
2 Post – 228 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We all want to have an immortal legacy. Any good he's ever done is going to be overshadowed.

You can build 1000 bridges and fuck one clown. You won't be known as a bridge builder but a clown fucker.

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I don't believe that it's discriminatory when I say that people with severe neurological disorders and dementia shouldn't be making laws.

Someone should answer the phone because we all fucking called it.

What's next in the Reddit bingo?

The removal of old reddit?

Limiting the number of posts we can see per day as a normal user?

Buy upvotes?

The slippery slope logical fallacy doesn't count when there is actual factual evidence.

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Once it fails then someone will buy it cheap and rename it twitter.

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A visit to Colorado really brings out the kid in you

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I refuse to go back to reddit.

There is a good reason we all left

Before June 2023, I was a mod on several Reddit communities for about 13 years and outside of Reddit since the turn of the century. I just kinda stepped back once the Reddit BS happened.

10 months later, my happiness and over all quality of life has improved. Not only am I no longer stressed (bye bye moderation based nightmares!), but I have way more time to dedicate to my passions and goals.

I thought that dedication to holding together a few niche communities and battling the "bad guys" defined me and gave me a sort of immortality.

I was VERY wrong.

Our great grand kids won't be trolling reddit archives, telling everyone how "cool" grandpa was.

The greatest thing I ever did to improve my QOL was step away from moderating and leading communities on the internet as a whole. Doubly so if they involve political talk.

This really has me wondering how many people are doing the same thing but haven't been caught.

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Ublock Origin and SponsorBlock and Enhancer for YouTube will make the YouTube experience SO MUCH better!

Ublock blocks ads, SponsorBlock blocks sponsorship deals that the YouTuber includes (Clash of clans, Norton, etc), and Enhancer lets you play with the settings on a whole other level, including blocking things like end cards.

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This is exactly why I look at companies and corporations with a side-eye of doubt when they claim to have some sort of "do not be evil" motto baked into thier company culture.

It doesn't matter if a gigantic company has a hundred philanthropy focused CEOs, all ot takes is one greedy or evil one to destroy a company's dogma

After the investors, managers, and profiteers taste easy money, they will continue to demand to be fed that blood flavored stew.

Once that happens, they either need to be lobotomized or put down for the good of all lest those who are not in the know continue to put money into the frothing imitation it has become.

I worked for a popular VoIP who violated tons of my rights with my disability. My manager would get nosey, then he'd dock my pay when I took my paid FMLA. They were always harassing me about coming in despite my job being pretty much 100% remote. I got a doctor's note for it, and I would get harassed daily about if I was coming in

When I went to HR to complain, the next day my desk was trashed.

I sued them, but lost on a technicality because my lawyer moved office and they didn't get a piece of paperwork in time, despite putting in a proper change of address

So I pretty much got screwed

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It's ironic that there are over 60 blockable elements and such over Privacy Badger and Ublock origin on that page.

Oh well.. whatever. Never mind.

This reminds me of the time that the movie XxX came out and it was difficult to find to pirate.

When you name yourself anything with a lot of X's then your search engine results are going to point to adult entertainment over the product

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It's funny that he works for the US government and his name is A. Blinken

It sounds like a joke from Robin Hood: Men in Tights

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I believe that a lot of issues lile this would be solved with legalized sex work and the destigmaization of mental health treatments.

My ex-wife was a cop. I've heard about tones of almost comedic levels of debauchery involving the police.

They love debauchery almost as much as they love expressing unearned power. (acab)

It wouldn't shock me if they removed ublock origin from the chrome store

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I'd rather remain comfortable not buying games from Ubisoft and EA.

I refuse to waste a single dollar on every game from both companies, since we were all bent over and continue to get bent over because they just don't care about anything but making more money.

A good example from Ubisoft is the handling of the Driver series. They kept on releasing the games in the series in a near unplayable state before when most people had dial up.

A good example with EA was the failed DRM with Spore. They only let you install the game 3 times, which glitched out to the point where people had to turn to piracy (warez and crackz) to play a game they paid for.

We vote with every dollar spent, which gives me hope when people rally around good companies that do the right thing.

They took the tactic from modern day Christian televangelism.

They use Trump as the focus of a belief system

They twist the old and outdated morality of hyper patriotism and conservative values. They do this in order to cherry-pick rules and laws to form a grotesque dogma that bares little resemblance to the original intention of said laws and morality.

They then use the twisted dogma to manipulate the population. They do this by feeding into the fears of poverty, 'evil', xenophobia, and racism. Then they offer solutions to those issues so long as they tithe (donate money), worship, and "spread the good news."

The solutions offered are wildly unrealistic… Free money for loyalty? Killing a whole group of people?

