What is your least favourite acronym?

thatsTheCatch@lemmy.nz to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 358 points –

Mine is OOO for Out Of Office. I always misread it in my head like a ghost and it takes me a few seconds to process. It also doesn't translate to speech—you have to say the whole thing.

Interested to see if others have similar acronyms they beef with.


Mtg. A lot of posts and articles use it for Marjory Taylor Green an it always confuses me, I keep trying to figure out what Magic the Gathering has to do with Jewish space lasers.

Tap to deal 5 damage to target creature or player, then add three recharge counters to Jewish Space Laser.

During the untap phase, if there are any recharge counters on Jewish Space Laser, instead of untapping remove one counter. Otherwise, untap as normal.

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As a kid, I was in the room at one point while my mom was watching some TV show, maybe law and order or something similar. I heard somebody letting somebody else know (verbally) the details of some victim and described the cause of injury or death or whatever as "GSW". I asked my mom what GSW meant. She said "gun shot wound". I said that that couldn't possibly be right, and she was curious why. I said because "gun shot wound" is 3 syllables and "GSW" is 5; it's literally quicker to say the full thing.

So yeah, GSW is fucking stupid when said aloud, and even me as a dumbass child knew that.

I guess it's faster to write, so people started to say it as well.

How often do You have to use the phrase "gun shot wound" in everyday speak? Found the American.

It was specifically in a police TV show, spare us the tried joke.

It's used a lot in law enforcement and certain medical environments like hospitals with trauma centers and morgues.

In law enforcement? Probably every day, yeah. The average person, surprisingly not all that often. In fact, law enforcement probably uses it hundreds of times a day, and more importantly writes and reads it hundreds of times a day, thus the acronym.

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Don't worry, I liked your post.

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GSW isn't an acronym as far as I'm concerned. It's an initialism. But it sure is stupid, I will say. Much faster to say it the "long" way.

I think you mean GSW IAAAFAICIAI

Given how many times people make this same initialism point, it’s time we made an acronym for it.

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POS I find very funny as I'm often working on Point-of-Sale equipment, and most of it is running Poorly Optimized Software, making the whole thing a Piece of Shit for the users.

Not an acronym though, but an initialism. Acronyms are said like a word, like CRISPR, initialisms aren’t, like ATM.

you're being pointlessly pedantic. Initialisms are also considered acronyms by most defimitions and by common use.

I don't think they're being pointlessly pedantic. I've been around POS systems and some people call it by the letters, P.O.S. & others by the acronym, sounding like "pause". Nobody assumes you're talking about a Piece of Shit when you say "pause". Also for OOO ("oooh") vs O.O.O., which doesn't roll off the tongue, but you don't sound like Casper.

Now, being pointlessly pedantic, I find it interesting to think that if we continue to use the word acronym for initialisms, then the word acronym will actually be initialisms! English is weird!

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Oh shit. TIL. Also, I guess TIL is not an acronym then lol.

Speaking of ATM, am I the only one that defaults this to "ass to mouth", before realizing they mean asynchronous transaction machine?

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I used to get a kick out of that at my super market because the brand of machine was "RealPOS" adding one more thing to poke fun at.

For years I had no idea Point of Sale was a thing, and always thought people were talking about systems they hated as pieces of shit.

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I hate all acronyms that aren't defined.

You see it constantly in gaming communities. Ah, yes, the game "AC." You know the one.

Assassin's Creed? Animal Crossing? Armored Core? Ace Combat?

You know tf2? The beloved multiplayer game with great lore that still got hundreds of thousands of players more than a decade after its release even though the devs mostly abandoned it and it got overrun by bots? No, the other one.

Titanfall 2 always interested me but after the first one didn't have a campaign I kind if never took at look at it until someone recently told me the second one had a campaign

The second one not only has a campaign, it's one of, possibly the single best campaign to be included in a first person shooter, ever. Short, but extremely memorable.

I don't remember it. BUT I do remember the feelings of being amazed by it.

Titanfall 2’s campaign is very good… I’m not sure if I would call it the “single best campaign to be included in a first person shooter ever” and I feel like that might be overselling it a little bit, but maybe not? I think the main thing that gives me pause is that while it’s great, it still feels a little weirdly like it’s tacked onto a multiplayer game (I think it’s the fact that there’s kind of a huge selection of weapons to the point that it’s a little hard to keep track of and stuff), and I didn’t think the story was all that interesting.

