These are the debate ‘traps’ Republicans fear Trump may fall into to politics – 157 points –
These are the debate ‘traps’ Republicans fear Trump may fall into

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HWHAT‽ Biden does not have the hard left. Most of the (hard) Left think Democrats are Republican-lite or less crazy Republicans. Capitalists with some decent social stances.

Please stay away from Fox/OAN/Newsmax talking points.

Who is your parties candidate?

You miss DAMunzy's point.

Every day we get hard lefties saying they'd rather vote third party, stay home, or even vote Trump because Biden didn't get them the shiny golden alicorn that farts rainbows that they swear they were promised. All it would take is for enough of them to vote Jill Stein or RFJ Jr. (who isn't very leftie when you look closely at him) and Team Pepe can steal the election. Biden has to appeal to both the moderates AND the hard left, an impossible proposition, while trying to make the point that both moderates and hard-lefties lose and lose hard if Team Nazi Frog gets into office.