
1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Glad they made this decision right after the worst patch in Diablo history

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Tried the "official" app for the first time in years, uninstalled after 10 min... RIP Rif

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Great to see you here and excited for fresh KREAM

They are asking the public (internet) to name it. I guarantee it will either be Spot or Giraffey McGiraffeface.

I'm cool with either.

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Arguing about which instance is best / instance superiority / complaining about users from _______ instance.

My friends, we are on a collective group of web pages being hosted an run by individuals as a fucking hobby. Shut. Up.

To the admins, thank you.

The totally human Ted Cruz?


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Gerber Shard multitool. Thing has come in handy so many times.

Bonus: Only useful multitool I've found that the TSA won't give you shit over.

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Yup, that's the PK I know and love

As a left leaning individual with multiple firearms and plenty of ammunition for them, might want to consider there are plenty of us are part of that 47%.

Obviously a sample bias, but quite a few fellow veterans that I went to college with could put my meager collection to shame and share similar viewpoints.

That being said, your doomer outlook and gross oversimplification/assumptions are a joke. There will be no civil war, assholes will continue to be assholes, and you are still making this shit up as you type. Most of these Meal Team 6, cosplaying motherfuckers are too chickenshit to have an altercation where they aren't the only one with the scary broomstick, and 99% of the blowhards wouldn't last a day in an actual combat scenario let alone a "war".

Bigots are bigots and will constantly attempt to suppress that which doesn't align with their narrow minded worldview, however a civil war is not on the horizon.... JFC get over yourself.

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I have a test... how do you feel about the Dakota Access Pipeline?

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But I don't wanna make that many alts...


Seriously, I need my toxic gameday threads.

I truly hate celebrating Philadelphia, but good job Philly for kicking them to the curb.

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Pick one:

"Sarge, Pvt Snuffy borrowed my fursuit and returned it all crusty"


"Sergeant, why is half your unit in AA?"

The Fediverse is already fractured and niche, are you saying that someone should fine the perfect 36 user community, that only those subscribers are knowledgeable about, to post this to? Or perhaps news about the global platform might be relevant in the largest technology community?

2 years ago Twitter was where news broke, now it is where we get to watch a billionaire go broke in real time.

If it bothers you so much, block all mentions of the platform, person, etc.

Man, I had this happen back in college. Went on a date where she thought tiramisu sounded gross because of "lady fingers".....

So she ordered the "cream brooly".

Can't be Houston, he said 7 lane highway not pothole ridden, Mad Max hellscape

You know you can choose another instance, or, Ya know, make a threads account.

Personally I don't want any sponsored posts here.

I dunno, I got the early access for half price (of release price) with the 1st act (as advertised), and the full game at no extra cost.

The 1st act alone probably net me ~50+ hours of play, so their beta is better than 90% of AAA releases recently

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I agree with you. Personally I like seeing the meltdown without having to actually visit the site. Same reason I appreciate seeing how Reddit has gone full Digg4.0 but haven't visited the site since the 3rd Party Apps died.

This is/has a significant impact on technology and media.

Dude, there are so many better ways to get out of KP

  1. is there a community that shares his "Truths" similar to that other site so I don't have to give them traffic?
  2. I legitimately think someone changed his Alexa/Siri activation quote to "HAMBERDERS" or "MOAR COVFEFE" years ago. That is the only way I can rationalize his random tirades.
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Why are you so hard for Zucc?

You've got a bunch of comments defending an app that literally has more data collection than my doctor....

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As a Texan it is really sad to see this shit happening. The state used to be all about personal freedoms and staying the fuck out of your personal life, but the political theater has just been "own the libs" for the last decade.

FFS the clowns in charge just tried to pass a law that would neuter the larger metropolitan areas' ability to pass their own legislation because even gerrymandering the high hell out of the state we are still turning purple. Unfortunately, the state is held hostage by rural communities who are afraid of melanin and think Jesus was too "woke".

Honestly between this guy and Allred there is a chance to get rid of Ralphie

I love it... but why?

Was part of the great Digg migration, and yet again another platform got greedy...

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🤣 love it. Was just sharing the puppet show going on in my mind.

If DARPA was Lawful Evil

(Baselessly assuming discussing an edible)

If my ass took 100mg you'd find me chilling with Perseverance on Mars.

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Not even gonna mention the masterpiece that was Tremors 4?

All of Sanderson...

Device manager will tell you the generation and model

Did you buy it the day it released?

Want to continue to be a pedantic jerk?

Want me to share a receipt?

Sorry you are butthurt people are enjoying a thing. Now shut up

Yeah, unfortunately this is classic ADHD.

Personally I get it the worst while driving and my way of coping is to vocalize it. Yes, it results in me calling every 3rd car an asshat/dumb fuck/bag-o-dicks, however it keeps me from PIT maneuvering some fuck stick off a bridge.

Best advice is to let it flow off you. Have the flash in the pan moment where it makes you angry (for a split second) but avoid bottling it up or letting it compound.

Use that beautifully bizarre, extremely intricate, detailed imagination to tear them into tiny pieces of confetti, but avoid externalizing it as much as possible when it is truly insignificant.

Which is why it is amazing

Oh no, I meant there was a sub that shared screenshots of his rants so people could watch the dumpster fire without giving clicks.

Twas a joke my friend.

Have you subscribed to anything but memes and porn?

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