26 Post – 119 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wow. That does not look good.

Can we have some term limits, please?

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This is part of the GOP strategy.

Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri has openly acknowledged that the GOP strategy is to make it so miserable for Democrats in red and purple states that they will move to blue states. That would, in turn, cement Republican power in the White House, Senate and thereby the Supreme Court.

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The party of small government.

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Why anyone would vote for these Republican clowns is beyond my understanding.

Most surprisingly, evangelicals, who are devinely commanded to be good stewards and protectors of creation, seem to completely ignore environmental protection. Extremely unchristian.

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I think it's pretty unreal that everything that has happened in the wake of the 2020 election and January 6th and Roe and so much more has apparently only cemented people in their partisanship. Absolutely wild.

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And we're way overdue for another patch or two.

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Small government is allegedly still at part of the Republican platform at the state level. For a small government party, they sure do like to dictate what's going on in people's bedrooms.

As California goes, so goes the nation. Conservatives don't like this.

If it wasn't for the high cost of living, I'd move to California as well. Still hope I'll make it there some day.

Peak cultural differences

Florida is different because so many older, more conservative retirees move to Florida. And they vote. If it wasn't for that, Florida would probably have been pretty solidly blue at this point.

On the other hand, that has opened up other states for Democrats, e.g. Michigan and Pennsylvania.

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Trump supporters are happy to donate to his defense. They truly believe he's innocent, the election was stolen from him, and he's their hero and savior who will reestablish justice.

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Can't concentrate on anything but the 2% battery left. What kind of animal are you?

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These people are absolutely toxic. No wonder he got along with Trump so well.

The Republican Party is truly turning into the party of the uneducated.

Ironically, Christians are commanded in the bible to be good stewards of creation. Many apparently take that to mean destroyers of creation.

The party of "family values."

Looks like the motherland of fascism is moving back in time...

Not surprised with the new government.

Unfortunately, the guy is the leading contender for the Republican nomination for President. It's important that people (especially independent voters) know about this crap before they consider voting for him.

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Jerboa is pretty good. Probably the smoothest I've tried. Liftoff is pretty good as well.

I'm waiting for Sync to come out for Lemmy and I'll jump back on that.

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Here's a recent article about PFAS in drinking water. Very unfortunate.

“I think you would agree with me that Meagan Wolfe is blamed for all manner of fanciful conspiracies that have no basis in fact,” said Don Millis, a Republican commissioner.

Facts don't matter to these people. They've made it clear that they believe in "alternative facts" if the actual facts don't support their agenda.

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How anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ can associate themselves with the current Republican Party is beyond me.

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Just one of many great features.

Fun fact: As of 2023, the 2004 general election between Bush and Kerry is the only Presidential election since 1988 where Republicans have won the popular vote.

Yay for American democracy.

From a political perspective, moving to purple states (e.g. PA, GA, AZ, NV, NC, WI, MI) makes much more sense than sorting into blue and red states, which would give Republicans disproportionate power at all levels.

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I'm hoping for Newsom 2028. In the meantime, Biden will probably be infinitely better than the alternative in the general election.

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Lol. Love this movie.

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Severe lack of education. The Republican Party is truly becoming the party of the uneducated.

As long as there's a noticable crease in the screen, I'm out. They also need to last more than two years.

They see how Georgia has changed and continues to change. The Atlanta metro has completely overrun the rest of the state. The GOP has problems in any state with a large, dominant metro area.

Not sure you know what communism is.

So, economically and socially successful countries like, the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, etc are all "communist" countries, right?

In that case, sign me up for communism.

Connect is all right. I actually like Liftoff a little better. But I'll go back to Sync when it ready for Lemmy.

Given that the US is not at war, inflation has cooled down significantly, and there's no recession, your only cause for concern would be liberalization. That's a personal thing, I guess.

But I'm much more concerned about Republican book banning and that they seem comfortable with taking away women's rights to make their own healthcare decisions. Their war on LGBTQ people is also deeply troubling. I really don't need the government to decide what we can and cannot do in the bedroom.

It's also troubling that Republicans are unwilling to take action on climate, they don't want to look at universal healthcare or finding a way to make college affordable. They also don't engage in racial justice and much, much more.

Their backward worldview is just a complete no-go.

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Over the past 30 years, technology has taken extensive leaps forward. Except for printers and printer drivers. Still stuck in 1990.

And the GOP wonders why they don't resonate with the younger generations...hmmm...

They do believe in "alternative facts" though. That's probably enough for many of them.

Unfortunately, if everyone who disagrees moved out, it would just leave the state and its electoral votes to these baboons. Florida is more purple than red. There's actually a good chance to turn this around if people remember to vote.

Good to see that there's still a few somewhat reasonable people left in the Republican Party. It's been going downhill for quite some time.

One interesting thing is that evangelicals always say their values and faith are "under attack" and people despise them.

No, most people have great respect for people of faith and don't despise and attack Christians or any other faith group, but many despise and attack the Republican Party. And the evangelicals have unfortunately managed to tie themselves so hard to the Republican Party that the two have become almost symbiotic. There's a big difference.

I joined a writing group here, and one member is an out gay conservative.

I find it unreal that an LGBTQ person would actually even consider the current Republican Party as a viable option.

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