1 Post – 391 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Can I vote for obsfuscators not holding a language hostage?

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Where I am the charging infrastructure is terrible and electricity prices are bad. I was considering a hybrid but I guess if it's no better I'll just grab a regular ICE

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That is not at all what this article is about. The headline is terrible.

The research is suggesting that there may exist "per-person" fingerprint markers, whereas right now we only use "per-finger" markers. It's suggesting that they could look at two different fingers, (left index and right pinky, for example) and say "these two fingerprints are from the same person".

When they say "not unique", they mean "there appear to be markers common to all fingerprints of the same person"

Free speech absolutist

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  1. It isn't and has never been a truth machine, and while it may have performed worse with the question "is 10777 prime" it may have performed better on "is 526713 prime"

ChatGPT generates responses that it believes would "look like" what a response "should look like" based on other things it has seen. People still very stubbornly refuse to accept that generating responses that "look appropriate" and "are right" are two completely different and unrelated things.

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This was literally the only piece of development they've done in like 12 years that actually generated value to the company.

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My wife knows that if I say "Honey, I need to do that thing with my butt" she knows I have to poop, with everyone else listening blissfully unaware.

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For a billion dollars I have a guaranteed plan to reduce operating expenses by 45 billion. Board of telsa feel free to hit up my DMs

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When I was in high school there was a barely perceptible quake that occurred the moment I whipped out my donger at a urinal.

I'm not saying it was the cause, I'm just saying the events coincided exactly and that our northern AB town had never before and never since registered seismic activity.

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There is a CRITICAL piece of information that was neglected in this and most articles:

In the late 90s, a relatively newly minted President Putin was embroiled in a military operation against Chechnya.

Then, there were a series of apartment bombings in Russia. The party line was that they were Chechen terrorists.

Now, a few REALLY strange things happened:

  1. the government accidentally referenced a 4th bombing... 3 days before the bombing occurred

  2. local police foiled a 5th bombing. The people arrested ended up being FSB. Putin was immediately before becoming a leader of Russia was the head of the FSB.

  3. An independent investigation on if the Kremlin was involved resulted in everyone involved being jailed or assasinated.

The strong suspicion was that this was a false flag operation, at least outside of Russia.

The RESULT of the bombing was a massive galvanization of the populace around Putin and his Chechnya war.

So, long story short: this was the event that propelled Putin into the Russian political stratosphere.

There shouldn't be any confusion as to Putin's experience with political gain from terrorist attacks.

I'm not suggesting Putin was responsible for this last attack, but using such an attack for political gain is absolutely a strategy he has succeeded with in the past.

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They made some algorithm changes a bunch of years ago (2015?), and migrated away from the concept of "default subs". The front page drew from every sub with an algorithm.

TheDonald was very good at understanding and abusing that algorithm, resulting in it overrunning the front page for everyone. They had to tweak it a bunch as a result.

IMO, this resulted in a great homogenization of communities. People participate in communities without really understanding the communities. Why should they? The "community" is just "the Reddit front page".

As soon as any community gets popular enough to hit the front page, it becomes hive-minded, predictable, and bland.

Lemmy actually has this same structural problem... Evidenced by the fact that as I write this comment, I actually have no clue what community this post is in.

I think Lemmy just hasn't been overrun w/ bots (yet), isn't being as heavily invested in by bad faith foreign state actors (yet), and is mostly composed of people who moved from Reddit who want to actively participate in a way to keep it from having that same Reddit "flavour".

Just my take.

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Getting fired is what makes this a story worth writing about. It was intentional.

So spez does DOES have a Lemmy account.

I'm not a lawyer, so interested in learning...

Isn't this what the purpose of objecting is? If the defense fails to object while it's happening... Isn't that kinda on them?

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A lot of people are incorrectly obsessing over Reddit's revenue

A social media platform IPO valuation is based on a speculative value... A "reasonable prediction of potential value", and that is driven primarily by traffic and engagement metrics.

So, unfortunately, even a "read only with blocked ads" interaction w/ Reddit would still be helping Bost IPO value.

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I'm really confused about the arguments around this, being that things like apostrophes and hyphens have special meanings in databases.

Yes, they do... But there are incredibly mature standard practices around how to store and query this type of data so that it isn't a problem.

Hyphens and apostrophes aren't uncommon in surnames. Is anyone suggesting banning those?

As a Sr. Dev, I'm always floored by stories of people trying to integrate chatGPT into their development workflow.

It's not a truth machine. It has no conception of correctness. It's designed to make responses that look correct.

Would you hire a dev with no comprehension of the task, who can not reliably communicate what their code does, can not be tasked with finding and fixing their own bugs, is incapable of having accountibility, can not be reliably coached, is often wrong and refuses to accept or admit it, can not comprehend PR feedback, and who requires significantly greater scrutiny of their work because it is by explicit design created to look correct?

ChatGPT is by pretty much every metric the exact opposite of what I want from a dev in an enterprise development setting.

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Shorts apply downward pressure to the market price, so not sure how well thought out the plan is.

For the reasons you listed, among many even more fundamental ones, the would never pass, and if it did, it's unenforceable.