That said… If I’m being perfectly honest, I’m not really sure what campaign I would consider to be better, and Titanfall 2 has at least one very high point! The story isn’t particularly amazing, but I’m not sure if any first person shooter has a particularly fantastic story… Hell, the more I think about it lately the less sure I am that any game has a particularly good story (though maybe “video game story” is just kind of its own category and can’t really be compared to novels or anything else).

I think Half-Life 2 and its episodes are what I think of most immediately when I think of “best single player FPS campaign” and I feel like the lore in Half-Life has a bit of a more interesting mysterious vibe to it… But there’s sort of not much to the story either (kind of intentionally, I guess). I’d also be unsurprised if somebody thought Titanfall 2 was better than Half-Life 2.

In sum… HMMMM. Food for thought! Saying Titanfall 2 has the best single player campaign in a FPS feels wrong to me… but I’m actually not sure I disagree with that take. I think lately I’ve also been having a hard time enjoying first person shooters too. I like them, but I guess the violence is starting to seem kind of dull these days :/.

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Just to be “that guy” I wanted to say that an acronym is technically an initialism that you pronounce as a word, like SCUBA, LASER, or NASA. If it’s just letters that stand for something, it’s called an initialism. No one cares (not even me), but I had to say it :P

Most acronyms that have a W in them are pointless to say aloud in English. It’s almost always shorter to just say the words. Like WTF, for example. Those are my least favorite

Oh and YMMV. I used to work with car data and we would use YMMB to mean “year/make/model/body” and so I always start reading YMMV wrong and that bugs me

I care, but mostly because it's fun. Just like apparently there's no such thing as a fish, and that fruits are vegetables...

I thought vegetables weren’t a botanical classification?

Today I learned that laser is an acronym. "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation"

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Don’t have a least favourite.

But my favourite is WYSIWYG has been mine for 20 years now, it’s so fun to say.

It stands for “What You See Is What You Get” and was used for visual editing programs where you could move things around and the final product would reflect that.

For those who don't know, much of the reason WYSIWYG is so fun is because the accepted pronunciation is "whizzy-wig"!

As a term it rarely gets used any longer, because "visual editors" are now the norm, where once they were the rarity.

Before visual editors, you'd have content on a screen like a document which you could only see how it would actually look by physically printing it onto a piece of paper. This is because the printer itself knew about fonts and paper size and all that, and the editor didn't.

Nowadays even with technically non-WYSIWYG editors like markdown text you can still instantly preview the rendered output on screen, so there isn't as much need to call it out as a feature.

WYSIWYG is also pretty common these days for tabletop gaming, with regard for models using the rules for whatever weapons or equipment they are actually holding. This came around as often people build the model one way (e.g. with a machine gun) before a rule change, after which they want to use the better rules without re-doing the model (e.g. with a flamethrower).

And designing graphical UIs and having the tool generate skeleton code for you. Good times.

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It's infuriating to read all the comments without explanations what said acronym means.

IANAL but you should RTFM because PEBKAC.

(IANAL is my favorite ever acronym because it's funny dammit... I was just looking for an excuse to sneak it in somewhere in this thread. RTFM is a fine acronym but I have such a negative association with it because it's almost exclusively used by assholes. PEBKAC is just an elitist acronym whenever not used ironically.)

And still this MF (Mother Fucker) doesn't write what any of it stands for.

IANAL - I am not a lawyer

RTFM - Read the fucking manual

PEBCAK - Problem exists between chair and keybord

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I, also, ANAL.

Totally agree on RTFM, I almost exclusively see it used by people who really need to put you down to feel adequate. Same thing with the assholes who answer a question with a LMGTFY (let me Google that for you) link, who think they’re clever but have entirely missed the point of asking for input from actual humans.

I don’t know PEBKAC and I’m kind of afraid to look it up.


Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.

Like that time my uncle told me his laptop wasn't charging and I discovered that he'd plugged a phone charger into the headphone socket.

Also occasionally PICNIC for problem in chair, not in computer.

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Every time that I see this acronym I'm tempted to pronounce it as ['rʲefkas], then I remember "ah, it isn't Cyrillic".

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PEBKAC is just an elitist acronym whenever not used ironically.

Nah, that's IT people venting due to the overpopulation of (L)users.

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My least favorite is IANAL (no pun intended), my favorite is RTFM, I use it a lot!

BofA is ugly but it's mainly a US thing, no one else uses it.

I can only read it as "I Anal" and the teenage boy in me giggles and I forget what I am reading.

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IWPITTWAWOTAFTTDNKTY (I wish people in this thread would also write out the acronym for those that do not know them yet)

Do you remember before we had usb devices, our laptops had credit-card-sized PCMCIA slots?

