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100 percent of return2ozma political posts are attacking Biden.

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Who the fuck is “Kilmar”?

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Cena who openly apologised in Mandarin to the Chinese government for the crime of recognising Taiwan? That John Cena?

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No it just revealed her beliefs to a wider audience. Twitter like all social media doesn’t bring out anything - it’s just a lens that gives the viewer a perspective they might never have seen and these view are then amplified by others who share them. Rowling was always this person, social media just allowed her to share and amplify her views.

Funhaus needs to survive this.

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Mate you seem desperate to find balance via a critical eye when what’s happening is your bias against a publication is showing.

Gus Sorola was always a complete piece of shit in my humble opinion and this was never more clear than his lame attempt to attack Jeff Gerstmann over Fallout 4 while hosting what was clearly a Bethesda funded podcast.

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In a surreal she would also be the violent shit.

Kind of him to seperate the two.

You mean the same as yours. Do you care that you use technology, wear clothing and eat food made by slaves? Anyone in that situation would want to go home at almost any cost. It’s easy to moralise from your armchair, Uncle Walter.

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You're surprised that companies released updated graphics drivers to coincide with a tent pole release?

No offence but are you new to PC gaming?

So you did no research, gained no understanding, didn’t follow any of the linked resources and instead decided that you feel uncomfortable.

Keighley has a history of standing out in front of larger issues, only a few years he literally castigated Konami at his awards show for how it fired Hideo Kojima and then celebrated the man in his absence.

This article makes clear the nature of his so called convictions- they are for sale. If that doesn’t make you uncomfortable but a cited article written by a respected journalist does then I would say you might want to think more about what makes you uncomfortable and why.

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Or you could just fuck off back to your safe spaces on Reddit. Nobody is fooled.

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Great Jerb Randle

He didn’t just give Kojima an award in absentia, he very directly and deliberately complained that Konami would not let Kojima attend to receive the award. He makes comments and has strong opinions when it’s safe for him to do so.

You’re not wrong about his press-as-marketing nature but in no way does this mean he shouldn’t be criticised for his actions in this case, in fact I would think these actions bolster the critique.

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You think they give each other handies? As bros, I mean.

The word you’re all looking for is sandboxing. That’s what containers are - sandboxes. And while they a different approach to VMs they do rely on some similar principals.

Herself. Did you read the article?

Names of people being laid have been shared and many stories made public, what the fuck are you talking about?

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Man your post history is littered with “just asking questions” shenanigans.

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Austin is that you? I thought I could smell shit…

Thanks for letting us know.

Milo was(is) also gay. As I said you’re not fooling anyone. Sow dissent elsewhere.

Nothing strange happened. You attempted sophistry in defense of a person who chooses right wing demagoguery which people may correctly or incorrectly diagnose as a consequence of having a personality disorder and you did so knowing full well we are in a climate where people are tired of right demagoguery. If, as you say, you are interested in scientific veracity and focus on dispassionate reasoned discussion how can you also not understand that sticking your dick in a live toaster will get you burned?

There is no shift in tone. You’re complaining about something that you’re projecting.

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No I’m rubber you’re glue.

Wait, wait. Do you think that “the whole engine” is loaded for every UE5 executable? I can tell you that’s not at all how this works. The point of a scalable engine is that it loads whatever relevant libraries or portions of the engine that would be needed, including swapping for custom code where appropriate. The idea that the storefront is unoptimised purely because it uses a game engine is just as ignorant as saying that you should measure all computers purely by a single metric. Maybe you could also compare EGS to other stores and measure only the executable’s size? By your reasoning there’s no need for benchmarks, so surely the store with the smallest exe wins, right?

You have provided absolutely no proof that using UE5 to run EGS is a waste of resources nor that your idea of using a browser directly would be more performant. Just saying things isn’t proof and the burden sits with you.

Sure, you’re just asking questions - biased, manipulative, on-your-knees-for-fascists questions.

What’s the game?

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RPS are and always have been click bait chasing hacks.

I don’t consider it a principled stance, quite the opposite. I think Keighley is mercenary. The point is that the article repeats and solidifies those concerns - it accurately calls him out for both his silence when people are suffering and his faux interest when he can push a product (in this case a recruiter) who benefits himself. My point raised about Kojima is that he complains about things when he’s safe to do so and then will even go beyond complaint to grandstanding using the full weight of his awards to make it seem like he has a concerned moral position to share.

Do you find it at all strange that you have a strong reaction to something given you know you have little context for?

Feel free to come up with your own thesis for the behaviour then. Why do you think a bunch of discussion has formed around a falsehood where all the parties of that discussion seem to agree and yet none have discussed the subject matter at all.

I’m afraid you don’t understand what’s happening here. Pressing charges is what leads to actual budgeting to develop and engage education to improve the situation for everyone involved, including the perpetrators.

So now after all the sophistry and unwarranted attitude now you admit you cannot make a diagnosis from third hand sources. She could have shown the same behaviours from a minor stroke, a tumour or some other brain injury, she might have been traumatised or goaded into killing her family. We and especially you do not have any real evidence and here you are AGAIN making further diagnosis from her writing. Tell me, professional psych, do you also practice phrenology and analyse hand-writing?

Imagine conflating staying married with staying around. They have the will to leave but not stomach for divorce.

That’s not really a valid response. Please accurately clarify why UE5 is inefficient at running a store. Benchmarks and other evidence is required.

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