
1 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I’m feeling insecure and shy, please rate my anus.

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I'm in Switzerland, so I buy a leisurely coffee and croissant. With the change I buy a bottle of water.

Nooooo. Think of the children!!

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The reality: My girlfriend said my moobs are too big.

Nor really. A large part of Natenyahu's platform is security. "Keep me in power and I will protect you". He has failed in this spectacularly, and Mossads reputation will take a very significant hit. Hamas has made them look incompetent. Of course he will use this to demand more authority, but overall it is bad for him.

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Karma is a consolation prize for a rubbish api.

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So called IT experts who only know solutions by rote. If the question is out of their scope they almost always respond with “why do you want to do that? You really want to do this instead” and then promptly give you basic instructions that don’t actually answer the question.

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What would you do for the remaining 55 mins ?

On a completely unrelated point, how can I browse/list all the communities on a separate iinstance from the one I've subscribed to?

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Traditionally russian leaders have little regard for their own people. It is unlikely , but not impossible.

Never underestimate the power of greed and stupidity. They can handle this worse. The NSFW subreddits are difficult if not impossible to monetise. Reddit is also one of the biggest providers of porn on the Internet. It'll be interesting how they resolve this conflict. I suspect that's when handling it worse will kick in.

welcome to Posh Mosh. Extraordinary Memes for ordinary people.

Could we get John Oliver on board with the fediverse?

Point taken.

Keep up the good work. It's nice to feel like we are back on the bleeding edge.

Sinclair Basic on my ZX81 with 1k ram. My first personal linux distro was Redhat 5.2. I used VAXVMS at work.

I dont want everyone to leave reddit and come over to lemmy. One of the joys of lemmy is not being overwhelmed with meh.

Also licensing out the VHS format to 3rd party manufacturers also played a not insignificant role in beating Betamax. More conpanies making more VHS machines won a lot of the battle.

Because then they get a say in how things should be done. It gives them leverage to help get what they want.

If people really want karma, they can write a 3rd party app to total their comments and posts scores. This isn't reddit.

Cool thanks.

The business mentality demands competition and unlimited growth, which encourages 'next big thing'.

The fediverse motivations are not necessarily business. So we can define what we want from it.

Heck, genXers are the only generation who can set the clock on a VCR. A skill now lost to time and technology.

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