
1 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I buy the things I want to support. Small game studios get my money. Bands get my money directly, I buy albums and merch. Pretty much, small businesses or organizations that put great amounts of care and love into their high quality work get my money all day, as directly as i can. But would I pay for an Activision/EA game? Or a Marvel movie? Absolutely not.

I think they were saying that if you're not super skinny, you ought to test them to make sure they work for you before buying them. Super skinny people can safely assume they would have good enough conductivity and could buy without testing with more confidence.

Not my opinion, never tested these.

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Humanity cannot and will not change its practices fast enough to avoid running out of resources we keep ourselves dependent on because it's "profitable." We are a doomed species and won't be around for very much longer. We are likely living in the flash of bright before the long dark. I don't think the world my grandchildren live in will be remotely like the one we have now.

I'm perfectly fine hedging my bets and living life normally, but I think our longevity is an uncomfortable truth most people don't want to face.

My first celebrity crush and she continues to not disappoint

Is it bad that I recently bought the SSD in the picture? It is, isn't it.

It did behave oddly when I tried to use it to move a coworker's data, but that coworker always has weird difficulties with tech so I just assumed. Now I know it's just SanDisk going downhill. And that my knowledge of tech companies' reputations is probably 10 years old.

Now John at the bar is a friend of mine,

Gets me my drinks for free.

But he's quick with a joke or a light of your smoke,

But there's somewhere that he'd rather be.

It's a homebrew weapon from their last campaign in Pathfinder that they ported over, but the stats are legit and it's balanced trust them

Wow, what a ride of a comment. Thank you, TheFartographer's Swampy Fun-Hole

This isn't just content people want and Blizz doesn't want to give because it wouldn't be profitable, it's an entire half of the game that was advertised since announcement. A lot of people got the game with the assumption it was coming. It wouldn't be "live service" if they'd included it from day one like they promised. It would only get looped into that because the "new content" should have been in there from the start. It's Blizz reaping the benefits of an empty promise but wanting none of the blame when people call them out.

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I love Fallout and played 3, NV, and 4 avidly. It's a good adaptation. A little campy, but it feels like something made by people who know and love the source material. And with the goofy moments come some real nasty aspects of the wasteland laid bare with no question as to how nasty it is, even in the first couple episodes.

The Vaults setup was unique enough to feel new, but fit the Vault-Tec MO nicely. 4 felt generic, but I think it was mainly included for people who didn't play the games so they could get a general vibe.

The subtle nods are nice, with enough items and mechanics from the games peppered through to make it feel like part of the universe. Some are on the nose like Sugarbombs, but I've recognized generic NPC armor from the games on extras in the background.

It was also odd but fun to see game mechanics work in real time, like seeing drugs heal a grievous injury

If you want an adaptation of Fallout story it may fall short with the lighter stuff. But if you want an adaptation of a Fallout playthrough I think you're I for a good time.

Been playing this one last night and like half of today. Pretty fun extraction roguelite, and I don't typically enjoy either sub-genre. Enjoying the upgrade and crafting system as well as the music and creepy atmosphere.

Car is love. Car is life.

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Y'know, actually....


That's why I don't like most anime. There are some gems that don't stoop that low, but the bar is ridiculously low for such a high rate of not meeting it

I know that you will

My first playthrough clocked in around 200 hours. Now, I still do almost everything but it's faster. Only 150 hours now... About to wrap up playthrough number 5. And I'll probably be coming back in a year for 6.

Can't get into outer wilds though. Feel like I'm 50-60% through the game and I have no idea when or how to go where I think I need to. Took a break to play CP2077 run #4 and look where that got me

Absolutely, but even after release fans got told it was coming. I checked out of OW after the PvE debacle in OW1 so this doesn't surprise me, but a lot of people still thought Blizz was going to hold up their end of the bargain, even if it was a little late. So they got it just to play PvP until it came out which, as we can see, it probably never will.

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I think i just misunderstood how "DIY" Linux was and thought it came with essentially no drivers. I thought it was kind of like rooting an Android, you get more control in exchange for having to do everything yourself. I mistakenly lumped all drivers under "everything"

Phew, at least the rest of the cake is here

Lmao apple is the same company that points their heat sink fans at the glue that holds the entire MacBook together. Do some deep dives on their hardware. You only get what you pay for if you pay for the logo, which is the case for most Apple users.

I've had Mac, I've had Windows, and I still prefer present day enshittified fucking Microsoft. Apple only "pays off" if you utilize their entire connectivity suite which, spoiler alert, is just as bad an idea as Google-ifying your entire life except it's also more expensive. MacBook + iPhone + Apple Music + Apple Video + iCloud is the ecosystem they want you to live in, and they put in a ton of effort to make that the only viable option if you use their products. Everything is proprietary, and they control the prices. You think that laptop charger on their site is worth $100? It is to you, because you need it to charge your shit and theyre the only ones who sell them. Any other machine would have the same hardware for $20-$50. People who buy Apple products are a) power users whose idea of computer capabilities is about 15 years old and b) people who buy Apple because everyone else has them. Better products exist. If you think your manufacturer of choice is the objective best at everything it does, you need to stop drinking the Flavor-Aid. I don't care what manufacturer, but Apple is the worst offender by far of this.

