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Joined 13 months ago

There's been debate about changing the size of the supreme court for a long time. The problem is that if one party does it, the next one can do the same to stack in their favor. That said, just 9 members that are permanent installed with no oversight makes them arguably the most powerful body in the nation. Just one crooked member can be devastating.

I don't have a perfect solution, but I'd start with something more like 21 members, strict oversight into their finances, a third party that mandates recusal, and a shelf life.

The damage of these 6-3 decisions could last decades or worse. They certainly don't represent the people that are much closer to 50/50 conservative/liberal than 2/3 extremely conservative.

It needs to be law that all public officials release their tax records...Also no stock holdings.

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The really fucked up thing is the origination fee. Banks charge like 1% to do the loan paperwork. Why does the paperwork for a $400k house cost more than a $250k house? Don't the banks make enough money on the interest?

Not to mention PMI, which should just be illegal. Oh you don't have 20% down? Great credit score? Doesn't matter. We're charging you another 2%.

Home sales are a greasy business.

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Can you imagine how many problems simple term limits would fix?

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...and there goes my eagerness to buy the Q3. I loathe drm.

It's crazy that he isn't in prison for this level of corruption. Crazier that he is still actively serving on the highest court in the U.S. His corrupt decisions are actively screwing us.

If these are the bribes that can prove, how many more has he taken that we can't?

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"Are you don't yet? Why aren't you done yet? Help me update infinite plans that will be outdated in a week. Also, I just promised a bunch of stuff... all that stuff we already promised, I think you can do that faster."

When I was a dev, I once had a PM with no technical skills that decided he would "learn to program to help catch us up"... He did not succeed.

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By law, anything should be a one click to cancel service, instead of the maze they send you through.

Xbox live, gyms, etc.

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How about banning them entirely.

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We do stings in restaurants (for servering underagers) all the time. The fines are significant for the server and the restaurant. I wish they would do stings on mechanics, dentists, and most importantly health care. Wrongfully denied claims should be devastating to the company.

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Messages went from $.05, to $.10, to $.20 to send and receive. That was in the span of three years. All of the companies said it wasn't collision. They just happened to arrive upon massive increases separately.

If I recall, one of the CEOs said "We're raising the prices to save customers money. This way they'll be an unlimited plan"

The telcos should have been broken up then. Instead we've seen even more mergers.

  • Edit: forgot to include the years. This was in the U.S. circa 2005-2008. Telcos have moved onto other sleezy practices now.*
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I can't fathom having the power to save our at least change millions of lives...but instead choose to leech more wealth from the people that need it most. And systematically make the world worse. It's a sickness.

There are no good billionaires.

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"customers’ real-time location information, revealing where they go and who they are.”

All of them did it. That either means collusion or they're all evil and bold enough to do this despite the risk. Either way, this was not an accidental slip up or a hack. Jail time and a crippling fine is the solution. This is neither.

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I would argue he's our worst president ever. Andrew Jackson, etc. etc. Absolutely shitty, but those guys were flying blind without history to learn from, and their atrocities were sadly socially acceptable at the time. Reagan destroyed everything right this country had done, and enabled the future monsters to come. He brought religion to the front of American politics, destroyed the regulations that protected us, brought unfathomable debt, the war on drugs, the list goes on.

The Orange Shit Stain is probably a worse person, but he arrived on Reagan's back.

Nothing new. Obama had a tan suit. Somehow that was a grave sin on Fox.

Conservatives are idiots.

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Aside from it being creepy as hell to do that with your son (who probably didn't have a say in the matter) this is a massive national security risk. Spyware on a Congress member's phone? Not a great idea.

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So, this guy had a gun on him, and saw someone else with a gun... And thought person with a gun, danger!?

What an asshole.

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Yeah, I'm not sure how else he'd have the connections to set up that interview, or why they'd reach out to him.

It amazes me that Fox news viewers can't connect the dots on even the simplest of lies.

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Get a better paying job once you've got some experience. Raises won't keep up with your value.

Don't work yourself to the bone. There really are plenty of jobs that only require 40hrs/wk and pay the same or better.

Work somewhere with a good culture.

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They are already openly corrupt. Term limits would result in younger candidates in touch with this century. Lobbyists would also have to bribe new people. It might also break up the ridiculous 100% party voting.

Not to mention help with our Supreme Court problems. Randomly giving appointments that last decades to whoever is president in at the time is insane.

I really don't think we have that many competent elected officials anyway.

Yes, eliminating gerrymandering and citizens united would be more effective, but I wouldn't kick term limits out of bed.

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Bettman is a laundry list of massive failures.

Besides giving into homophobia and other ethical issues, he's not even good from a business perspective.

Look at the growth of other sports compared to hockey during his tenure. Multiple failed teams and moves. Phoenix is a joke. There are 3 teams in CA and 2 in FLA... Despite wanting to spread the NHL to new regions.

He's made TV viewing a nightmare. You can't just buy an NHL package. There are home game blackouts, games and multiple networks that aren't packaged together for away games. And most recently this dipshit decided to make the boards a green screen with moving fucking ads DURING PLAY. As if hockey wasn't challenging enough to track the play.

Fuck Bettman.

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I have a friend who bought one 6 years ago. He paid like $6k for the feature and recently traded in for a new one because he could keep the self driving license for free.

He says it never really worked that week and is worse on the new vehicle because cheapskate switched from lidar to cameras to save money. Also, he has 3 of 5 "strikes" toward a ban, because your need to keep you have on the wheel and eyes on the road. That's right, a creepy camera watches you. He says at least 2 are false positives.