I love that word. What's it mean? People can't memorise computer industry acronyms. ;-)

Oh wow! I knew about TWAIN (technology without an interesting name), but that takes the cake!

Another real acronym with a funny story (maybe only to old geeks like me) is STONITH.

Back when "high availability" meant two servers with shared storage and a "heartbeat" network connection, if one of the servers failed, the second one would notice there was no more heartbeat from the first and pick up the traffic so users would never know.

However, if the servers lost the network connection, there'd be no way to tell if the other server was still running and if both continued accessing the shared storage, they could corrupt the application data. So each server could take over if it noticed the other wasn't available by executing STONITH (Shoot The Other Node In The Head) basically sending a power down signal to the PDU, making sure the other node couldn't corrupt data.

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Norway has a weird obsession with making translated acronyms for well established terms. Lately, after many years of use of "AI", the Language Council decided that the term should be changed to "KI", as that is the "correct" Norwegian acronym. Not only does it feel wrong to say, but it invades another local acronym for me.

To top it of, that council decided to make "KI-generated" the "word of the year", which seems like a pat on their own shoulder to brilliantly making the acronym.

I hate it.

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FTW. For years I thought it meant "Fuck The What". Even now that's the first thing that comes to mind and have a hard time remembering the actual meaning.

There's also FTFY, which I thought was a way of throwing offence at the topic and the person that brought it up

I've been told what it means yet every time I see it my brain goes "for the...." and I can't figure out the last 2 letters. And I have to look it up to be reminded that it means "fixed that for you". But every time I forget and I have to look it up again.

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After "fuck the what" it started to mean "For the win". What else is it supposed to be?

What else is it supposed to be?

  • fear the whales - because sharks are not enough.
  • ferry the warriors - how else will they reach Hades?
  • fuck the West - yes, I had to politicise this.
  • feed the woodpeckers - hipster version of granny throwing popcorn to the pigeons.
  • feel the wetness - this is sounding like porn already.
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Fuck the world.

But it's normally For the win?

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FMLA. I start reading it as fuck my life before realizing it’s the family and medical leave allowance. So much hinges on that extra A.

fuck my life anally

now i've ruined it for you permanently

I always read ofc as "of fucking course" it makes no sense to include the f.

"ofc" doesn't stand for "of fucking course"

edit this was supposed to have a question mark:

"ofc" doesn't stand for "of fucking course"?

This reminds me of OOF: Out of Office. Like with automated email replies.

Shouldn't it be OOO? But nope, it's OOF.

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Wow I always just assumed I was the only one who did this! Greetings, fellow of fucking course'er.

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Had an old colleague who kept abbreviating 'follow up' as 'f/up.'

"Yeah we should be okay, I'll f/up on that later today."

"Hey are you able to f/up on this?"

"Hey, I f/uped with our boss today on our issue."

I learned this as medical short hand back before electronic medical records were everywhere. Except I used f/u instead of f/up. This phrase went in almost every single case note every day so I used the short hand A LOT. It still sneaks into my writing sometimes.

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My favorite is GIF cause we all agree how it's pronounced, no confusion there. If you think it's said the other way you are wrong and very stupid.



If anyone can come up with a word that starts with GIF that uses the J sound I'd be happy to learn what it is, but all the GIF words I can think of use the G sound.

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SQL when pronounced as sequel. Squall or even squirrel would have been nicer imo

Their original product was called SEQUEL. Structured English Query Language. They got sued by a company called sequel so changed it to SQL, but everybody still calls it sequel.

oh cool. my dislike for it was out of ignorance as often the case. thanks for letting me know

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Ive worked with tons of DB devs and admins. Nobody really seems to care. A bunch of us say "sequel" and a bunch of us say "ess cue ell", even in the same answer-and-response in a conversation and nobody seems to bat an eye. You'll get a comment or a smirk if you say "squirrel" or "squeal", but that's about it.

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I'll pile on an list FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). It's dumb as both a concept and acronym. Though sadly, it's also quite a successful marketing tactic.

How is it dumb as a concept? Is it not a way to describe human nature?

What's the marketing meaning? I only know about the psychological effect of feeling anxious when disconnected or not taking part to an event.

Triggering that anxiety to sell you stuff. Seasonal or promotional things and big sales are usually aimed at taking advantage of fomo.

Using that feeling to get people to spend money on stuff they don't need (clothes, micro transactions, unnecessarily replacing electronics, etc.)

GUI. Stop sounding it out as gooey it makes me uncomfortable.

Someone had recently named their newly minted GUI toolkit as "gooey". I was thinking of trying to talk them out of it because imagine the confusing conversations. Then I thought more about my decision and decided to spend my time on more productive tasks.

