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Joined 1 years ago

Kinda good since devs getting their systems stress tests while service is still young and alpha testers don't bitch about minor inconvience unlike Normie's stream...

This FrEe SerVIcE MusT JUst WurK, Rheee

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We getting to the point where some Linux distros are objectively better systems... all around. Having way less issues with PopOS than I did with Win11

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Yeah seeing same article about american politics posted cross half dozen communities on different instances really is killing my feed.

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Beauty of fediverse, people can just find another spot or move to another instance while most of the community continues no problem.

Just an example that system working as intended

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I switched to Linux after this sort of tricks.

They also will fuck with your "privacy and security settitings" on updates.

If you try blocking search and start pinging home. It will make windows endleally spazz which causes stuttering in games.

They forced me to switch to Linux pretty much

Thanks satya microshit...

Imagine treating a paying customer like this

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I was told I can't remove it becuaee it is critical to windows system....

He cash out his stock, tried this clown moved as he was instructed by the BoD, it didn't work.

He gets more money and he gets to exit...

Nothing to celebrate. They will try something similar soon enough and by then public will be beaten up enough to accept it as it happen with everything else.

Enshitification appears to be unstoppable.

Vote with your money and feet folks

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Did anyone go to prison?

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Amazing how we are expected to treat bad faith actors with benefit of doubt...

You need state support to get that rich.

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Centralized control and ad based model ensures this always happens... Cable teevee, now web2.0...

About time the pleb base start thinking bigger picture and voting with their feet and wallets.

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Sir... Socialism is already ruining this nation.and you are daring to propose communism?!

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Underrated comment right here...

Yall got phones jfc

Yeah one of them examples where age is JUST a number and jail is JUST a place... sadly, our "leaders" don't have to follow the same laws.

Web2.0 was bullshit and plebs fell for it.

So now we are under fucking survielliance regime and social media is used to drive public opinion better than cable ever could.

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Well... Peasants need this hot thing called voting with your feet and money...

Amazing things can be done esp in 100% discretionary sectors.

But nahh...

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Facts are getting in the way of a good narrative tho

Gonna be off topic but how the fuck is fedi getting more traction on this over reddit.

I guess all Foss degens are banned there too haha

That's called dynamic pricing...

And it is coming for your rent as we speak.

You will be poor and we don't give a fuck.

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What is the legal theory being used here?

People chatting about piracy is now a crime in US? I thought the crime was uploading or downloading copyrighted content...

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Plebs getting tired of ruining their health for some clown to profit? Nice!

PROGRESSIVE, but not really like that on issues that matter... Classic american liberal, they want the money AND the guilt. Fuck your labour peasant.

Same with reddit and other social media.

People need to start owning their behaviors but keyboard warrior talks much, but got forbid they face any slight inconvience.

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Nice reminder to delete that account too!

Although it is now called "deactivate"

Rememeber to poison the data too!

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Yesterday lurkers are going to need to be today's commenters and posters!

I see y'all lurkin'
Not potisn'

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Slave must work hard but slave must not be rewarded for that labour... That's holy profit and it belongs to shareholders after top execs get their cut obvi.

This is why every day more people are finding out that providing good service is for idiots who have no self respect.


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Linux and encrypted messengers too lol

If you don't share dick pic you sent to your partner with the spooks... You go to the gulag labour camp until you redeem yourself.

The Internet has been slowly getting gutted since at least 2015.

It is to the point that a regular search engine is useless for actual research unless you are a power user and even then it is censored.

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well, i don't think the tankies liking their safe space being overload with "normies" decent takes.

just a speculation tho

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Also tupac and biggie got removed becuase they spoke about things elites didnt like to be replaced by the prosperity rap clowns to worship them and their money to the plebs.

Well... Normie stream love their 69 chrome versions so that's where we are at... Competition

Reasonable takes like this hurt daddy's profits... is u a domestic terrorist?

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Property? That's a bit broad...

It was beneficial to slave owners, specifically.

And their families should be paying reparations for the ill gotten gains.

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So EU charges them 400m but then turn around give them 10 billion to build a plant in Germany

Setting up proper incentives ;)

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Funny how this logic is never applied to pedohile clergy

The investment into the next generation is one of the biggest pay offs

It would be nice for the peasants but the country is not ran for wage slaves' benefit

Corpo shills were never on the team pleb... just so happened it was good for them to do something that benefited FOSS. Now that is over, it seems.