawled out over a very large distance. I could totally see how if you live in a city, you might need to ask this question, but if you lived in a suburb, it would be very obvious why public transportation isn’t popular everywhere.

Eliminate tax benefits for non male/female couples. He didn’t say that, but that would be a way.

please correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this will even block a video on a normal feed with a lot of swearing if someone marks it NSFW.

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Maybe I'm wrong, but I assumed this is more a concern for mastadon.

Turns out any time you've heard Zuckerberg over the last 10 years it was actually this ai voice model.

I don’t think you’re using the word gaslighting correctly

Send them a dick pick of their own dick. that glass will be frosty the next time you see it.

Didn't you hear? Anytime there's more than 5 users we're doomed. We should all just be posting to small 3-5 person communities.

I answered honestly, and I think it was probably about five sentences. I’m definitely not a robot or a bully, and they still denied me. maybe it’s because I brought up developing a sports community.

True for general stuff, but I'm missing my more niche subreddits and there's basically no sports here because apparently we're too techie over here.

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Irs. Married filing jointly is only available for male female couples.

Education is an easy one because we already saw what he wants to do with floridas system. Basically erase history and ban books.

every browser on iOS is just a safari wrapper. It's BS. There's rumors they'll start allowing other browsers though.

Followup, how do I see the sidebar on mobile?

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I'm assuming that won't work for mobile though

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C'mon. No single instance has as many users as any of the top 20 sub reddits I bet. Spreading out over 5 main instances is fine. The important thing is if one instance shits the bed, you have options. If the community isn't served properly they can easily jump to a new instance.

Look through the apps you already have and see if there's a premium version of whatever you got

I applied like twice. Wrote the same thing in phrasing though. I applied I think the day before the blackout first (no response) and then about like 4 days ago and got a message yesterday that I was denied and I could try to apply again another time. This first time I applied I maybe have referenced that I was fleeing reddit so maybe they didn't like me talking about it (though I'm sure it's true od like 90 percent of their users).

I suppose it's possible the denial i got was just a really late reply to my first attempt.

I think the example of it working like email is the most intuitive for most people. We can all understand that and interact with eachother despite being different service.

I would also make 1 or 2 recommendations of an instance you like because the overwhelming choice is too much for people. Imagine if you never heard of gmail or yahoo or outlook. Why choose those over When end up sucking they'll probably just think all email sucks.

say what you will about zuck, but he is not an attention whore. Especially when you consider he made a social media site designed to get people to overshare.

I'd rather federate with Google plus. I need to get back in touch with my old circles. ;)

Probably wanted to make an example out of the boss.

I think you probably just want better sorting. He cross-posted to multiple communities at the same time. Browsing by or something similar to new (and therefore not allowing upvotes/downvotes to filter the content) you get things as they're posted.

Binnie baby

does anyone know why I didn't get a notification for this reply? I have the boxes checked off that should allow me to see them.

If I am a news article and I generate a photo to accompany the article is that for profit? Making ad money of the page.

Ok. I'll give that a go. That's the one thing I don't want.

Because they're not using it. They're generating something original. It's not a copy paste job. You imagine ai art is like a ransom note or a collage. It's more like reading a text book on drawing and then creating that drawing.

They asked what I thought I could add to the community and I wrote something about sports and apparently they aren't interested in that so they denied me.

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