3 Post – 172 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This reminds me of a similar joke:

Sharks can swim faster than humans. But humans can run faster than sharks. So in a triathlon, it all comes down to who can bike the fastest

This reminds me of the XBOX 720 memes from back in the day where the console was a sphere or some shit

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Oh hi Cody, looks like you're okay and there's nothing wrong with this situation

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Fucking sucks for immunocompromised people as well I'm sure

Icons without labels.

Just add a small label underneath. It's not hard. It makes your app way more usable. Please...

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As someone who makes websites for work, I agree

(great tit a type of bird)

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To be fair, they usually say which experts in the article. Just nobody reads the articles 🙈

I wouldn't say this is lazy devs, I would say it's tight deadlines and overwork that don't allow time for optimisation.

Remember, it's almost never the devs, and it's almost always the executives

Holy fuck

It's not a field worth getting into. AI will soon make you redundant

Years ago, I bought headphones that were ¼ of the price of the big name Bose and Sony's and provided at least ¾ the experience. When I wore them so much they eventually broke years later, I purchased some more from their website. Turns out they have been taking orders and haven't been delivering products. Their Facebook page still posts ads and the comments are people talking about how it was a scam. That's $170 dollars I won't get back. It's weird because I really liked their product and had no reason to think they would suddenly stop delivering. Very strange.

Brand is Cowin, by the way.

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I was like "why the fuck are they making me read these three whole sentences" but it was worth it

Wait that other person I saw was a real person and not an NPC?? 🤯

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Holding in poop. Beans. Antique memes. Those are the only trends I remember

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The amount of bonus a worker gets is based on the number of miles they complete each month.

I understand what they're trying to do, but this is just not equitable. You'd have to figure out how to handle this for people who cannot run (such as wheelchair users). This greatly favours those with more free time and less obligations (such as people with no kids). It favours those already in shape and those who have fewer health issues.

This will favour those who already have it better off, which is the opposite of equity.

Good idea in theory, but I don't like the model where it's applied based on output.

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Well it's taking its fucking time. It's been 28 years

I get what you're trying to say but anthropomorphic literally means "having form like a man" so it kind of just reads like "every animal made to resemble a human is some kind of animal-human hybrid"

I like aggressive cropping but this might be too cropped...

Yes it's an alternative for the same format, just minus Stephen Crowder. The post is saying that Stephen Crowder doesn't deserve to be the meme format and so uses Calvin instead

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Why complain on Steam? If I remember correctly, League of Legends is downloaded through its own installer and it's completely separate to Steam

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I love that last frame

I opened the article planning to dislike it, and I do dislike the man's voice (the woman's voice sounds quite good though), but then I thought about it. Sports announcers actually seem like a decent use for AI. I would imagine that it would be incredibly difficult to build decent announcers from pre-recorded voice lines... It's heavily context-dependent, and this way it can even read out the team names, which I imagine are chosen by the teams. I think this could possibly work well. I don't see how to create a system like this without AI

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She was his wife at the time but they've since divorced

I love fast zombies in video games.

Wouldn't like them in real life

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I have a steam deck but I also recently changed from Windows to Pop!_OS on my gaming rig. I'm very much enjoying it so far

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Guess who colonized whom...

It's me. I'm the one who forgot

I think she's trying to put them off to get them to stop staring. So the opposite of flirting. But it's not super clear

I've had this, too. Sometimes the videos are quite cool, but most of the time they're irrelevant or poorly made

Me too! I have a vague idea of who he is, but I'm purposefully not properly watching him because I enjoy pretending he's a cryptid of which I only get information in small drops

This looks like it's on a shirt.

I need this shirt.

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Oh yeah good spotting

it's pretty common to call twinks "half's"

That is a brilliant typo

My parents fell into conspiracy theories during the pandemic. My mum has been kind of conspiratorial for a while but kept it hush. My dad is very loud about it. They have entrenched themselves into the community. They live with several other people on their property who believe the same. They have attended anti-vax protests and have demonstrated. My dad shares this shit on Facebook all the time.

How has it changed me? I think it has improved my researching, scientific literacy, and critical thinking skills. Whenever they send things through, I go and look at the sources they provide. I have noticed a pattern. Whenever they use sciency sources, they are almost always:

  • misinterpreted
  • misrepresented (taken out of context)
  • or they outright lie about the contents of the source

The speed at which you can spread misinformation is much faster than the rate you can debunk it, so I don't do it so much to try to change their mind but more to learn about and keep informed on the science myself.

I don't know what to do. We are on good terms and I just try not to talk about it or ignore their remarks. I'm not good in real-time "debates"; I feel much more comfortable taking my time and writing responses or findings. My dad is also very assertive to the point of aggressiveness in real-time discussions, so I get a bit intimidated. Sometimes they surprise me with reasonable takes that remind me that they do actually have values.

Pretty sure it's mostly the one poster

But it says 'DD/MM/YYYY' just above the input field

EDIT: it's very possible that the input field library they use uses the American date format by default and they didn't change it...

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9.15 stars?!?! 😳

Many people know WinDirStat, but I think SpaceSniffer is better. It shows results in real time, unlike WinDirStat where you have to wait for it all to finish. And I think its interface is more intuitive. And it's free.

Here's SpaceSniffer's website, and the download link is in the last paragraph of text.

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They deserve it, honestly