0 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Party time!

Well of course it's low. They were running out in March 22!

Should we call Snake island to tell the Ghost of Kiev to take out Putin's body double, since Putin died of cancer already and all.

What do they do with these SIM cards?

How did people make scrambled eggs before these things existed?

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Yes those Nazi bombings of innocent people were awful.

Oh they know already. Those Nazis who support the USA and those who oppose it, both groups know full well.

And then they had to scrub the pot clean of all the remaining dried in egg. The rubber things get everything when you're dishing out.

The "Muscovites"?

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Less of the homophobia dickhead.

This is America's war.

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Muh both sides!

What do you understand the word "Imperialist" to mean?

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Pussy Riot are a CIA op.

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Wall of irrelevant gibberish.

Do you deny the historical fact that I was talking about?

Why can't you answer simple questions?

Why are you so angry?

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And for the record I happily suck dick.

This is about as believable as you being a Marxist. You were caught being a homophobe plain and simple. Please stop with the homophobia.

war crime apologist.

Show me anywhere I was a war crime apologist Karen. Maybe you should take a few deep breaths before replying. You're losing it.

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Where have I been simping? I'm just telling the truth here and you're balling crying all over your keyboard because you can't handle reality.

What even is "Putinism"? There's no such thing. You've been just trained to repeat nonsense words because you're credulous and hate filled.

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No answer again. Another L.

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I don't know why you think opposing America's forever wars equals claiming that their targets are perfect utopias. The US literally has over 20% of the world's prison population working as slaves for private profit. Why do you libs always try to use the gays to push your far right agendas? A few comments ago you were calling people homophobic slurs. smh

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Where did I ever imply I support America?

You're repeating transparently false American propaganda. It's America's proxy war, they've openly admitted this on countless occasions. Do you honestly contend that the US is pouring billions into this because they're humanitarians? Is it? Answer this.

Russia tried for almost a decade to pursue peace in the face of US/NATO aggression. We later learned from Hollande and Merkel that the US had no intention of allowing for peace. This is recorded historical fact.

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That is not what liberal means. It's an ideology from the enlightenment based on the emancipation of the individual as being key to the emancipation of society. It has completely failed.

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individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise

Where do these things exist? They don't exist much in the USA for example.

Communism isn’t a magical fix for all our problems

Its aim is to fix these problems, capitalism's aim is to make money for a small group of people using liberalism to trick them into helping.

The only way they’ll happen is with a more unified country. Or war. A long and terrible one that will completely destroy us.

The political class are united, they have the country's workers fighting over niche issues like gay rights etc while they kill millions around the globe and do whatever it takes to maintain the privilege of a few.

Agreed about Mc Connell.

These people who didn't try to overthrow the government are the ones who rigged the last election though right?

Sorry but this is a debate. If you want to conceded just don't answer and we can all take it that you've conceded.

I’m here to laugh at you

Yet all you're managing to do is rage and cry and hurl homophobic abuse.

We'll see if you can answer your questions or if you've lost.

Cool. Hard luck on losing.

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Thank you, come again.

I'm here all day.

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So have we calmed down any?

undefined> It’s all hardware, manufactured by the US. So that’s jobs.

Jesus Christ. Half a million dead for your stinking jobs. Shame on you.

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How could anyone vote for either of these pricks?

Okay Nazi scum.

I guess you've no problem with the open Nazis on here? Says a lot about you.

Of course it's the US's fault! WTF?

Nothing, this war is 100% America's war.

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Maybe they were just saving them from the Ukrainians who were going to eat them?

Or what? They won't give them another few billion again next year?

Isn't this what the other wing of the American party are threatening to do with him?

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The only state with concentration camps in the real world is the USA and its colony in Palestine.

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