There is nothing more productive than arguing with people over software names.

Same. All through school and in University, lecturers and professors called it G.U.I., then when I entered the workforce, managers were saying "gooey", I was so confused, I didn't know what they meant and I couldn't take them seriously when they said it.

Now 15 years later, I still cringe when people say "gooey", I deliberately make an effort to say "G.U.I." in an effort to correct them.

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CAPTCHA is pretty bad, apparently it’s Completely Automated Public Turing-test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

Source: http://www.captcha.net/

Edit: I also dislike www, it’s annoying to say 👎

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Related, OOP for Out Of Pocket. In software, its Object Oriented Programming. My programming lead uses the first meaning in email frequently

Also where did this pocket crap come from? Are you ever in a pocket? What's going on with that?

I've seen speculation (though I don't currently have a source available) that "out of pocket" in that sense is intended to reflect that the subject is uncontrollable or not manageable. Which actually originally surprised me because it implies a connection between "out of pocket" (in the sense of unavailable) and "in the pocket" (as in, controlled by or heavily influenced by an outside entity; "that politician is in the pocket of Big Oil").

I also have this sneaking suspicion in the back of my mind that I've heard "out of pocket" used in a film, maybe by a spy or secret service agent referring to a VIP not being where they're supposed to be, but that's also something I don't have links about. It would fit in with the above concept, though.

So maybe the middle managers who use that shorthand are trying to sound like loose cannons and suave people of intrigue, when really they're just dropping off their dry cleaning or something similarly mundane? "You can't control me during this time, I'll be at my 7-year-old's ballet recital!"

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ETA, but not the estimated time of arrival that everyone knows.

The ETA that Tumblr and XX chromosomes made popular that actually means Edited to add...

Rather than just Edit: or E:.

But it means I added something!... Right... That's literally the definition of edit... Blood is thicker than the water of the womb too right? Lmfao.

I agree that it's stupid to reuse something as common as ETA, but 'edit' does not necessarily imply addition.

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iYKYK. Took me forever to figure out what it means.

It’s basic logical notation.

if YK, then YK

Some will ask what YK is. But it doesn’t matter! The statement is true.

I have seen nerdy programming groups type yk->yk but that might be unique to my group.

MVP. It means two things, both are polar opposites. Absolute bare minium product, or most valuable player / product.

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I'm going to answer the opposite question. My favorite acronym is TLA (three letter acronym)because it mocks the whole system.

I also love OOO specifically because it is ghosty.

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NAMBLA. Those chuckle fucks at the North American Man/Boy Love Association really made it difficult for us members of the North American Marlon Brando Look-Alikes.

Absolute freak show of an organisation. (Theirs, not yours.) The first time I read about it I thought it was onion-level satire but, sadly, it wasn’t…

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CRISPR is neither a refrigerator compartment or a Nestle candy bar

i18n I know it's not technically an acronym but what a fucking obscure way to write a word that's going to be constantly around non-english speakers. All the other ones in this family are also quite obnoxious but i18n is especially awful.

Never heard of that one, what is it and when would it be used?

Internationalization, basically making your thing accessible in other languages and cultural customs (like twelve and a half being 12,5 and anything related to fucking dates).

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FFS. As in, for fucks sake, we all know it's FFS?!

Edit: sorry, drunk after work and reread the question. FFS is my fav.

Final Fantasy Seven

I spend so much time in trans spaces online that it took me a second to realize you weren't being an ass to people who've had FFS (facial feminization surgery)

After 20 years in EMS, (see how it starts immediately - Emergency Medical Services), The whole bloody damned field is nothing but acronyms for as far as the eye can see.

From BPM - Beats per minute, to ABC - Airway, Breathing, circulation, (which today is more like ACB - Airway, Circulation, Breathing) to OPQRST - Onset, provoke/pallation, Quality, Region/Radiation, Severity, Time to A-Fib - Atrial Fibrillation to SOB - Shortness of Breath.

I hate them all........

Is there a way to say OPQRST that isn't just reading each letter? Because if not then that is a mouthful

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ATM. Friends use it for 'at the moment', but all I see is ass-to-mouth.

Me and my small group of friends used it to be "ಆಯಿತು ತಿಕ ಮುಚ್ಚು" as a comeback for anything and everyone. It means "ok shut your ass" in my language.

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PICNIC. problem in chair, not in computer.

Ha, I always knew this concept as PEBKAC - problem exists between keyboard and chair.

I do kinda like saying "the actual issue was a PICNIC."

