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Joined 11 months ago

I addressed "tHiS iS tHe MoSt ImPoRtAnT eLeCtIoN eVaR!" and Project 2025- there is always a Boogeyman that we always have to vote Democrat or the Republicans will destroy us (and the lukewarm Republicans/Conservatives get the opposite message from the opposition). They play us too keep us in line.

Sending a message to Joseph "if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain’t black" Biden and the DNC is about the only thing I can do with my vote since I refuse to support genocide, which is a full stop issue and precludes the need for any other reasons. I'm trying to not be a Doomer and saying that revolution is the only way but what other options are there?

We have to stop thinking the current election and think long term. If more people vote their conscience then the DNC would take that into account. Instead people listen to their doomsaying and vote in fear of the immediate and nothing changes about the party.

I know Jill isn't going to win, but I'm not a team person and I'm just picking what I see as the best candidate- I've picked the lesser evil too many times and here we still are, in a worse place.

I would love a different system but I still wouldn't put Biden down as my second choice because genocide support is not acceptable.

Not having enough time and voting for the least fucked candidate is old and tired. How long do we vote for the Turd over the Douche instead of voting for someone that we actually believe in?

Also, I can't justify genocide.

Sorry but opposing genocide and imperialism overrides all other interests, IMO.

He did horribly and you make excuses for him. He needs to retire.

Nice strawman. I never said this was possible. Stay classy .world user.

You're using Domino's wrong. You have to use the 2+ two topping medium pizza coupon for $6.99 each. They have it plastered on the website and the app.

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OMG I just saw a post about you!

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Because thanks Obama!

He definitely is not. He's a grifter that parrots a lot of right wing nut job conspiracy theories like anti-vaxxing. He's a Liberal at most.

R'lyehian text definitely found under the windows of the shop. They must have manually done things like the bicycle shop sign.

HWHAT‽ Biden does not have the hard left. Most of the (hard) Left think Democrats are Republican-lite or less crazy Republicans. Capitalists with some decent social stances.

Please stay away from Fox/OAN/Newsmax talking points.

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Good luck with that. I've come around on using whatever standard gender pronouns (he/she/they) but with what to me seems insulting (it) and capitalizing... I'll just still to using the proper noun.

It doesn’t matter what you think

You've already lost the battle if you think this way. You show disregard for what other people care for and then expect them to care about your thoughts? Walls instantly go up and no dialog will be had.

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Because people die from the heat.

Different than others, how?

Funny how you say something similar and we have such different karma for it.

No, it was a step in the right direction. There may have been units and commanders that tried to seek out gays but there were also plenty of commanders that really didn't want to know so never asked.

Mom! Mom! Shuddap Mom! New copypasta dropped.

Fun fact: Women being topless is not illegal in NYC.

I'll just stop using YouTube like I've stopped using Reddit.

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There are just certain communities that haven't picked up over on Lemmy. D&D, Pathfinder, LFG, and I'm sure many others. I hate reddit with a passion but there is still stuff there.

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That's why I moved!

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Title: Idiot Cybertruck Owner.

That's all you need for the title.

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Dual headphone jacks. You "hear" that, Fairphone‽

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I'm sorry but are we eating the onion with this website?

To demonstrate its good faith to understandably skeptical workers, the company also agreed to let them receive credit card tipping

Have the baristas not been getting credit card tips?!?!

Just looked it up. Starbucks I guess recently added the tipping option to stores but didn't enable that at union stores.

Holy fuck. So Evil.

It wasn't that bad.... Oh, yeah, it was that bad.

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There is still DRM on DVDs and Blu-rays. Don't think everything is perfect because you have the physical media. You still only have a license to play it.

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  • Oil

  • Shipping zones for commerce

  • Strategic locations for the above

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I can't believe it's that high.

A stable release of Arch Linux is also affected. That distribution, however, isn't used in production systems.

Shots fired!

It seems WSL Ubuntu and Kali are safe with versions 5.2.5 and 5.4.4 installed respectfully.

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Y'allQaeda is at it again. Yeehaa!

Incomplete article by The Hill... Actually, the more I look at it this is a bad article. The only current bill introduced to the Congress is from last year by a different Representative. Bernie put out yesterday (the 13th) that he will be introducing a bill on Thursday the 14th (2024-03-14). It's only 0600 local time Washington, D.C. so it hasn't happened yet. And it would be very strange to he is introducing another act in the same session (118th).

H.R.1332 - Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act since they couldn't even link to the bill.

Congress.gov has the sponsor as Rep. Takano, Mark [D-CA-39] (Introduced 03/01/2023).

Long title: Official Title as Introduced

To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to reduce the standard workweek from 40 hours per week to 32 hours per week, and for other purposes.

I love Louis but does anyone have TL;DW?

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Don't forget "Collateral Murder":

On July 12, 2007, a series of air-to-ground attacks were conducted by a team of two U.S. AH-64 Apache helicopters in Al-Amin al-Thaniyah, New Baghdad, during the Iraqi insurgency which followed the invasion of Iraq. On April 5, 2010, the attacks received worldwide coverage and controversy following the release of 39 minutes of classified gunsight footage by WikiLeaks. The video, which WikiLeaks titled Collateral Murder, showed the crew firing on a group of people and killing several of them, including two Reuters journalists, and then laughing at some of the casualties, all of whom were civilians. An anonymous U.S. military official confirmed the authenticity of the footage, which provoked global discussion on the legality and morality of the attacks.

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Moved over here from .world. kthxbai!

Sounds like human trafficking to me!

They fucked themselves like WotC (Wizards of the Coast) did with the OGL (Open Gaming Licensing) changes.

Private DNS FTW!


On Android:

  1. Swipe down and select settings (the gear)
  2. Search for: DNS
  3. Select Private DNS.
  4. Select Private DNS again.
  5. Select Private DNS provider hostname.
  6. Enter: dns.adguard.com
  7. Select Save
  8. Enjoy most ads being blocked in apps.
  9. Might work poorly on public wifi (Walmart wifi for example doesn't work with a private DNS set).

On Apple:

  1. Fuck if I know.
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Then maybe he should have packed the court with some good judges

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Yeah, because we don't have to pay for it.