1 Post – 384 Comments
Joined 1 years ago



Freedom to Ukraine

Entertainment above all.

The bigger half US doesn't care about facts.

The only criterion that's needed is TO SPEAK LOUDLY.

Unless it's actually detected with some sort of brain scanner, it's all questions / answers.

For example, I don't want to get an official diagnosis, because I don't want it in my medical records, becaus it might impede things, such as getting a driving licence.

Many doctors where I'm from, tried trearing ADHD with antidepressants. Which is like the exact opposite of what's needed.

Yes, I'm from a weird place.


Mmm... Microplaaaastics...

"Targeted". (Likely just an intercepted missile)

They're on a fucking beach, on illegally occupied land, during an active war. I'm pretty sure they knew the risk.

Play stupid games, grow 🌻

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Patent illustrators show the item in the way that is most useful to describe the patent.

Mounting is not illustrated.

How often does a fire break out next to you? You make it sound like it's a daily occurrence.

Ah yes, I want to listen to your "uuuhm" and "hold on, little Jon just shit himself", incoherent, un-premeditated thoughts, with absolutely no proof of the contents of the conversation.

At the end of the phonecall, I'll probably ask you to send me an email with a summary of what we talked about, because I can't be bothered to keep all that mess you've just unloaded in my memory.

Unless you're my dad or my mom, you're sending me a message in a way it's convenient to you.

The 2011 MBP "supported" macOS isn't receiving security updates anymore, for almost 4 years now. It's pretty much an Apple Brick.

...unless you install an OS that continues to receive security updates. Insert penguin here.

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Pls automatic vs hunting stat per capita.

Because mastodon doesn't have an algo that promotes division and controversial topics. These hashtags are what normal, everyday people talk about. Drama isn't its strongest side.

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Yet another centralised social network. That pinky-promises they'll never go bad.

Join now! Bring your friends! No ads! Everything's free! We're indie!...

Moments later... enshitification ensues.

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Jesus, that's insane. Either I have 0 habits, or OP is right. Everything I do, I do "manually" , and have to put effort and thought into it.

"Putin is not stupid, he's not going to invade"
"Prigozhin is not stupid, he got a good deal"

If russians living in the EU can support russia, you bet your ass muskovians living in moscow can be oblivious.

So the US government will not even investigate this because of the close ties / relationship with Boeing?

I swear to god, the US and its oligarchy is just russia "at home"

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Correct move by Ukrainians. Get people talking!

It's a (very costly) sacrifice worth making.

I wonder if it would happen with NATO partners as well. If the US elects another (or previous) moron, the partnership could end on a similar whim.

Idk, I feel like the US not a very stable or trustworthy partner. Maybe Macron was right, maybe the EU does need it's own army.

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Can we fucking stop anthropomorphising software?

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Lemmy ""promotes"" upvoted stuff.

Mastodon "Trending" is just stuff that wasn't talked about, suddenly being talked about. That's why constantly popular things don't appear on Trending, but things like "BigBoobFridayWhatever" (or equivalent) gets trending (people don't use the hashtag for a week, and everyone use it for that day). I see how they thought it's perfect for world-wide events, but it just end-up being a bunch of "weekly" stuff.

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If you want to "live in peace", don't sport the active aggressor's / terrorist flag.

Propaganda pushers are the absolute fucking bottomfeeders of the lowest lows.

If your job is purposely, wittingly mislead people, you're a fucking waste of blood and organs.

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Fucking waste of resources.

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"fucks an underage" has a name. It's "rape".

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Lemmygrad just lost half of its users.

I love how these people think. "If I can't understand it, probably nobody does."

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This is how Brexit happened.

Not all NSFW content is porn.

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I dunno, I'm hearing the person quite well. Probably because tone policing ain't my thing.

"Protecc me daddy Apple, I don't know what I'm doing! Lock me up real good!"

I don't get it why tge commenters are upsetti of the way .art admin cleans their house.

If they smell anything fishy, it's their duty to protect their instance's users. It's what is promised for joining .art.

There's a reson it's such a humongous instance. Because the admin is doing a stelar job.

It's not to my taste, that's why I'm on another instance. But my lord, leave people be.

If the admin is doing such a poor job, the instance will collapse, and people will simply migrate.

To me it looks like fragile egos are all around, and somehow get "offended" when defederation happens.

Also, GIMP is both a slur and a shitty graphics software. I'd personally block it as well.

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Hmm, but they have all that money they no longer have to send to the EU, that is now funding the NHS!?


Congrats! This is the dumbest thing I've read today!

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Engagement :

"Hello world!"

Big celebrity of the "maker" space. Often showed signs of protest against the CPP, while living in China. Often controversial due to appearance.

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...and why aren't we funding this? Effective AND fun!

This is most common in the US. At any point, a policeman might barge into your house, shoot yout dog and start looking for something else to shoot. If you're wearing shoes already, you've got a head start and a chance to live.

Not only a fraud, but also a terrorist support.

I can't believe that people like you still exist. Honestly.

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Full self driving next yearâ„¢

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