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Nothing could possibly top Raul Julia's performance as Bison. One 1994 Street Fighter movie is worth 5 2026 Street Fighter films!

One thing that always jumps out to me with each of these is that these videos are all just a sequence of 3 second clips stitched together.

I know all film consists of discrete shots edited into a larger piece but there's something mechanical about these. Like I'm watching a slide show that's just been placed in chronological order.

Android's file structure is so incomprehensible. I'm genuinely surprised there hasn't been any significant effort made to make it more readable. Pictures saved in app directories, downloads, camera, images, pictures, media, DCIM???.

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What pisses me off about the whole Unity thing is that if Unity makes itself eat shit then it just further consolidates engines into fewer hands. Godot is great and all but it doesn't have everything Unreal has (I'm not throwing shade it'll get there dw) and I really really don't want Epic to have a bigger stranglehold on the games industry than it already does.

Unity had its niche and if the executives could stop fucking around it would be lovely to have as a competitor in the landscape.

Also to everyone saying "just don't use Unity": there are a lot of people who have put a lot of time and money and effort into learning Unity and it's not exactly as easy as you think to just switch to an entirely new workflow. You also have to consider how impractical it is to switch engines mid-development. There's a reason why Unreal 5 has been out for multiple years and we're only just seeing games developed with it now. Developers (especially ones with big budgets and all the caveats they come with) don't want to ship a game with the latest and greatest engine if there's kinks to be worked out. This is why you still see Unreal 4 in games released today.

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When my custom character shows up in a cutscene

That won't make the sex offender registry functionally useless at all... /s

If you ever needed an example of how conservatives don't actually give a shit about preventing child predation...

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Honestly at a certain point labels only help when you share a common definition with your audience.

If I call myself a socialist I need to preface it by defining socialism because everyone above 25 still thinks it means autocratic dictatorial regime where the government owns your underpants.

I just tell people that democracy is better than monarchy so we should expand that to workplaces and give workers a vote on the direction of their workplace. Most people are more amenable to this than dropping the S word or god forbid C word.

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To quote Homer Simpson:

Lisa! If you don't like your job, you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way.

Also the anti-fingerprinting in Firefox breaks them. Fucking awesome that I can solve that bullshit just fine and it still won't validate unless I let some asshole slurp my browser data.

If it's a subjective matter then no. Like if you thought Blade Runner sucked I might disagree with your opinion but respect that it's a matter of taste and so I won't recommend you see the sequel.

If you're just using "opinion" as a shield for something objective then yes I will. And I will laugh at you for thinking the sky is falling is a matter of opinion.

It's pretty clear that games being male oriented has been somewhat of a self-fullfilling prophecy for decades. Publisher's and manufacturers have pretty much exclusively targeted young males and so it shouldn't surprise anyone that they historically made up the bulk of the market as a direct result.

It's honestly embarrassing how long it's taken for that mindset to shift when there's an obvious financial disincentive to perpetuating it.

People who use up more than their third of the locker, forcing others out of their own space are subhuman.

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Hate to tell you this but in case you thought cancel culture was a recent phenomenon: Richard Pryor (the co-star of Blazing Saddles) was arrested for foul-language during his stand-up routine the same year Blazing Saddles came out.,released%20on%20a%20%24500%20bond

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Plex is definitely more user friendly. I would like to try Jellyfin again but I host Plex for my parents back home and I don't want to troubleshoot Jellyfin internationally when I know they can just install Plex and log in on their devices and I don't have to deal with it.

Definitely different strokes for different folks but I understand Lemmy is very big on FOSS so it's no surprise Jellyfin has such a positive following here.

Ultimately I'm glad to have options regardless.

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Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri would vocalise "Please don't go. The drones will miss you. They look up to you" when you go to quit.

Not all sanitizers are alcohol based. Some are chlorine based and probably other kinds too. The cheap ones during covid that smelled like shit vodka were definitely ethanol based though.

These little epiphanies are always fun. Like when you realise how many maths and astronomy terms are just romanised Arabic words like Algebra and Algorithm.

Another fun one that I wasn't smart enough to notice on my own is that the Hindu-Arabic numerals have the same number of angles in the symbols as the number they represent.

Labour hasn't been a party of labour in decades. Sad times we live in.

They take less time to brew than a pilsner so when you only have a small capacity you can churn out more product if you're targeting IPAs. This is generally why (beyond the general trend) microbreweries will opt for IPAs over lagers.

All the commenters here complaining but have you guys used Google assistant in recent months? It's absolutely fucking useless.

If this piece of shit can at least field a simple request without responding with "sorry I don't understand" then it's at least a step up. The bar is so very low here.

This person was referencing the obtuse and infuriatingly repeated quote from Margaret Thatcher (rot in piss) "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money".

I don't think I need to point out exactly why this quote is stupid.

restaurants often don't know how to disable it.

The owners know how. They also know that by leaving it there they make extra money on top of sales. They also know that the person getting berated for having it there is the worker who can't change it.

Book to game to show

Chelsea Manning? She was a whistleblower...

There's also the simplicity. I enjoy my PC for sure but for some people the ease of popping in a disc or downloading the title and it running perfectly on the first try is a major selling point. Troubleshooting my Ex's PC for 2 hours only to realise I didn't install the standoffs is an experience I can't get on console.

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They also destroy the local ecosystems where the farms are positioned. The excessive consumption we're accustomed to is the problem. But good luck stopping that because line must go up exponentially.

Seconded for Haim Saban being a piece of shit. I'd like to add that Austin St John, Walter Jones and Thuy Trang were fired for asking for more money. They were essentially making minimum wage while being the stars of one of the biggest children's shows of the 90s.

Abrasives. Same thing as charcoal. Tiny hard particles help remove gunk when you brush them against something.

Because data collection

I suspect they mean capitalism with a light sprinkle of social safety nets.

You didn't save my life You ruined my death!

Some of those that work forces...

If this is actually true then I'm sure I'll hear all about it after it releases. No point trusting reviewers in this day and age when I can get a better sense of quality from day one discourse and review embargoes are the norm.

Is dinosaur law just a precursor to bird law?

Ooooooh my wooooord. Are we back to the crunch? Oh here we faaaackin gooooo.

Stop revealing my topology secrets!

Financial suicide?

Oh no I'm literally just talking about when I go to stow my suitcase and some goober with 3 suitcases has filled his entire row and is now cramping mine. You're not special. Check your damn luggage and wait on the carousel like the rest of us!

Conservatives make the world worse, they get booted out and liberals fail to fix it, they get booted out and then people look for a "strong man" who can cut through red tape and fix things once and for all.

The far right embodies that third person. An extra bonus of a far right rule is the Overton window lurches so far to the right that the conservatives can pretend to be centrist and the liberals pretend to be left-wing.

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The only limit is yourself