8 Post – 358 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

486972 signing off. Godspeed.

You can also use a third party launcher. I use Lutris on Linux. The GOG Integration is excellent.

Thank mr skeltal

I need a PC that runs with no monitor and gets interfaced with through remote desktop only. I just installed Linux on that machine. It currently must have a keyboard and monitor because if it gets rebooted, it comes to the login screen. The login screen cannot be brought up via remote desktop (RDP through Remmina). I also have so far been unable to find a way to force it to automatically sign in "passwordless" like it used to do with Windows.

This box runs Plex as well as whatever game server I want to run for friends and I at the moment. (Currently Minecraft, which is having trouble since th switchover with server lag, but that is far less important than being able to reboot the screenless server box and have it work with no further input )

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Don't forget to polarize the sensors.

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I would say it's the size of the universe and the fact that it is still expanding at an accelerated rate.

If the speed of light is really the "top speed" of the universe, it is inadequate for interstellar travel. It is barely good enough for timely communication, and not really even that.

Life can be as likely as it wants to be, but it seems to me that we're all quite divided, to the point of not being able to communicate at all with other potential intelligent species.

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Fantastic information. Thank you for all of it.

I'm just not sure how comfortable I am with no gui yet.

I suppose I was focusing on detecting some sort of communications. It still matters that when we see objects at great distance in space, it's the objects in the distant past

It sure is convenient that the omnipotent and wise God decided to send his son to earth and perform wonders to prove he is the messenger of God long before humanity had advanced enough to create better records and spread that truth. I wonder why God has not wisely re-upped on this, given technological advancement, which God should be pretty caught up on.

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That is not the issue. Thank you for the suggestion, though.

I appreciate your confidence.

I worked for 12 years in a fraud control department.

This guy's a fraudster. Your mom is being scammed.

I have been seeing a lot of animal abuse posts on here lately. I hadn't noticed 196 being like that in the past on here or Reddit. Is there a trend toward that for this community in general? I'm well aware of how fucked the industry is, but I also don't sub to this community for that. I am here for little gay people shit posting in my phone. These just make me sad. I can't personally do anything to stop this. I don't want to unsub, and there's not a great way to filter, unless it's all the same OP? :(

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Bernie being on the right side of history as usual.

Can crypto fucking die already?

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More accurately, I would say these types react to someone criticizing the status quo, which is typically right wing. These types are usually sheltered white guys who have had very few problems with the status quo because, well, they're white men.

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This is literally just commercial radio.

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You are conflating Internet service speed and mobile generations. I work for an ISP. I hear this all the time. Especially since there's also "5G WiFi" which is 5 GHz band. People confuse it all, and it's understandable but still annoying.

My company offers 1 Gbps service. No one is getting confused by that yet, but our modems have 2.5 Gbps Ethernet ports now, and I had a customer that was outraged the other day because "Your modem is only 2.5 G and all my devices use 5G! You need to send me a 5G modem!!" FFS

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Go to your local library and ask if they have audiobook borrowing through Libby or a similar platform! Not only are you NOT limited on listening hours, but it's free! You just might have to wait if all the "copies" are borrowed at the moment.

Also, if you have a cool library like I do, you might be able to borrow from multiple libraries. For example, my library card is for the St. Louis County Library, but it can also be used at the St. Charles County Library. So if I am looking for an audiobook on Libby, and SLCL has 3 virtual copies and they are all borrowed, I can search SCCL to see if they have any. I've had many situations where I'll find one library or the other will have a copy available for borrowing with no wait.

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Let's go 1:1 left and right violence. I'll go first, Dylan Roof, 2015, killed 9 and injured 1. Motivation: white supremacy/neo-nazi ideology.

Your turn.

Fast food.

The amount of fast food people eat in America is not normal.

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I like this answer, and had not considered it. Good insight. I knew people would have specific situations like certain parking areas or certain street parking, but I really wanted "general" answers, and this is a good one. Thanks.

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HBO should make him an offer. Pull him over to chill with John Oliver again like the good old days.

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Is it possible that there's a large overlap between idiots who are bad at driving and the type of people who buy Teslas?

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I pay monthly for access to a SOCKS5 proxy service from a company called BTGuard, and tell my BT client to connect through that. It is not expensive and works great I've been using it for about 12 or 13 years, and found it after getting an email from my ISP saying they identified me downloading TV shows. In that time, I have only had issues a handful of times. More reliable than most other services I pay for and I've never seen another DMCA notice since.

6 more...

I switched to pop os recently and I'm never going back to Windows. It's easier now than ever to switch to Linux, even for gamers. Steam, proton, and wine have made running your Windows apps and games in Linux so easy. You'd have to have a very specific use case to justify staying with Windows now.

Here's a fun one: I own two video capture devices, an Elgato HD 60 S and an Avermedia LiveGamer Portable 2. Both do not work in Linux. I found a simple USB HDMI capture device that works in Linux and cost a fraction of what thosmother overhyped ones cost me. It works way better than they ever did. That was one of my last adjustments. I can still stream my Switch and PS5 on Twitch, no problem.

That's a pretty niche use case and it was easy.

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It's the new "delete system32 to get better performance"

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This is disappointing. I was thinking of subscribing since I heard content creators got paid more per premium view, and $10 didn't seem like a bad price. But if this is the second price hike in a single year, that definitely gives me pause.

This is not the second price increase in a year. This was a misunderstanding on my part. I'm still uncertain on the $14 price point.

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Homeboy is tryna fuck and is communicating clearly and asking for interest/consent. Vulgar? Sure, but still a class act. I hope he got to hit it.

Young people are too busy trying to fucking survive in this economy to think about serving in government. The only people who can serve are the rich and elderly.

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I work for an ISP. I got you fam.

  • FBI VAN, FBI Surveillance Van, etc...
  • Pretty Fly For A Wi-Fi
  • Hidden Network
  • Get Your Own
  • No Internet Access
  • Net Schwifty
  • ITwimdy
  • Yell Fuck For Password
  • IP Freely
  • My WiFi Left Me
  • SS IDmedes
  • Deez Nutzwork

I can't think of more right now, but I see many every work week.

Use or

Battery pull was always a great way to unfuck a frozen phone

19 more...

These fucking cameras and all like them are the bane of my existence. I'm an ISP repair rep. People lose their fucking shit if they can't surveil their fucking house for 5 minutes. "The Internet is down! Reboot it!" "Are you at home too troubleshoot?" "No! But I can't see my fucking cat vomiting on my couch from work!!!" Jesus fucking Christ, your house will be there when you get home. Fuck

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I heard a blind person recently say on a radio program that the idea that blind people feel deprived and crave the ability to see is a weird concept dreamed up by seeing people.

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I didn't learn that shit. I got incredibly good at this level. It only took a few months.

Yes. Because I already take tech support calls/chats from them while working at an ISP. There was a very limited sweet spot where SOME kids became computer literate. Then smartphones happened. It's all been dumbed down again. People call the Internet "WiFi" and have little to no understanding of how anything works.

"I'm working from home on my MacBook Air!"

Absolute madness. Trust me. They're mostly very dumb already.

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Every day a billionaire wakes up and chooses to not improve the lives of millions of people is another day that they are choosing the be the scum of the earth.

Sense of humor is a very limited resource on here, I've found.

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