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SMH so much hate

I thought that was Shaking My Head..? Similar uses, I guess. But if it's as you say, I may stop using.

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obscure corporate jargon like KPIs (key performance indicators), KRIs (key risk indicators) which, after having thrown them at me during an interview for a college intern position, made the interviewer wonder why i got so flustered. i would hesitate to throw any acronyms around in any interview, let alone for a college student.

by the way, i got the internship. the acronyms weren't even used in my position.

I had an interview for an internship at an engineering company. They sort of forgot they were interviewing for an internship, or they unconsciously framed it as a job interview.

At some point they were like “Well besides a fascination with transportation and an ability to learn quickly, what would you actually bring the team?”

And I said “Not much. I’m a college sophomore”

They laughed and I got the internship. Great company.


Prison lingo. Acronym for 'Game Ain't Based On Sympathy," first heard in the Louis Theroux documentary "Miami Mega Jail".

Louie: Don't... don't you feel sympathy for that person? For that other inmate you extorted?

Inmate: GABOS, man... GABOS.

Not me but my spouse hates recursive ones, like GNU. Hates them so much, active vocal expressions of dislike. Anyways the setting I'm making is filthy with recursive acronyms for no reason.

I hate those too, it just feels like whoever make them is like "hehe I'm SOOOOO clever hehe" but it's not clever. It's confusing and dumb lol.

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not an acronym, but 'Est.' as in 'Established xyz'. i read it as 'Ever Since The/Time'

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YWNBAM/YWNBAW. Besides being transphobic (it's short for 'you will never be a man/woman'), I always automatically attempt to read/pronounce acronyms as if they were words, and this one sounds really stupid.

Yikes, I've never seen these ones before but I hope they're confined to the back alleys of the internet and you don't see them too much

I hate "lol" as punctuation. If you're legitimately laughing out loud, fine. But, I really hate:

"can I show u something lol"

"I gave it to David lol"

See, I feel like I have to do it to show some levity, since tone doesn't come across through text.

There's a big difference if you're talking with a friend about something stupid they did, and saying "You're such an idiot lol" and "You're such an idiot." One is teasing them, the other is chastising them.

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"www" for World Wide Web has always bugged me. World Wide Web is three syllables, WWW is nine.

I've even heard people say "Double-yoos dot", and even that compressed version is still more syllables than the full thing.

I have a weird thing where I'll know an acronym that's close to another one, confuse the two, and come up with a new acronym that doesn't exist or make sense, but it "works" and then the rest of the context is just off.

The latest victim of this is "Assigned Cis At Birth"

Now that that's out in the world, I'm sorry that someone else is going to do the same thing...

I do the same thing. My brain kept misinterpreting ACAB for a while and usually slotted in "cat" for some reason until I figured out what it meant

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I spent a few moments trying to figure out why anyone would need “Assigned Cis At Birth” as an acronym, since it seems…redundant. Then I figured out what you meant.

For me this one is “ofc” which people use to mean “of course” but my brain always says “of fucking course.”

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IKR required a search to figure out. Autocorrect takes care of these typical phrases. Imo the only one I like to use is imo for some reason.

I hate LFG because gamers can't agree on how to spell it or what it means... Sometimes it's spelled LFP, LFF or LFM... And sometimes it means "Looking for Guild".

Isnt LFM looking for member? Like if you have part of a group already together and just need a healer lets say. I'd say its different than LFG which in my mind is a player looking for a group

It does sometimes mean that though it's more common to see it as just trying to assemble a group. If you're looking for more you'll usually use something like LF1M, LF2M etc...

That's not the experience I have. People will be scolded in chat for using LFM when they have no party already.

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Like all of them, I never remember what they mean and there are some people at work who love to use em. It just makes meetings take longer and emails become less legible.

ICYMI (in case you missed it) and IYKYK (if you know, you know) which frequently get crossed in my head

One that always confuses me is MSM. For over 40 years it has been used to mean "Men who have sex with men", but recently conservatives started using it to mean "mainstream media" and its sometimes hard to tell which of their hates they are talking about. MSM is still widely used in the medical community when discussing/classifying patients and in the ongoing AIDS epidemic.

FLOSS; only because I can only pronounce the second word as leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeber.

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Either FR or PFP. "FR" just feels like another filler word. PFP... I'm too used to calling them "avatars", it just feels wrong and superfluous. I'm probably aging myself here.

Im with you on that one. I dunno where PFP came from, but it always strikes me as weird to call it that. I would just call it an avatar.

Nothing can beat the baseball stat TOOTBLAN

Thrown Out On The Basepaths Like A Nincompoop