They're Usually Shredded Alive Rule :( to – 549 points –

They're usually shredded alive almost immediately because they're seen as "waste" since they don't lay eggs

For some more context:

Why the egg industry 'shreds' baby chicks alive (NSFL)


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I have been seeing a lot of animal abuse posts on here lately. I hadn't noticed 196 being like that in the past on here or Reddit. Is there a trend toward that for this community in general? I'm well aware of how fucked the industry is, but I also don't sub to this community for that. I am here for little gay people shit posting in my phone. These just make me sad. I can't personally do anything to stop this. I don't want to unsub, and there's not a great way to filter, unless it's all the same OP? :(

You can go vegan and stop giving these people money

this won't stop the fact it'll keep happening and keep making people sad

You sound like queer people in the 80s and 90s.

"What does it matter if one person accepts me? Won't change anything and it just bums me out."

Now, acceptance is the default position for most folk.

as a queer person in the now I do not think this is comparable, at all.

Well, as a queer vegan. Its really hard not to notice that bigots and carnists say the same sort of things.

"You're just trying to feel special." "It's unnatural, your gentials/teeth were evolved for a specific use". "Stop trying to convert kidsto your cult." "Queer/vegan people always think they are so enlighted."

But more to the point, defeatism is always an easy excuse to do nothing. But individual actions can have ripple effects through generations. Do you think that those at stonewall would expect an entire month celebrating their actions? Enough people making a choice not to support animal agriculture puts the concept out of business. Do I expect that or liberation soon? No. But it's gotten LIGHTYEARS better on both fronts in my own lifetime.

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Similar to recycling, the impact is small. There must be large systemic change. My adoption of a vegan diet, or my diligent recycling of aluminum and plastic, is a drop in the bucket.

Couldn't that logic be used against literally any good action? Like giving $100,000 to a malaria charity isn't going to stop malaria. If everyone thought like vegans, the world would be vegan, the climate crisis would almost entirely be averted, rivers swimmable, billions of animal lives saved each year.

If during your supermarket shop, you use vegan recipes instead, you'll be one of those dominos. You could be the systemic change!

The issue is how then do you get that systematic change? Governments are going to be extremely hard to convince to do anything as along as people expect to consume animal products en mass. It's going to have to start with individual action until systematic change is palatable

And with systematic action, it's still going to have to involve change in consumption in the end. Factory farming is pretty much the only thing that scales. Want to avoid it? We're going to need to see great drops in production and in turn consumption

The impacts of people taking action do add up. For instance, in Germany there's been declines in per capita meat consumption over the past decade

In 2011, Germans ate 138 pounds of meat each year. Today, it’s 121 pounds — a 12.3 percent decline. And much of that decline took place in the last few years, a time period when grocery sales of plant-based food nearly doubled.

Yeah, you should go vegan, and also post depressing memes on 196 that make all the carnists feel guilty. That'll have a bigger impact.

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I can't personally do anything to stop this.

You can always upvote or share a post like this to spread awaraness and hence maybe make people buy less eggs, or at least make them pause to think before they buy their next eggs.

"i don't want to see shit like this"

"you can upvote it so more people see shit like this as well"

thanks, very cool

Yes, so that maybe some day in the future this horrible shit is no more. Until then, get used to bumping into a thought provoking meme every now. The mild discomfort pales in comparison to the practice itself.

yeah i feel you. i don't think this would be better even if i were vegan (i'm not bc i think i would starve due to a number of dietary restrictions /allergies, but i cycle in the vegan food i can)

It might still not be popular to be vegan yet, but the movement is growing rapidly. It could be a symptom of a larger trend - that the injustices against non-human animals is too terrible to keep Ignoring.

Sometimes it just needs to be recognized that a problem isn't going to go away until we start doing the hard work of solving it together.

That also wasn't my point at all. I'm making no statement here about veganism. I'm saying 196 isn't a vegan activism community and these bummer posts are obnoxious.

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