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Joined 13 months ago

I am not from the US, but from my point of view all republicans are evil. No exceptions, if you're a republican reading this: fuck you, you evil piece of trash.

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It's rocket science. But we'll cross that bridge when we cum on it.

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I dunno if I'd compare Marvel to Shōnen. I'd say Avatar: TLA is a hamburger shōnen.

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As in: 'Miss, understand, I don't give a fuck about your rights.'

But their service is great if you pay for premium. Which is fine in my book.

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Yeah, no. If you help facilitate this, you're evil. End of story.

I hate Disney, but GO DISNEY!

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Don't taint Magic: The Gathering!

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I get it's all memes and fun, but I am so tired of this constant 'Europe does this better', 'USA is supreme for that'.

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He is not definitely going to win. What a shit take. Vote. Tell other people to vote.

He has muscles and hates women. What's more manly than that?

It shocks you? My father was a woodworker at the height of his skill with 14 workers under him. He retired at 61, because he could and because he had worked his whole life. How is that shocking to anyone?

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Yeah, but I have double their life span.

Too many One Piece fans are going to get shot in the stomach by crossbows if we ever go back in time. Just running in with Katanas in their mouth.

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That's a nice metaphor.

I don't really care for a logical explanation. JIF just sounds fucking stupid and yall know it.

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Who the fuck would still want to use Reddit, like wtf? Just leave that shitty site behind.

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I think you're vastly underestimating what a big stack of green can do for the morals of an 18 yo.

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That shroom looks rodenty tbh.


Funny, I am 100% sure, that I saw this very Newsmax host in Munich the other day, raping a whale in the airhole while getting shit on by 4 crack whores and 1 meth junkie. He was also fully dressed in leather and screaming Angela Merkel's name.

Aber hallo, mein Zuhausi!

We don't need context, we need answers!


I think the stupid may outweigh the survival instincts.

'Both sides'. Someone's defending evil bs, and it's not me.

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Okay, since you're already here: how does it feel to be the dumbest person I know?

I have extra time because I don't waste my time on making up arguments!

Halt die Fresse, Bruder.

not really. astrology is dumb doesn't matter the gender

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If it's forced and also needs a subscription, quite a lot of people will leave for the alternatives.

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So can I use dumb? Because some people are relatively unintelligent due to their disability. Will they feel attacked when I say 'this is dumb'? Does that make me privileged?

Like, how specific do we get? Wouldn't it be easier to differentiate between people using these words as insults or otherwise?

I have my problems as well, for example I am unusually tall, which makes for some problems in my day to day life, for example finding the right shoes/clothing. Is someone using the phrase 'huge problem'' privileged? Is there a line we draw, or can we only ever use perfectly neutral phrases.

I am living my life trying to be nice and sensible to everyone, can't that be enough?

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That's the difference between Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil.

yeah, you act kike children become invisible. I'd say they are actually not that great at hiding and police officers should be competent enough to find one. This story tells it all.

I hope he just dies. He isn't a human being.

It's a certificate showing you're disabled. Schwer = heavily, behindert = disabled, Ausweis = certificate.

Source: am deutsch, alla.

Gay ass queer isn't really a slur, it's just dumb. The other word obviously is one.

Leave it to modern people to 'wish they'd live in mediveal times'