Not exactly "Full self driving," and Tesla doesn't exactly look like they've been working on it

I have no idea why people still buy anything from Musk.

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I believe it goes back to world war 2. The country froze wages for economic stabilization. Some employers started throwing in health care as an incentive during a labor shortage. We are now stuck with this poisonous system.

"That's just locker room talk." Also, Jesus and Christian values... while electing literal villains.

Eesh. That video is damning. I don't even watch soccer/futbol and that's pretty egregious in the replay. She pushed off her back, then stepped on it... Not an accident

Biden has done much better than I would have guessed, especially considering how fucked everything was when he took office. He's not a star candidate and I have plenty of criticism, but Biden has done infinitely better than the last 5 Republican presidents.

That said, even if I thought Biden was amazing, he's basically a walking ghoul at this point. The president (and supreme court justices) should be sharp, at the peak of their game, not in their last dwindling years. I'll still vote Biden, because the alternative is one of the dumbest and biggest pieces of shit in American history. Maybe some day we'll have better choices.

Ugh, "defund the police" is a terrible phrase if you actually want the movement to succeed. I wish they would have gone with something along the lines of "police reform". Immediately every conservative glommed onto "now they want to abolish all police!"

We do need a massive overhaul to police. Unfortunately that means better marketing of the idea of it's going to happen.

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I hope he's in jail, but I doubt it. Dingus has committed crimes at the highest level his whole life and seen zero repercussions. He now has sway with an openly corrupt supreme Court, the support of millions of zealous idiots, and continues to get trial delays that may push results beyond the election.

Just look at the open threats he's spewing and has yet to spend a night in jail. All they've done is fine him a paltry amount, which his dipshit base will gladly pay for.

We are on a very scary precipice. Trump's four years in office were far worse than I could have imagined, and have exposed so many faults in our government. I dread what another four years would bring.

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Ah yes. Louisiana, the beacon of education, progress, and economic success. Let us follow their lead to prosperity and health.

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I would argue the damage from stacking the Supreme Court with corrupt nut jobs may have the worst fall out in the end.

350,000 people in the U.S. died of COVID in 2020. For reference, 25,000 died of the flu in 2019. Out of nowhere, Covid became the third leading cause of death.

Any respectable news source tends to report on things like that.

Those saying that Covid was "just the flu," or "not a big deal," is delusional.

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I was trying to find active users since he took over. But the only numbers I can find are numbers provided by Musk, who is a well known liar.

I know Lemmy and Mastodon are niche communities, and that people put up with a lot of garbage from Big Tech, but I have to believe that a lot of users have left Twitter, or least that usage is down. I also assume bots are way up, because Musk wants his numbers to be up regardless of the source (save for people with an opposing opinion).

Hopefully Musk's shitty little empire crumbles...soon.

Golf? I need to do some research. I'd be lining up more useless garbage like cruise ships, coal energy, gas powered mowers, and all of the 'recyclable' garbage that isn't. Also styrofoam. Fuck styrofoam.

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Nothing snapped. He has always been a piece of shit. He's been a liar, cheat, rapist, fraud, moron, and a piss poor businessman his entire life. There are no shortage of stories backed by very real evidence. Much of it is on video. The difference is that now it's out in the open, and for some reason that appeals to fellow idiots and racists.

The real story is how broken our education and legal systems are. I knew there were problems, but it's so much worse than I could have imagined.

I mean, sort of. Is the economy determined by one person? No. An entire administration, however, definitely has some sway. Interest rates, public projects, regulations (or lack of), so subsidies, those things all have an effect. It's a very complex system with plenty of luck and unknowns that don't change like a light switch just because a new guy was elected.

Still, look at the economies under Clinton, Obama, and Biden, then compare those to Bush, Bush, and Trump. That's either quite the coincidence, or the person running the show does matter.

she’s hot and I think I could convince her to let me fuck her> >

Yeah... getting approval for sex isn't exactly his m.o. Fucking women without permission is how dip shit got to this trial in the first place.

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A speeding ticket for like .0000000000001% of your daily income.

And Google is bringing AI to private text messages. It will read all of your previous messages. On iOS? Better hope nothing important was said to anyone with an Android phone (not that I trust Apple either).

The implications are terrifying. Nudes, private conversations, passwords, identifying information like your home address, etc. There's a lot of scary scenarios. I also predict that Bard becomes closet racist real fast.

We need strict data privacy laws with teeth. Otherwise corporations will just keep rolling out poorly tested, unsecured, software without a second thought.

AI can do some cool stuff, but the leaks, misinformation, fraud, etc., scare the shit out of me. With a Congress aged ~60 years old on average, I'm not counting on them to regulate or even understand any of this.

Wow, just looked that up, and people are spending ~11% of their income on groceries. I was just saying that groceries have gone from a part of my budget that I don't really think about, to the #2 expense, behind my mortgage.

Outside of not allowing mergers for large companies, I would like stronger restrictions on deceptive packaging/marketing. Off the top of my head, shrinkflation items should be required to have a big ugly warning on the label.

I respect the voicing an opinion that goes against the grain, but...

  1. That school gets federal funds. We pay for these idiots to teach nonsense.

  2. Contracts shouldn't be able to violate basic freedoms. Don't like it, work elsewhere, right?

Check the contract/waiver for your cell phone, mortgage, bank, school, employment, etc. Odds are there's an arbitration mandate. Guess who arbitration sides with 95+% of the time. The guys who pay them.

Contracts state ridiculously evil shit. There are too many contracts to read. Organizations push for too much. We should not be able to sign away fundamental rights.

Try getting a job, cell phone, apartment, etc., without signing away basic rights. It's only getting harder.

Edit: Stupid phone typos

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