Cut the umbilical cord. Free yourself.

I would like that PM if possible. Just got 3 emails in the last 2 weeks about various services raising their pricing

They're in the right place to get peat

Take Care was probably the first rap album I ever cared (heh) to listen to, and he was my favorite artist at the time. I was in high school and just branching out from my rock roots. I still enjoy Crew Love and Marvin's Room, but I've honestly moved on from Drake as an artist. I kind of liked Nothing Was the Same, but I wasn't really feeling where he was going. Felt cockier and lazier. IYRTITL was where I could tell that trajectory was going to continue and checked out. Checked out God's Plan and wasn't impressed. I saw a show for the Summer 16 tour and that was probably the last time I cared about his music. I had already been moving away, but the lack of enthusiasm I had at that show solidified a lot for me.

Moved from him to Kendrick, then started exploring old school hip hop and other, less commercialized stuff. Now I honestly have way too much excellent music on my plate from a ton of genres to care about what Drake is doing.

TL;DR: Liked his old shit, either grew out of him or he changed or both, and now I couldn't give a rat's fart.

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Multiple leviathan-class lifeforms detected. Are you sure whatever you are doing is worth it?

Answer: Faith in humanity is used to express hope (or lack thereof) in our ability as a species to be good or thrive. If you see something that makes you "lose hope for humanity," it is usually a cruel or malicious act that makes one question whether we as a species will survive, or at least have a good impact while we're here. Things that give hope for humanity are usually altruistic acts that make people think "we just might be alright." If you think humanity is a dumpster fire of shitty people and we are inevitably going to bomb ourselves to extinction, you've lost faith in humanity. If you think people are good in their core and, as bad as the bad apples are, we are generally good to each other, if you think that we can build something greater than we are now and are going to be alright, you have faith in humanity. These statements are generally made in hyperbole to express how one is feeling in the moment, and usually isn't a description of a more permanent state of thinking. At least not colloquially.

As far as origin, no clue.

Haha while I agree with you on a lot of what you said, I was more restating your response than asking you personally. But I do enjoy the insight.

I think empathy is the only way we can survive. Intelligence got us here, but it won't keep us here. If we want to survive, I think we need to use empathy to temper our ambitions. Otherwise, the people in charge will end up ruling over a smoking mountain of shit.

Also, it was asked 6 (7?) days ago. Maybe your client has a delay of some kind? At least that's how it looks on my end. I'm using Boost if that means anything.

This is exactly what I was asking. I would be interested in hearing why wifi isn't a good idea though. I didn't think bandwidth would be too much of a problem, so is this a security concern?

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Thanks for all the info. I have no comment since I need to watch like 3 youtube videos and spend another hour reading before I really understand that second paragraph, but I will definitely be referring back to it.

What I did pick up was that the kernel actually comes with basic hardware drivers, which is a huge relief. I have pretty standard wifi hardware on standby, so I can try that.

Awesome, thanks for the tip. I'll look into the hardware compatibility

Ah okay. I just remember hearing that all your drivers need to be manually installed and updated in Linux, so for me that included ALL drivers, even basic ones like that. If I can get started wirelessly that would be perfect. Thanks!

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Good to know I should avoid NVIDIA for Linux. The only NVIDIA card I have is on my gaming rig, so I don't plan on having to deal with that since I'm sticking with Windows on that until (hopefully) more studios start caring about Linux compatibility. Can't wait to cut that Microsoft umbilical cord permanently.

That said, do I need dedicated graphics on a Plex server? I was going to go integrated, but your comment made me realize I never checked hardware requirements. Which are probably on Plex's website. Which I am now going to go check because Lemmy isn't Google and it's not your responsibility to hand me answers I can easily find.

Nope, not gonna be that guy today. Thanks lol

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Yeah I want to do wired eventually, wifi is just a stopgap so I can phase out paid streaming asap without completely interrupting service for other people on my plans

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Bold of the report to assume the species will even be around in 229 years

I heard he once had sex in the cab of a semi truck, and got some bodily fluids on the seat. That truck later became known as Optimus Prime.

I haven't played that in like 15 years and it was still the first game that came to mind. Mainly that one area. You know the one.

I never thought about it like that, but that makes a lot of sense. I liked that, it seemed like he was going through tough times but was going to come out a better, wiser person and now it feels like he learned nothing. I'll check back in after another 10 years, see how he's doing, but I'm not holding my breath. Lost that battle sounds about right.

My AI and your AI

Sitting by the fire

My AI said to your AI

I'm going to set the world on fire

Control is fantastic if you like the Remedy vibe. Not checking it out would be doing yourself a disservice, I think.

This episode is the only reason I know what lutefisk is. Every time i see the word I react like the person you responded to.

In the town there was an outlaw by the name of Texas Reeeyeeaeyyyeed

Lmao that was great. Most of it was honestly well done, but some of those longer notes were a bit funky. 100% worth the time either way