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He didn’t want to pack the court so I’m not holding out hope that he’d empty the court either. Obviously assassinating justices would completely fuck the country up, but one could argue that the current justices are slow playing us into a fascist dictatorship.

The DNC has been snatching defeat from the jaws of victory my whole life. I’m so sick of this shit.

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And Alito pls

Downturns happen. They don’t last forever. There is a lot of pressure from businesses to depress wages and get more work out of software engineers and IT and etc., since we’re one of the few classes of workers who actually get paid. But thinking that developers will be replaced by AI anytime soon is wishful thinking on the part of the bosses. 20 years ago it was how we’d all get replaced by dirt cheap engineers overseas. Well, I’m still waiting on that to happen. If the MBAs could clearly and unambiguously articulate exactly what needs to be implemented, then maybe it would work. But if they can’t do that when we’re all in a conference room together then they’re sure as shit not doing it over email with a 12 hour time difference.

Keep your head up and keep trying to get an entry level gig somewhere. It doesn’t have to be Google or some hotshot startup or even a tech company. Doing IT or websites for an insurance company is still good experience.

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To me it seems especially grim because the owner was well enough to drive themselves to the hospital, park and get themselves inside and were never well enough to leave (except in a bodybag or maybe a hospital transport to a hospice).

Every other billionaire is spending their money on lobbying to get their taxes even lower. Maybe she could still have an impact through lobbying and influence peddling, but she’s outmanned and outgunned.

I’m not saying that she’s an angel. I haven’t seen anything in the press about her motives or political stances; you could be 100% correct. But paying politicians to go against all the other donors isn’t a trivial undertaking

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Not the main character but Gus Fring was a remarkably intelligent gangster.

The Washington Post got the What’s App transcripts and multiple participants confirming the content of the chat. They then asked the mayor’s office about it and the spokesperson said that the question was anti Semitic.

Correction, they asked about the Zoom meeting (which they had the transcript and on the record participants):

Asked about the Zoom meeting with chat group members, the mayor’s office did not address it directly, instead sharing a statement from deputy mayor Fabien Levy noting that New York police entered Columbia’s campus twice in response to “specific written requests” from university leadership. “Any suggestion that other considerations were involved in the decision-making process is completely false,” Levy said. He added, “The insinuation that Jewish donors secretly plotted to influence government operations is an all too familiar antisemitic trope that the Washington Post should be ashamed to ask about, let alone normalize in print.”

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Do you want them to make the retirements age 90? I’d rather not give those assholes a perverse incentive to reduce benefits.

Dude has zero clue what the word “joke” means. Since when has making completely fucked up statements with no comic structure or punchline ever been considered a joke?

Although, to be fair, more often than not, Trump is completely serious and not claiming that he’s joking. It’s his handlers that lean the most on the “iTs OnLY a jOKe” bullshit

Owning your data is seeming less and less possible. Even paying in cash isn't an option in some places now

Some municipalities had passed laws saying that retail businesses had to accept cash since going 100% electronic is discriminatory towards the poor. But covid fucked that up

Fuck Ronald Regan

I’m so confused by the super fundie catholics. I grew up in New England and was raised Catholic, even went to Catholic school for a bit, and never got any of that “barefoot and pregnant” in teachings or sermons. The church always had awful stances on abortion, birth control, divorce and homosexuality but pretty much everyone just glossed over or ignored it. And there really wasn’t anyone pushing that shit. Like you never heard anti gay or any abortion stuff in church or in school. I wonder if the church adapts to the local region? Like how McDonalds sells wine in France? Or maybe the American dioceses all got infiltrated by super right wing priests?

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Eric Clapton is wildly overrated

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China does have a lot of agricultural and manufacturing workers who aren’t on computers all day. And they have some pretty poor rural areas. But I’m calling bullshit on Japan’s numbers. Tokyo looks like Blade Runner at night but and the office culture is famous for long hours but no one is looking at screens? Get the fuck outta here.

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Becoming a billionaire requires winning so many dice rolls that it’s difficult (impossible?) to really understand that you can lose sometimes.

And what URL do we use to view X? Oh, is it still twitter.com? Musk is a fucking clown.

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I will not be shamed into being civil to people who are literally trying to get me killed. You may think this is hyperbole but for women who have even intermittently functioning uteruses, the rollback of Roe v Wade can get you killed. Get an ectopic pregnancy or certain kinds of complications in the wrong state and the doctors will delay or even refuse treatment. Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if we started seeing violent attacks by grieving widowers and orphans.