Unless your name is Israel, those solutions are obviously a farce to anyone with even the smallest amount of situational awareness and common sense.

That's why a lot of the Trump propaganda dulls the common sense and attempts to rewrite the memory of others using memes and obvious lies.

You have to essentially hypnotize people into believing that they are being oppressed, attacked, and that everyone but those a part of the belief system are evil baby-eaters.

One of the major reasons that fundamental Christians and the tea party generation are such numerous Trumpism supporters…

The hard work of brainwashing them was already done by another religion. All the MAGA leaders had to do was swap out one god for another.

It worked for ancient Rome, and it's working here.

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Something's got to give out eventually?

There's no way those tactics are sustainable,

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Microsoft PowerToys is a fantastic program if you like to tweak your experience with Windows.

It lets you do things like set up individual zones within your monitor that act like picture in picture or another monitor. It has a robust color picker, which helps greatly when it comes to photoshop and template creation. I also use the text extractor very often to extract text from pictures, which it copies to the clipboard.

The best, and technically the worst, is it lets you change settings that you can't normally do in Windows.

While it could get someone YOLO adminning in trouble, thankfully it has a lot of warnings before you mess things up too badly.

Those are the features I use, but there are too many useful features to name in one go.

Here's the link to get it in the Microsoft Store

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I won the major ideation jam at a tech telecom company every year I worked there, making them millions...

Meanwhile I was having my desk destroyed and harassed due to my disability by lower management

I sued them for discrimination not but two weeks after I came back from the vacation I win because I got the desk trashing on camera.

"There is no point in reinventing the wheel" is my favorite saying when it comes to things like this.

If something has been done over and over again, there is no point in doing it yourself from scratch. It wastes time, money, and effort that could be spent on creating something new.

Humanity's greatest strength is being able to add to the previous generation's knowledge base, too!

If we had to relearn how to do the same things in the same way, in every generation, we would still be in the stone age...

When I manage folks, I expect them to steal if its already been done and especially if it's been done to death.

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I miss the times when they sent Pitbull to Alaska or Taylor Swift to a deaf school. Hell, I even miss Boaty McBoat face.

At least those were fun and interesting.

It would be pure foolishness to trust Reddit and its management.

In the future, they will be seen by all in a somewhat similar light of failure emitted by Twitter

I spent nearly the last 5 years of my life dedicated to taking care of my elderly father and my grandmother.

I don't have anyone else to vent to, and my father was the last of my family.

So excuse me when I used a public forum to try to take my mind off of my world collapsing.

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I can see a lot of people switching away from unity due to this.

It's sad that I wasted my time learning the engine a few years ago.

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This is how my father passed last month, only fentanyl and meth.

Even still, fentanyl and stimulants, if used properly, have a place as medicine. We shouldn't blame the drug or even the addict.

We need to find those profiting over spiking their drugs and remove them from society.

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I did telecom work about 5 years ago

It was shocking the amount of area that depends on a low-quality copper wire infrastructure.

I don't know if that changed in 5 years, but companies are going to have a hard time getting that replaced nationwide

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I understand and I know that they were focused elsewhere, but the trash bag was stuffed far under the bed with everything spilling out...

I reached for what I was and was, as I couldn't see, and my hand got covered in blood and other fluids.

They were here waiting on the medical examiner for over an hour, so they must have forgotten about it somehow.

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What is he going to Musk up next?

To er is to be Musk

After seeing what the Steam Deck does with Windows emulation for games, my interset in having a windows gaming computer is barely hanging on.

This would 100% influence my next gaming computer to shy away from Windows 12

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People have been predicting the end of the world for as long as there were people.

It'll happen eventually, people are too impatient.

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All cryptocurrency isn't stiricrly based off of magic and mysterious bitcoin code.

Even if there was code that made the coin erase itself, it would have been found and fixed (or abandoned for a new and better blockchain coin a'la Ethereum or Monero).

I doubt X has much money to spare to give to people considering how they hemorrhage money.

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I'm glad that I don't use Reddit anymore, unless forced.

Even when forced, I feel dirty.

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I'm 60 hours in and I just discovered that there's an act 2...

My only complaint is that you can't rename your backpacks

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Back during the late 90s era of internet, I got into a MASSIVE amount of troyble over a finger slip in a high school computer lab.

We were all assigned an African country to write an essay about. We had to only use internet cited sources.

I was assigned a country with the Namba people. Somehow I fat-fingered an "L" in there in the worst places. (Between the 'b' and the 'a' - don't google it)

It triggered my school's search filter. Altavista got involved. It was a nightmare.

The police got in contact with my parents, thinking I was being groomed and in danger of kidnapping.

It sucked.

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