0 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Uhh.. today's AAA studios have THOUSANDS of employees, hundreds of millions of dollars in budgets, and huge IPs on which to draw. Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Assassin's Creed, Diablo, Warcraft, Mass Effect, Dragon Age... these studios have VASTLY larger resources than Larian. Like, an order of magnitude larger. This is gaslighting and whining. I'm not having it. Do better, AAA devs. Do a lot better.

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I'm sure that, while 17k may be mathematically and technically true, they're going to be virtually indistinguishable. I'm pretty hyped for the game but I also don't care for the obviously clickbait claim.

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about to look pretty silly

Hate to break it to ya...

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I believe the word you're looking for is "moichandising".

I've never heard the term "immersive sim" before, but if Half- Life, Deus Ex and Thief are examples, then sign me up.

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Valve famously only works on what excites them. You're yelling me THIS is that?? How utterly defeatingly disappointing.

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The answer is racism.

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I recall the dev making a post here on lemmy not too long ago looking for feedback on a video of this game. Absolutely bizarre to see it here now. Best looking game of the entire show if you ask me.

I am stealing that last dig.

The article doesn't say: what is illegal about it?

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"This season, on 'White Lotus'..."


Excel spreadsheets are fun..

I still have the same Microsoft Intellimouse that I got in 2000 when I went away to college. IIRC it was one of the first that used optical tracking vs ye old ball.

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Man, I remember back when the ESA were the good guys, when Jack Thompson tried to be famous.

Perhaps? But Skyrim is also 12 years old. Whatever team is working in Elder Scrolls 6 is certainly not smaller than Larian's.

Always upvote "The Critic" references.

I understood that reference.

Seriously wtf

Get out.

FWIW I thought it was very clear.

I'm going to assume you got auto corrected from seppuku to sudoku. Because that is hilarious.

Well, it's a space ship, so anywhere between zero and one.

Wtf is an extraction game?

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Paimon was a main reason I stopped playing.

I tried playing on the lowest possible settings with a 1070 and averaged around 14fps :/

I still finished the game because it was awesome, but haven't revisited it ever since.

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4 years, otherwise known as 2 and a half (2 years and 7 months).

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You just made DE a whole lot more appealing to me.

Never heard of that. What does the gameplay consist of?

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Ok... next question.. what's that?

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here's Tom with the weather...

I can hear Bill Hicks' voice.

Honestly what I loved about Hyper Light Drifter was the aesthetic and atmosphere, neither of which I see here. Sad for me, but oh well. I'll live.


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Me: Is that a DOOM reference?

/sees username

Me: *Nice. *

Gah I need this in my fucking veins. I will not pre order but I'll likely be a day 2 purchase just to ensure there's no enshittification at work.

spin zone

You cheeky monkey

Soda lime glass, yes.