It's not to fire up the conservative base. It's to fire you up.

It's just bait to shape their strawman "screeching liberal" archetype. They want pictures of blue haired college LGBTQ folks frothing at the mouth, chanting "death to Republicans"

That's all the Republicans do. It's all they've done for 40 years. They're never FOR anything they're just AGAINST the ENEMY. Sometimes they get one dropped into their laps like on 9/11. Sometimes they gotta make their own. Communists. Immigrants.

At this point, they're even happy to create their own out of queer college liberals. They were NEVER EVER going to vote R anyway. They know they can stir a REE out of them with legislation like this and then use the response as fodder for "America used to be strong and now it's full of soyboy cucks."

The arrogance of the Democrats is that they think Republican politicians are just stupid. Some are, but like if they're so dumb, why haven't the Dems been able to get more than 8 years? If your opponent is borderline mentally impaired, but you're neck in neck in what is absolutely a competition of wits, what HARD reality are you failing to accept?

You want to know how to defuse the strategy? Don't take the bait. It'd be one thing if it was in any way real. It isn't. Don't take the clickbait. Don't feed the trolls. Don't let someone take a picture of anyone with blue hair having a meltdown.

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You're only scratching the surface, it goes so much deeper than that

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It's crazy how the authour keeps shutting on the phone, being like "wow we've learned so much since then", but physical keyboards were the fucking best.

Touchscreen keyboards are super error prone and you need to physically look at it as you type. It used to be the case that you could write and send messages without needing to look at your phone at all. Under your desk while you kept eye contact and a verbal discussion with your teacher and they wouldn't even know.

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They're there to pre-answer the questions "how quickly and how forcefully would the USA get involved if we did a thing? Are they too focused on Ukraine? Do they have any appetite for a new middle East conflict?"

Instantaneously. Overwhelmingly. No. Yes.

It's better for everyone that these answers are readily available and explicitly clear so that nobody miscalculates. Deterrence is much cheaper than a real follow-through.

Short answer: get paid more

Medium answer: become unionized so that you can bargain collectively for more pay instead of individually. It's like forming a political party with your labour, and then voting for yourself

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Perpetually perplexed by those who still maintain Russia wouldn't invade a sovereign nation. It's not even "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" when at this point it's like "fool me 7 times in the last 20 years"


This argument is only a "gotcha" if it was permissible use, but it wasn't, even before CDs.

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The idea behind the tech was noble: The EAI was supposed to mitigate bias and spot ideal candidates by identifying soft skills, cognitive ability, psychological traits, and emotional intelligence during video interviews.

This is nonsensical. Remove the bias from traits specifically in the domain of human experience (soft skills), and take the humans out of the equation?

Derive cognitive ability from facial expressions?

Remove bias by... Using an AI model that will CERTAINLY be biased?

I'm so torn over if the more proper analogy is "snake oil" or "phrenology"

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He got away with having the FSB false flag bomb apartments to blame Chechnya, despite FSB agents being arrested by local police literally planting bombs in an apartment.

That was orchestrated murder and then a lie.

This is merely a lie.

I fucking hate grocery shopping.

The only thing that made it not-terrible really was getting in on couples arguments. You gotta be sneaky though.

One time a couple was arguing about which peanut butter to buy. I didn't even need peanut butter. I had to be like "excuse me" to even get at it because they're standing right in front of it. Grabbed the one, and muttered to "myself" : "yeah, this is the good stuff", and walked off with it.

Put it back later.

It was 20 years ago and I'm still talking about it even when nobody is asking so ya

Directly voiced at the people who are responsible in a way intentionally designed to call them out, hold them accountable, and make them uncomfortable?

Like, you have "do nothing" as the ultimately good option in your meme. Are you literally spez? Is this a joke? This is the worst astroturf job I've literally ever seen.

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So, the argument is that the system is so unwieldy that it forces you to be good because if you aren't vigilant you'll fuck yourself? Where have I heard that before?

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Yeah when I showed the cop the graph of my speed before getting in my car to be 67000mph (speed of the earth around the sun) to 67080mphwhen I was driving it he couldn't see the difference so I didn't get the ticket.

Or sometimes choosing a common-sense reference makes sense.

Which isn't to say THIS one does, it doesn't, but the absolutism of "it's nerf or nothing" is a tad extreme.

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In relatively short order, the majority of web content will be AI generated anyways. People will be mad that other AIs are stealing what their AIs wrote. The technology and business aspirations have accelerated us towards a shittier and shittier web experience for a few decades now. I think we'll hit some kind of web-shit-singularity within 5 years.

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Federal law states the punishment is a bare bottom spanking.


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Imagine if it took an entire week to list your life's work on Amazon.

Better to be thought a criminal than to open your mouth and remove all doubt

Joke's on everyone else for being stupid, because I actually initially formulated this, the "but they did it first" theorum of social reciprocity, at the tender age of 3.

This is exactly why publicly funded media is essential to a healthy media market.

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It's hard if you're a sociopath, which is a prereq to being CEO

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His huge boner for Apple has to do with the obscene amount of cash they have on hand. I think his feeling is that they have the capacity to self-finance massive innovations without the need to issue/dilute stock.

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