Indie gaming is on the verge of an immersive sim eruption to – 111 points –
Indie gaming is on the verge of an immersive sim eruption

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I've never heard the term "immersive sim" before, but if Half- Life, Deus Ex and Thief are examples, then sign me up.

Bioshock, System Shock, and Dishonoured are also examples.

It's not a super descriptive term for sure, but I have no idea what it would be called otherwise. It's similar to things like Metroidvanias or Soulslikes in that it's a very specific niche without a clear delineation of what it is, but fans will know it when they see it

When I hear immersive sim I think of Arma and not Bioshock.
I don't know how sim plays into the genre.

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