Trump Says He Wants to Testify If He Goes to Trial For Election Lies: ‘We’ll Have Fun on the Stand’

Flying to politics – 432 points –
Trump Says He Wants to Testify If He Goes to Trial For Election Lies: ‘We’ll Have Fun on the Stand’

And cameras aren't allowed in federal trials. That's the real crime here.


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  1. is there a community that shares his "Truths" similar to that other site so I don't have to give them traffic?
  2. I legitimately think someone changed his Alexa/Siri activation quote to "HAMBERDERS" or "MOAR COVFEFE" years ago. That is the only way I can rationalize his random tirades.

I didn't think of the fact that his "truths" or whatever they call them were embedded, not screenshots. That sucks. I wish I had found a better source now.

Oh no, I meant there was a sub that shared screenshots of his rants so people could watch the dumpster fire without giving clicks.

Oh I see what you mean. It seems like every time he belches out a new one it gets reported on anyway. You can see why he doesn't bother going back to Twitter.