82 Post – 520 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Employee that was mining crypto on the side is hella stoked at this news.

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Garbage cars, garbage software, garbage ceo.

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the DOJ also alleges that eBay sold 23,000 unregistered or restricted-use pesticides, which violated a 2020 U.S. EPA stop-sale order, as well as distributing 5,614 paint and coating removal products that contain methylene chloride. The chemical is linked with lethal brain and liver cancer, as well as non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Yeah, fuck em up and fine them to hell.

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Shit, have you seen what it’s done to the adults? Can’t trust them with a human any age.

Option A: YES - Prohibit Political pictures all the time. Political pictures, regardless of country of origin, will be removed immediately upon reporting or a mod locating. Posters will only receive a warning and recommendation to check the sidebar for a first offense. Additional postings by the same contributor will result in a short-term temp ban of 7 days for second offense, length doubles each additional violation.

Ranchers and farmers are the biggest welfare queen piss babies. Can’t wait for the wolves! - CO voter.

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Today you’re planting the roses instead of smelling them.

Yes, upvoting has been one of the issues I have experienced on both mobile and desktop. Funny enough, your comment duplicated.

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I lost so much respect for them. Fuck Ashton Kutcher and fuck Mila Kunis. Hypocrite cunts, the lot of them.

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Option C: SORT OF - Political Pictures that are relevant to current events will be allowed one posting per event. Duplicates will be removed and all other rules (spam, trolling, AI/DA, being civil) will apply. This option can be tweaked to more narrowly define "current event".

Anyone else tired of beta testing Tesla’s garbage just by being outside on the roads near these vehicles?

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Yes, Ruud is doing a kickass job that I definitely could not be doing right now. We will get there. I just wanted to make people aware that it is happening and it is not something a member is doing in their end.

Now that I am back available, all the duplicates have been removed, the first posting of the photo is locked. I will see if I can make a poll when I am off mobile to get a community consensus on if we want to ban all political pictures. I don’t have a preference one way or the other, but this is about what the community wants to do. We don’t generally get a lot of political posts anyways outside of this special event.

If you are curious as to what gets done behind the scenes, go to the sidebar, scroll to the bottom near the mod list and select “mod log”. This shows every action a mod as taken, who has taken it (mods can only see which mod did which action it seems), and who or what it was against.

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It means Mod is speaking officially.

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You’re watching Futurama. The show that does not advocate the cool crime of robbery.

Fuck that was a hard one to watch. One of the images seared into my memory for the rest of my life. RIP brave hero.

Him and what fucking army?

Guess it wasn’t his turn with the shared russian brain cell the entire country operates on.

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Thank you so much, excellent news.

Definitely would not want to be the guy walking out trying to really surrender.

They drive a hard bargain, but deal!

Big fan of CCMF's work but I did let out a chuckle when I saw who won and what I was about to pin.

It's something new we have been trying out. We are wanting to create community engagement, and recognize our community members for their awesome talents and places they visit.

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Option B: NO - Political Pictures will NOT be prohibited. Pictures that otherwise do not violate any current rules (ie spam, duplicates, trolling, AI/DA, etc) will be allowed to remain posted and open for discussion until other factors influence locking the thread.

Some of you will be pushed through a fine mesh screen to mod here. Those will be luckiest of all. I would be honored, always approaching the trolls with the element of surprise.

Wow, there is more dirt inside than there is outside.

Looks like they stole the tin siding off of a barn.

I represent "the west", we are cool with it. now, "Kim's sister", that's gold.

I’m helping a friend of mine writing a long essay

I think the authorities refer to this as a manifesto after locating it.

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Pretty much, also encouraged me to download uBlock, and now I see how many items it blocks from pages like YouTube. Spoiler: It’s a lot.

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Just a minor mishap, not like a TB is that big or anything. /s

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On the front page of for me are two links, one being here:

Please double check this link before sending any money, it is not an endorsement from myself or the mod team.

We got 99 problems, but rusko swine ain't one of em.

Get those men some ear protection!

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