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Joined 10 months ago

Friend yes, but he was his boss, and in linus's own words, he was the only one who could manage linus. Idk, I am cautiously positive due to the new CEO, but he does still answer to Linus so...

Can I get it, I want strong signal at all times.

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I agree with what you mean, but they do need them as the easiest defense against a slander suit.

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The difference between a pyramid scheme and a good business is where your money comes from, in a pyramid scheme it comes from the people at the bottom of the pyramid, in a business it comes from selling goods and/or services, that's not saying I agree with big business, but one is profiting off of legitimate customers, the other is profiting off it's own "employees". I nearly got caught into one a few years ago too, until I realized what it was, at that point they had only taken a couple $100 for the interview and sign up stage, i had to block my card for them to never get access again, because even though i didnt complete sign up, thwy kept charging me monthly

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Tried crusader kings 3 on game pass, I liked the game but every tube after 30min or an hour, the windows drm would have a hiccup and close the game, ended up getting a cracked version, while still paying for the subscription, never had a crash again... fuck this shitty drm.

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Born in 93, my home had internet when I was like 5-6, but that was only for my mother to play virtual cards with friends and for research for her college. Didn't really have regular internet access until early 2000's.

It's OK, the original MW3 is in need of a review bombing, that was just a blatant mw2 with new maps...

I have no clue about the McDonald's ice cream machine but the one I used to have to use when I worked at Burger King could have various issues, for instance the most common reason it went down was it getting low on mix and someone not refilling it, if that would happen for about 30+ min it would freeze the thing solid and at that point you have to turn it off for hours, and you still probably have to tear it apart and run hot water through it which would make a huge mess just to get it in unfroze. Worst part is I was a closer, and if the people on the shift before me weren't keeping up with it, I could come in to it being frozen... I hated that thing

I am pro 2a, I still haven't ever voted for the right, I just know that if the side I vote for decides to try to remove my 2a right, there are checks and balances built into the government to prevent that from being permanent.

Edit to add that I know what you're talking about, I see it to, but just know that some people who are pro 2a are not blind to rhe insanity that is the republican party.

When it comes to electronics/computing, you should see what some geniuses have done in minecraft with redstone.Redstone. People have made functioning rudimentary computers in it, really interesting if you want to understand the basics of how a computer functions.

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I remember 1 of the Google dns ones, only because when trouble shooting network issues it is my go to ip to ping so I know the instant I am connected again.

The only and I mean ONLY problem I had with 514 ( I was in one of the testing phases pre release) was that it was a console exclusive, I can't stand playing shooters on a controller anymore.

It is shameful, and the rest of us should feel that shame due to not preventing this, but unfortunately most of us just feel shame for our parent/grandparents for letting this happen, and leaving it up to us to fix it, just everyone please vote, it's your right to have your voice heard.

Some modern phones still have removable batteries,, like my Motorola e5 play, its quite useful if the phone locks up bad, I can pop the battery out to restart it.

Didn't he just sell mar a Lago as well?

Look up fit-mc on YouTube, he has a ton of videos on the history of the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft.

Um... it's been live for almost a week now...

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I would duplicate to at least 2 sticks, and also a written form that you keep stored with important documents, like a safe with your SSN, birth certificate, etc.

Is it bad that I would rather buy a vehicle from the 90's because it doesn't have all this bs in it that 1. makes it harder to repair myself and 2. Just feels weird to drive (mainly talking the fly by wire style that modern cars are using, I want to feel the feedback on my gas pedal).

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My policy has always been that I don't care what you do in your own bedroom unless I'm involved in it, that is. Mainly, I just mean I don't care to know everyone's orientation. It's not something I find relevant in most situations.

From way back, first onimusha game I played was onimusha 3: demon siege, loved it so I wanted to play the other games in the series, 1 big issue, the 3rd game used analog sticks to move, the original 2 didn't, and I could not get over that fact, onimusha dawn of dreams (the 4th game) was great... maybe because it was modern enough to use the analog sticks to move.

I hate to say it, but it did happen, now I was pissed at what the dmc did to Bernie too, but I could of never brought myself to vote for trump, but also I couldn't bring myself to vote for Hillary after that, so I abstained during the general, looking back I wish I hadn't and I had just voted for Hillary, although I doubt it would of done anything because I'm pretty sure Hillary won in my area anyway.

Do you need medical attention, because I think you might be had a stroke in the middle of that sentence.

I backed it many years ago too.

If I took 100mg id be melting into the damn couch and puking up 3 weeks of meals.

How thick does a washer need to get before it becomes a spacer?

Not a built in one, the one injected by windows store/Xbox game pass for windows.

Well... you're not wrong.

I just upgraded from my 1060 6g. Got a 7800xt.

Yes it is, to say it isn't is just a lie, even if only one due to being under informed. To put it like this, talking about big rigs, 18 wheelers, or whatever you would like to call them, here in the US you mainly see "long nose" (American) styles, although yes you do still see "flat nose" or "cab over" designs, they are the European style, as the roads in Europe tend to be smaller than here in American, mainly due to some of those roads being much older than the USA is.