Assuming that she didn’t know about his behavior (and didn’t want to believe the rumors and accusations), she wouldn’t want to divorce him until the accusations became too big/real/loud to ignore. Yeah, it’s shitty to avoid the truth for decades, but when it’s your spouse, parent or kid, I can see how it would be really hard to face reality.

And once she couldn’t ignore it anymore, he was probably close to getting indicted or having a trial. At that point, I could see holding off on a divorce until the conclusion, just to give the father of your child the best chance at not sitting in jail for the rest of their life. Filing for divorce at the wrong time makes the accused look more guilty and less redeemable.

I think the Florida Supreme Court was still dealing with Bush v Gore when the Supreme Court jumped in. Although, I guess that one did have a more direct relationship to Federal law. But it was 100% bullshit, regardless.

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Good luck with the sinus infection. That shit suuuucks. Drink lots of water and rest.

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Literally no downsides to getting rid of TikTok.

Well, unless you want people under the age of 40 to vote for you.

Trumps base with minority groups has grown.


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It might not be directly related to the event but this particular parade has had multiple shootings in the past. My family stopped going decades ago after my dad and little sister had to run from some asshole who was firing into a crowd. My whole thought process seeing the headline

News: “7 shot in Boston…” Me: “Oh no!” News: “At Caribbean Day parade” Me: “Oh, that tracks”

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If you think there is even a remote possibility that anything in American politics would involve anything but the very lowest of bars, then you’re gonna be pretty disappointed. We’re at the point where we’re begging half of the voting public to please refrain from electing treasonous, felonious, fascists. The bar is so low, it may be the only place left on the planet that isn’t full of microplatics.

You’re probably right but it still pisses me off. No one else gets to pull that shit. Defendants that want to be heard in court can take the stand and all the risks that come with cross examination.

Yeah. ACORN is gone but PV lives on. The headline should read “Project Veritas, a conservative group known for fraud…”

Ugh. If if there were a crisis it would be handled by Nancy and her astrologer. We are a total fucking mess of a country.

PSA if you have one grandparent who was born in Ireland then you may qualify for Irish citizenship. Getting all the needed documentation together and going through the whole process can easily take the better part of a year, so don’t delay.

Even with citizenship, moving abroad is a lot of work and expense. I no longer have any illusions that “cooler heads will prevail” or that “the adults in the room will maintain the status quo”, so having an out, even an extremely expensive one, is very comforting.

He was a developer on whatever company he had that got folded into PayPal. It would be accurate to say that he never was a good developer.

Since the Supremacy Court ruled that race based admissions are unconstitutional, IDK why legacy admissions should be OK. But the US always cares more about rich people than Black people.

And is that amount of money enough to replace the item that’s been taken away? Like if the DVD were widely available at the same price at the time of the digital purchase, but you got the Amazon “purchase” instead (for convenience?) then what are the odds that you can still get the DVD for that price today?

The senate is pretty bad too.

In theory we could expand the number of house seats so that more populous states get more reps and everyone has a more equal number of voters per congressperson. I think that would not only help make the house more fair but would also make the electoral college more fair (since the # of electors increases with the number of house members). Not as good as the popular vote, but it’s an improvement that doesn’t require a conditional amendment.

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Loose tea isn’t very common on supermarket shelves. If you live near a store that has a bulk section, then they might have loose tea in bulk. I end up ordering online from Stash or Harney & Sons

If you use a neti pot or bottle, use two salt packets. The extra salty saline helps draw water out of your nasal tissue which helps with swelling

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There are some web apps that only support chrome on windows (or chrome and edge). An app from my doctor’s office refused to run on FF for a while. Thankfully it now has a “try running on unsupported browser “ link so I’m not blocked. (Let’s not get into why I’m running windows)

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And I’m still salty about Pharmacia getting bought out by Medley and then going under. Why can’t anyone just run a pharmacy without jumping through hoops chasing infinite growth? Pretty soon we’re all gonna be getting our meds from either Walmart or Amazon.

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The fuck is a “marsh fire”? Aren’t marshes supposed to be wet? How TF does a fucking marsh catch on fire?

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They probably killed Kennedy and MLK but now they’ve lost their edge?

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I want her to be able to put liens on all his properties. I doubt that can happen but it would be glorious.