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No one is made for war... except 007 after he caught that brain eating amoeba from the gulf coast.

You're probably still good. They probably aren't going to check where the bid came from, or even if it's yours.

Not really. Our mother is very lenient and he was in training for the tail end of it. One of the reasons I knew it wasn't exactly a fair question to him. He was in a situation where he would be doing better, but his financial situation, while having a better outlook for the future, did not materialize until biden. In general "how were you four years ago" is a complicated question.

He'd spent about two years thinking "woe is me" and waiting for a family situation to resolve itself. If it had resolved itself for the better I think he believed he'd never have to work again. I don't think I'm allowed to say "exactly" how it resolved, but I can say things twisted in a stupid way and I'm pissed about it. After that he went into training for about two years. Regardless of his prospects he also had more how going into 2017 than going into 2021, for reasons that have nothing to do with the president.

I asked my brother this four years ago. He said he was. It was a bad question to ask him because there are many factors that can determine this besides who the president is. Still... he was unemployed from 2017 to 2021 and he felt in 2020 he was doing better than he was when he had a job and could support himself. I bet he'd answer no today despite being employed for most of the last 4 years. He was fired briefly for saying "something they interpreted as racist" but he got a new job real quick. He bought a house under biden. I think it was a mistake and he could wind up upside down real soon, but he went from unemployed to rushing into home ownership. People who are committed will believe the reality they want to.

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It's unprecedented. I know what the supporters would say "so is prosecuting an ex president ". There's a difference. A fast food CEO killing a dozen people and serving them up in 15 different locations is unprecedented. A judge wouldn't say that the jury has to try the burgers though.

If I remember, Gray didn't even commit a crime. They arrested him for something the officers didn't realize was legal in their state, and he wasn't even doing it any way.

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All you have to do in Texas to get away with murder is claim at trial he pointed the gun at you first. It doesn't matter that the police have you on video saying the opposite, and only changed your story at trial. That the victim was trained in firearms and would have known to turn his safety off, and no round was chambered. That every witness said otherwise.

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In the meantime texas physically bars them in some areas from doing their job.

As long as you support Republicans that is

He's not even making an argument that would be anything like what the Supreme Court would hear. They pretty much never hear "I didn't do it" arguments. In fact I've never heard of them hearing one. They hear "the law isn't fair" arguments and if he wants to argue that they should, that sets a precedent that would make them have to hear a lot of "actually I didn't do it" arguments from every two bit criminal on earth... I mean as long as the court actually cares about precedent or fairness... so when are they going to do the hearing?

Stock prices?

A trump judge threw it out claiming they had no standing because the commission had formed. This is like saying that you don't have standing when someone public domains your car because it's theirs now. It shows you what kind of people he put on the bench. He's probably never heard of a chilling effect.

The quote he made up reeks of lost cause mentality. The idea that Lee lost because his generals didn't follow his grand wisdom has been around since right after the war. There was a southern journalist who lost a defamation case to a general he claimed didn't adhere to orders. I think some lost cause circles still bring it up. Despite winning the case the guy was military not pr, and didn't know how to use the money to repair his reputation from a guy who professionally spreads information (disinformation in this case).

There was an adjective for C++. It's just the pointer was dropped.

Maybe the last 3 and a half years

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Trains are cool. Maybe not private trains, but we all need to make sacrifices.

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The desenting opinion called the court the "library police" for refusing to let the state police the library.

There is apparently no limit to calling a bug a feature

Well this character's name is Jill, and I believe she's from Va-11 hall-a, which is a very good cyberpunk bartenders game. I wouldn't think that would ruin most people's days though.

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The actually cool way of increasing recruitment would be to pay higher salaries and increase the work place safety, with tax money taken from crying billionaires.

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Christian aligned site that doesn't seem to mind when people don't treat the sojourner as their own.

What could this guy have done as mayor? Use his magic mayor powers to hold up the bridge and will it back into place like Magneto? I don't think private boat maintenance is part of his job.

I think I'll stick with brojob. They are both metal and depressingly horny

Have you seen the world's economy at the moment?

If this is the man in thinking of, his initial statement to police it was clearly not self defense. After he was arrested he changed his story to make it sound like self defense. What physical evidence existed implied his first story was more likely. They played the video of him confessing to unprovoked murder to the jury. Abbott never acknowledged his original statement as existing or any of the evidence. He let a murderer out on texas's streets for political gain.

"Jon Stewart the Grey, yes that's what they used to call me. I am Jon Stewart the white."

How do I EAT the pope.

I don't remember the call to get rid of uncle Ben though. It feels like at best the company was trying to get out ahead of it, at worst they wanted to stop paying his family residuals and had an excuse.

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We could have dedicated effort to normalize relations and build good will. There really was a win win there. Instead we threw it away for internal political points

The federal government is doing things. The lying Anus governor of Texas is pretending they aren't because it gets him good boy points with his mob.

Have you ever seen the wishmaster movies?

"Their corporations are ok making less money"

I have so many bridges to sell you

Total War Shogun 2.

Most of the people I've seen here are against Israel, even the ones who are against Russia.

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I live very close to a wendy's. Some of my friends say they'd eat there all the time if they lived where I live. I also live walking distance from a grocery store. It's cheaper and only takes a couple extra minutes.

Of course he gave a sizeable lead with them, his base never threatened to kill them.

Czechia and poland's governments remember what the nazis did to them. The Hungarian and Slovak governments just sigh deeply thinking "memories".

I mean I could just write the wrong date. It honestly should have less to do with the validity.

So someone should have shot the messenger.

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Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya